Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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9 years ago
They are the most righteous. (obviously!) The Lord blesses the righteous with money. Don't you remember the Nephites and the Lamanites? When the Nephites followed the commandments they were blessed with money and worldly things. (Which started the pride cycle!) It made so much sense when I was on the inside. . .
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Even if you saw him drinking it while smoking a cigarrette and screwing a cat, it's not cool to tattle.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Good thing they all have God's protection. (Unless they're being called on spirit world missions. . .)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Oh, the mental gymnastics I had to undergo to have that make sense to me as a TBM! The "know-it-alls" in Sunday School and EQ would always tout their knowledge and make it seem so simple but to me it just never made sense!!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I loved that story! Thanks for sharing. It brought back a flood of emotions from my own mission.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My mom taught me that Emma was an elect lady but went off the deep end after Joseph died. She'll still be saved in the Celestial Kingdom because of Joseph. I think she thinks the same thing about me now. (I've gone off the deep end, too!) Too bad I don't have Joseph Smith to save me. :(
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
All I can say is WOW!! Thanks for all the pick-me-ups!! It's so nice to have a place to come to where people have had the same struggles and understand where you're coming from. China can be really lonely. I have my coworkers but only 2 others speak english. (My 20-something yr-old female assistant and one of the other employees.) My wife has the branch that offers the "friendships"
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
It's been a while since I've posted. I've mainly just lurked for the past couple of months. I thought I'd fill y'all in on what's been going on. . . I'm currently living in China with my TBM wife and kids. I left the church last April and it has been a roller coaster ever since. We went back to the states (moridor) and to Canada last month for Chinese New Year. I finally came out to my extend
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Welcome to the board! (and I'm so sorry that in the next life and throughout all eternity you'll be known as Japheth! Really???
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
We lived in Layton until last year. I was TBM at the time. (EQP Yippee!) The ward I was in had about 3 non-mormon families in our boundaries and probably the same amount of inactives. Completely fake! Total stepford wives. Totally CRAZY!! I lived in a new housing development on the west side.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I grew up in a non-LDS area (thank God!) I think about what the girls wore to those dances. How dare they try to enforce the crazy LDS belief system on others. There is no way these rules would fly in any other part of the country.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Congratulations!! These types of posts make me so happy!! May you have a lifetime of true happiness!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I shared this with my TBM dad. He retorted by saying "I am getting myself in deep water insinuating that I know what the Holy Ghost feels like and others don't, but I think there is a difference in that emotion. There is the feeling that brings you to tears when your child does something wonderful and you are so proud of them. Then there is the tears and emotions you feel when you have been
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
That name sounds right. . . I tried searching for it but it still pulls up no posts. I'm almost certain it's him. Has anyone heard anything from him?
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I sure hope broken1 is doing better. The TSCC sure messes with people's lives!! It's so sad :( I checked out the previous posts and didn't find any others from him/her so I don't think it's the poster I'm looking for. . .
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
So, several months ago (4-6) there was a man who posted pretty regularly about his leaving the church. In so doing, he lost his wife, kids, pretty much everything. The last post I remember him posting was pretty sad and alluded to suicide. I've looked all over trying to remember his screen name. Does anyoned know who I'm referring to? I've thought a lot about him and want to know that he's O
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
It used to be the worst day of the week for me! Sunday was my only day off. We would get up at 7 or 7:30 and run around crazy all morning yelling at kids to get up and get dressed. We would be out the door at 8:30 to catch the subway. We would ride for 2 hours while trying to keep the kids off the floor. Freaking out if they got dirty or if their hair got messed up. Once at church, we would
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Once this smokin hot daughter of Brigham Young knew how it felt to be a sex object, she spent her next life as a G.A. fighting the evils of pornography and masterbation!!! (I think that takes it full circle!)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
How did this EVER make sense to me?? NEVER!! I remember a lesson given in primary 30 years ago. They put up a long string with a knot in it. They said the string went on forever in both directions. The knot represented earth life. The decisions we made on that little dot will determine the rest of eternity. I'm all for kharma but taking a test when you have no memory of the eternity of stu
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I love this forum!! Thanks for the links and advice. I know that odds aren't really in our favor but there are couples out there who make it. I'm still willing to fight for her but just don't know how long I can hold on. . .
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I came out to my wife 7 months ago. To say it was devastating to her is a complete understatement. We live in China. Church is a huge ordeal. It's a total of 7 hours every Sunday. We have to hire a driver to take the kids to activities during the week. My TBM DW is a counselor in the RS. When she has meetings it's an all-day event. I haven't been to church since April (except to listen to
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
The church must be true!! What do people who aren't mormon do? They must just die? We need to send the missionaries so they can get blessings too! YIKES!!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I'm so confused!!! How can that be? Coffee is BAD! Don't try to run anywhere because you might become weary. Walking might even make you faint. Be careful!!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I was reading Yahoo news this morning and felt that nice, warm, tingly feeling of the Spirit. I'd just like to bear my testimony that I know that transgendered children were born that way, that the new Bewitched series on NBC will be a huge success, and that alcohol was truly attributed to Elizabeth Pena's death. I know this with every fiber of my being. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I think my family will use it as ammo against me. "See, the church is being transparent. It has nothing to hide. Polygamy was inspired of God. Blah. Blah. Blah." Can't wait for FB messages to be sent my way!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Once I took the crazy hat off last April it seems like this topic is getting a lot of coverage from "the Brethren". I don't remember Conference talks about it. (Let alone "Themes of Conference")
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My TBM Mom posted this on her Facebook from Henry Eyring. . ."Human judgment and logical thinking will not be enough to get answers to the questions that matter most in life. We need revelation from God." I didn't think logical for 36 years! It's nice to finally be a bit logical. Enough of the CRAZY already! P.S. I read it while sipping a piping hot cup of coffee!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I wish these posts had "like" buttons! My wife told me that God won't "punish us" for not paying our tithing but will "withold blessings". . . and those effects will be felt immediately. I guess we're seeing those effects through unforseen bills. I think she thinks "living with my parents for 8 years because my business wasn't supporting us very well" a
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
So, I told my TBM DW that I didn't want to pay tithing anymore. She was mortified! She stays home with the kids so she doesn't provide income. I told her that we could take my income and divide it into 2 and she could pay tithing on half. She said that if it's not the entire amount, she wouldn't do it. (Better for us!!) So, she said we wouldn't pay tithing. So, I got paid last week. We've h
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Thanks for all the great tips. After last night's heated discussion with DW it's nice to have a group who understand me! I've come to hate Saturday night pillow talk! It exhausts me. I'm definitely going and I know my DD is excited to have me there.
Forum: Recovery Board