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9 years ago
. . . who also happened to be my father. The following are quotes and examples of extreme racism from a "man of God". He was in the bishopric or on the high council from the time I was 6 years old to present (30 years): "I almost didn't join the church because when I drove through Utah I saw mormon girls with n----rs everwhere. It really left a bad taste in my mouth" Wh
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Absolutely! I was determined to leave the church alone when I left, for the sake of my family who still believed. No longer so. I have taken the fight to social media and will not rest until the church is exposed for the fraud it is!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
In the Conference of the Church in 1844, Hyrum Smith said the following: "I will tell you how you may know whether (a) thing is true or not. When any one comes to you with a lie, you feel troubled. God will trouble you, and will not approbate you in such belief.You had better get some antidote to get rid of it. Humble yourself before God, and ask Him for His Spirit and pray to Him to jud
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
On my mission in 1998, we used to watch a talk by Pres Hinckley. I don't recall if it was a BYU speech or what but we used to rewind the opening prayer because there was an overhead shot of him during the prayer shuffling papers and looking intently at notes the whole time. I literally remember reassuring myself that it was because he talks to God face to face so it doesn't matter . . . wow!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I read the Journal of Discourses and learned about monogamy being evil and the cause for the downfall of all the major civilizations, read about blood atonement, Adam being God, etc. I was reading because my wife had asked a question I couldn't answer about church history and within 3 weeks I went from temple attending, tithe paying, TBM to out of the church.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Resigned in September 2014 So did wife So did son 1 So did daughter 1 So did son 2 So did daughter 2
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
LOVE it! Might have to put "SEPT SIX" on a personalized license plate for the family car.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I've been wanting to thank you Steve, for a long time for the amount of time and energy you put into exposing the church for the fraud that it is. Thank you on behalf of my family of 6 who all resigned in September from the church.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Good for you AFT, for putting up that leaf!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
No worries Stalker Dog! Not looking for sympathy. You think I would have questioned things then. Instead I blamed my self for not following protocol and having a 2nd priesthood holder assist. Yep, it was my fault my daughter died. Couldn't be happier to be away from the bullshit mindfuck that the church does on you!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Yes it was! USL and South Eastern Univ was the other
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I have mentioned in other posts that my wife an I lost two babies in a 2 year span. The first was a full-term still born who died at 40 weeks. The second was a daughter who was born at 30 weeks with fetal hydrops. When she was born the doctors said she probably wouldn't live long. I was still struggling with the death of our son a year earlier. As I said silent, pleading prayers asking the lo
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
That I gave up a full ride baseball scholarship to go. (Had to walk-on after the mission to a junior college team) That I had to serve on 3 college campuses in southern Louisiana as a hot-blooded 20 year old male. That I lied for Lord many times as I "happened" to tract into less active students homes after getting phone calls from concerned parents and telling them the Lord had
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My dad, an old cowboy, always joked that when he bacame a God he would make his temple patrons wear Stetson hats.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I wish I could say that same. I was instructed on my mission by my mission president to bear testimony before every door closed. I calculated a few months back an estimation of how many people I may have spoken with on my mission. I served in the South and spent around 10 hours a day going door to door since we didn't have a lot of member referrals. I was actually an uber-obedient, get-up-early-t
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Good one Shummy! That one is probably top 3 worst racist quotes in my book.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
or so asserts LDS Apostle, Delbert L Stapley, in a private letter to George Romney, Mitt's father. An oldie, but a goodie . . .
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
My grandfather had it.,1373393,1373393#msg-1373393
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Why wouldn't God have done for Emma what he did for Joseph when Joseph found out about Mary's pregnancy? According to the bible an angel appeared to Joseph to explain the pregnancy and instructed him to proceed with the marriage. If God would do that for the unwed, but betrothed Joseph, why not for the married Emma when he introduced polygamy? Why didn't he send an angel to tell Emma about Fa
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Man just hold on! The best part about life when you're out of the church is that the future is full of possibilities. So you're not perfect? Who cares! Listen my friend, please get some professional help. The world is so much better outside the church. Sometimes it just takes a while to unravel all that the church has done to you, but you CAN uravel it!!! And the. Life is free to make it whatever
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I'm telling you coffin canes and blessed hankies!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
Fantastic point!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
That is a fantastic idea!!! But how can you prank someone who has the Holy Ghost? The spirit of discernment will let them know beforehand its a ruse. Its no small wonder that church leaders have never been duped by an elaborate prank . . . . . wait, what's this about Mark Hoffman? What are the kinderhook plates? Oh no!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I am not related to Steve in any way. I am the guy who has a family cemetery and my dad is the nut job who is worried I'm gonna let Steve be buried in our family cemetery! Why in the hell would Steve want to be buried in my family's cemetery???!! That's the absurdity of this whole situation - that my dad found out Steve Benson replied to a post of mine and now he's worried we are BFFs and wil
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
No, near Payson AZ
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
I actually agree with that
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
A little background - 5 years ago I was given ownership of our family cemetary in northern Arizona. My great grandpa was a homesteader and built a cemetery after his 4 children died from diptheria in the early 1900s. Its been in my family the entire time and my dad passed it on to me so . . . . . . . After telling my siblings about Steve's response a few weeks ago to my post about him being
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
For me it was less of a 'last straw' and more of a bail of hay that lead me out. But, I will say reading the words of the teenage brides of Joseph Smith, specfically Helen Mar Kimball, that just pushed me over the edge.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
templenamegabriel Notice the subtle wording at the end of the second paragraph. Wilford Woodruff received a revelation that church leaders should "cease TEACHING the practice of plural marriage." Why would they omit that in the declaration it also states that the church should "not permit any person to enter into its PRACTI
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
More specifically here (see the footnotes):
Forum: Recovery Board