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9 years ago
There is a transcript out somewhere. It's something like 80 pages long. I read the whole thing, it was heartbreaking. I'm highly visual and don't have an ounce of patience to listen to podcasts, although I've forced myself to listen to a few.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I've seen this making the rounds on Facebook. It wasn't until a TBM friend emailed me the article that I got annoyed. The article is the usual annoying TBM drivel of why people leave - they want to sin, are being lazy, not trying hard enough etc etc. I gave her a piece of my mind and rebutted point for point all of the "lessons" he'd learned.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
1.the internet 2.the internet 3.the internet 4.the internet 5.the internet
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
For real dude. Malarkey? This has got to be a joke. Actually, I think the joke's on the believers who bought this book.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I didn't study my way out. So many things we were taught didn't make sense, so many grandiose claims, the main one being this is the one and only true church on the face of the church, I just decided the church wasn't true and that I was out (that's the short version, it took years of questions and doubts before I decided it couldn't possibly be true). It wasn't until I came here that I learne
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
This was a big item on my shelf. We paid THOUSANDS in tithing yearly, yet as a ward we got chump change back. As Enrichment counselor, I got a generous $150 for the WHOLE YEAR to run all of my activities on. Really made me wonder what was being done with all that money.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I feel like I escaped. I know it sounds trite to say it, but I feel like facing and confronting the illogical things about Mormonism, all those pesky little (and big) items on the shelf, took a lot of strength. It's hard to force yourself to examine and confront difficult doctrine and dogma when ALL YOUR LIFE you've been told to trust the prophet, have faith, not follow the ways of the world, thi
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
True story. My daughters babysit for Mormons and non Mormons. The nomos are far easier. One to two kids as opposed to 4-5, pay is better, house is neat. One of the nomos pays nearly $12 an hour for her one kid, plus buys my daughter take out (which dd told her she didn't need to do anymore after the first time. She nearly felt guilty because babysitting their one kid for $12 an hour was so much e
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
OMG, only in Utah. She would never get anyone to watch her kids out here. The going rate here is $10 and up. You offer $5 an hour and you'll get laughed at. Not to mention a night in.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Eh, I don't believe in sky daddy, so I guess that makes me an atheist. It doesn't define who I am, it's just a quick, useful way to explain my view should I be asked. To me, atheist simply means not believing in a god/gods.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Oh, this is heartbreaking to read. Sometimes I have days where think the church isn't that bad, then I'm reminded that it's culty and damaging. We were married civilly first (not "worthy" to go to the temple, you see), then we were sealed as a family years later. So, my first wedding was rife with guilt and feelings of inferiority, and my second was filled with thoughts of WTF?? For
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Exodus, I think we're twins sometimes. I've been out about a year and I mostly feel normal. It helps that 1. I escaped with my whole immediate family 2. I live far from the Morridor (east coast) 3. My parents were converts so I don't have any extended TBM family to deal with 4. I was always somewhat of a reluctant mormon (losing Christ and the fairytale happily ever after was very difficult t
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I was just telling dh the other day that the further out you get, the more absurd it all seems. It's absurd to the point of being laughably stupid. I feel embarassed that I believed it.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
It's so funny isn't it? As a TBM you think you're being inspiring and an example to all. As an ex (or nevermo)you look at that crap and just think it's embarrassing and crazy.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
That's so weird. That sounds worse than those TBMs who go to the temple on their family vacation.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
40, and took our 3 teens with us.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
What was Sunday morning like? Shitty. Trying to get myself and 3 kids fed and dressed and out the door by myself for years and years (because dh had more important things to do like go to the meetings). I'd arrive at church frazzled and angry before it even started. Dh would look over at me and ask me how the morning went, at which time I'd shoot daggers out of my eyes at him and hiss "don't
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Probably it looked fine in the mirror, but then in real life her Gs sagged down and her skirt rode up. Damn garments.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
They should have little travel sizes, around an ounce or so each. Great way to try lots of different alcohols. Fireball whiskey is delicious. Taste JUST like a fireball.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Exactly. You might as well debate with a fence post. The fence post is not moving and neither is he.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
What I'm attempting to get at (and not very well) is that I DO believe men and women generally have different proclivities and emotions from each other. I mean yes, men and women feel the same emotions and all that, but we are different from each other in biological ways, not just anatomical ways, and with that comes different ways of thinking, interests, and approaches.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I love how you've said this. I have a problem with the word "feminist". I think we should be lobbying for equal rights (of course), equal respect, equal stature/respect for our roles in life. Men and women are different; different ways of thinking, different emotions, etc. I think this is downplayed in the "feminist" agenda. It's hard to articulate exactly what I'm thi
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
We did FHE in fits and spurts. Our kids liked it because we made it fun and had treats, but it was hard to keep up with and we'd have it on average a handful of times a year. And yes, I felt guilty about not doing it every week.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My kids are teen but I definitely would not have used it as a surveillance tool. We never held Christmas presents over their heads as an incentive for good behavior.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I don't really care for any kids, any ages, anymore. Babies and toddlers drive me nuts with their incessant noise and nonstop needs, teens get on my nerves with their drama and emotions. That said, I do like well behaved kids. I like my nieces and nephews in small doses, I secretly groan when asked to babysit for the day (thankfully rarely). Funny thing is I used to LOVE kids. I was parti
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I'm Free, by Soup Dragons I'm free to do what I want any old time I said I'm free to do what I want any old time I say love me, hold me Love me, hold me 'Cause I'm free to do what I want To be what I want any old time And I'm free to be who I choose To get my booze any old time That's a fun upbeat song. There are other darker songs too. "Dear God" by XTC is a classic, hav
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Copyright law is not black and white. There are many different ways to interpret it. Playing music of a classical with new arrangement in church? Not a problem as long as the sheet music was purchased, not scanned and handed out. Playing the same music for a CD recording? Better check with your lawyer first. The difference is profit vs not for profit. For a performance, playing sheet music is fin
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I hear that back in medieval times if a mason tried to pass himself off as a higher skilled mason than what he was, the punishment was death. They weren't fooling around with their livelihood. Thus the death penalties in the Masonic rituals, which Joseph ripped off, along with everything else.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
This too for me, exactly. I never realized that for all I was trying to NOT be judgemental of people, I was. You really can't help it, as a mormon, because you're taught so many things are a sin. The guilt was a tremendous burden that was lifted after I left, and I'm not one to beat myself up over stuff. I feel badly for current Mormons, because they don't realize how much guilt they're c
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Totally agree with ca girl. I'm still marveling at how much nicer (and longer) the weekends are. I still feel a sort of freedom every time I drink a cup of coffee. We have more free time and less stress as a family. My mind feels free as well. Still, I can't say that all of this is a positive outcome of Mormonism. It's like a wrongfully imprisoned person being set free, and feeling that rush
Forum: Recovery Board