Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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13 years ago
Don't forget Promise. The fear and guilt are all justified by the promise of eternal salvation, or not burning if you pay your tithing, or seeing your loved ones again. Without the promises the fear and guilt wouldn't work. This is my screen name because I feel it is the basis of all who want to control. These kind of people and organizations or religions and cults sicken me.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Several hundreds of thousands of dollars of fire and smoke damage repair is nothing compared to the 38million dollar fire and water fountain feature at City Creek Center.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
We stopped going to church three months before my youngest turned 8. She received some pressure from other girls her own age that were getting baptized wondering why she wasn't. We received pressure from both sets of TBM parents with my DH hearing from his father that he was taking his family to hell by not going to church. Wow, just typing it gives me stress! Anyway, I remembered once in a Pr
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
It's also interesting that people that buy into the MLM hype also buy into conspiracy theories, FDA is bad, government is bad, must have guns to protect yourself and your food storage. One of the most interesting MLM's my mom tried to get me into was one back in the early 90's. According to the founder of the then MLM Food Storage Business, a big earthquake was on its way and the need to purchase
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Once you learn that Santa Clause isn't real, you can't go back to believing in him again.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Mormons and Pyramid schemes go hand in hand. I grew up in a home where my TBM mother bounced from one scheme to another, Tons of overpriced herbal 'whole foods' capsules, diet powders & liquids, magic tinctures and oils, long distance calling cards, trace mineral dirt and colloidal silver. The list goes on and on. All the products or services in a pyramid scheme are simply to make the pyramid
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
My MIL in her 80's once said you only remove one leg from the garments when having sex. I don't know that it was actually taught in church or just her idea, but my DH and I coined the term-- One Legger's It was fun to look around the congregation and giggle at who we thought were One Legger's. Then we'd always say to each other, "We're going to burn in Hell." But laugh it off.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
The Morg controls the minds of its members with fear, guilt and promise. I lived a life of fear and guilt with the hope of eternal promises for 36yrs until my already apostatizing DH gave me the fruit of which I did partake and my eyes were opened. We left the church together unaware of how difficult the detoxification process would be. A lifetime of fear and guilt is not recovered from overn
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
"I'd like to bury my testimony" and "I know Joseph Smith wrote the book of mormon" What can you say but, 'out of the mouths of babes'
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Apostasy's been good for us also. Right off the bat we got an extra day off a week and a 10% raise =) Then we made a smooth transition into a great job. Our web based business has tripled since we left and shock upon all shock, I still get great ideas and 'inspiration' that flood regularly into my head even though I don't follow the 'word of wisdom'. That's not supposed to happen. (cog dis) I
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Another great talk by Elder Nelson took place in 1992. He is speaking to new mission presidents and quotes David Whitmer's account of how the BoM was translated using a seer stone in a hat. As far as I can tell, he is the only Apostle to tackle this topic.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
"Brigham was cleaver enough to imitate Joseph’s voice after he died and play upon the superstitions of the frightened and irrational majority." This along with other mormon stories are considered folklore. Check it out. Especially the one about the miracle of the gulls.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
I got a good laugh from frontal lobotomy's 14. But the Fascism 14 are just down right scary. They fit TSCC perfectly, almost as if the church tailor-made the 14 fundementals to match the fascist 14! Do TBM's even realize how similar these all are? Of course, the answer is no.
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Wow, Yochanan E Paul's words describe the mormon church perfectly. Especially v.25 Thanks for helping us out here!
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
Very funny! Before we dumped the Morg my DH worked for Melaleuca in the call center. He speaks Spanish (from his mission). Nothing quite like seeing greed upfront and center. There probably won't ever be a commercial like this because reality isn't so inviting. It's better to seduce unknowing newbies with a false sense of goodness and normality. Drinking tea-- My mom drinks all sorts of 'h
Forum: Recovery Board
13 years ago
There was a woman in my ward that was a gold mine of entertainment. One time she bore her testimony of how the Lord kept her freezer full. She prayed to the Lord before bed that she would be able to feed her family but the freezer was empty. When she awoke, it was full of meat. A true testament that her prayers had been answered. What really happened was her son and his buddies had poached an
Forum: Recovery Board