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8 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
8 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
I'm in shape AND i wear lipstick occasionally. And the menfolk aren't beating down my front door. Oh, wait, it's probably because I don't belong to The Church. Lolololol. Memo to the quorum... a pig wearing lipstick is still a pig ;) those mormon girls love their sugar but dont bother to exercise it off, many of them.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
8 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
I never thought of it that way. Thank you Summer :) Interesting/inspiring perspective.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
Well hello Fluhist :) I too enjoy the 'feel free to take what you need and leave the rest'. That is somewhat of a new concept to me, and it is helping me in a lot of other ways. I attend a Christian bible study with my boss as well, and that concept is helping me not be frustrated when I hear them say things I really disagree with. I'm just trying to be tolerant and respectful, and appreciate th
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
I'll be honest, I was uncomfortable with the higher power part for a while. It doesn't bother me now, mainly because there is no pressure, like you said. I don't think I've ever heard religion or 'church' talked about in the group I've been going to, which I really appreciate (especially since I also attend a bible study with my boss, and holy cow is it a frustrating experience.... much of what t
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
I agree! I was never comfortable with the idea of a therapist or counseling. But I like that here I have the option of sharing or not, and can listen to other people's stories. It is much less intimidating than counseling... (and cheaper). There are so many similarities between the harmful affects of alcohol and mormonism. If you just replace the word 'mormonism' with 'living with an alcoholi
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
69. Al Anon
So I've been going to Al Anon with my boss, since I do home healthcare, and she needs someone to take her and get her in and out of the car. It's been interesting to see how applicable it is to a lot of areas. I'm not an alcoholic, and I'm not being affected by alcoholism right now, but I'm realizing a lot of the principals apply to my Mormon baggage. A lot of the things about realizing that you
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
That gosh dang "gay agenda"....
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
'Addiction' meaning they watched it once or twice? ;) Their definition of addiction would make any normal person seem hopelessly addiction to porn.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
Are they making a new one or something? I'll be honest, as cheesy as the old on is, it was one of my favorite morg movies. that would be like making a new johnny lingo... sacrilege!!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
aha thanks for the laugh benvolio :)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
Today it sure seems like a disproportionate amount of good things are happening to bad people and vice versa.. even if bad things happen to them sometimes. That is a good point though.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
Why do bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people? It kills me. Today is such a Monday, guys... O.o Feel free to share your grievances, church related or otherwise. I am declaring this a 'safe to rant' zone!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
Agency- an establishment engaged in doing business for another... that sounds an awful lot like church... they're always trying to get in people's business, tbm or not
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
Nice! I forgot too :) When I heard about it happening I almost didn't remember what it even was until I thought about it. And even then it didn't really matter to me. I heard there were a couple outlandish talks... but I hear that every conference sesh ;) Yay for recovery!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
So that's why they close the door when they interview you ;)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
the garments, plus the bakers cap and wierd apron over creepy white cult clothes.... plus the fact that most of them have no balls
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
well, seeing as how even a woman dressed in a nun's habit can get sexual attention she doesn't want, i think those definitions of modesty suck (and are sexist. when's the last time a man got told he was raped 'because of what he was wearing..)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
How about shoulders? what are those classified as? ;)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
I was raised mormon in a small town of less than a thousand. I always felt left out of things because my parents wouldnt let me hang out with my peers, and they made me dress in clothes that were unisex/boy clothes (i was a girl. still am, actually). i had a very sheltered upbringing. when i was 16 i got a boyfriend who was cute and shaggy and was a drummer in a band. i tried to convert him, and
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
Yeah no kidding. Did you hear they're trying to pass a law to label this a 'christian state'? Ridiculous..... Bastards.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
So much for 'God loves everyone'.... O.o
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
This is why i went vegetarian.... I will only eat meat if I know where it came from. Thank goodness there's a lot of hunting and fishing up here :) come hunting season I'll be eating meat again. Every time I really want some chicken, I remember WHY that store chicken is so cheap, and i remember what a life that poor chicken had, and i remember that all those chickens were breathing, bathing in
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
Our little branch used the standard issue musical accompaniment hymn CDs (in the green case that held like 10 CDs) for young womens. No reason they couldn't do the same until they found a pianist!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
What they're really saying (this is just a rough translation from Mormon-ese) is "we want your tithing money" ;)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
I've heard good things about Real Life church, but not sure if they have one in your area. and, small disclaimer, ive never been. but people say they like it a lot. good luck in your search :)
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
To hell in a handbasket
and no alcohol or dancing.. my boyfriend was shocked at the lack of dancing at a mormon non-temple wedding we went to (the groom only joined because the bride made it a condition if he wanted to marry her, and he hadn't been a member long enough to get sealed in the temple). I've only been to mormon weddings (well, receptions..), and rarely is there dancing. I didn't even know weddings were sup
Forum: Recovery Board