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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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5 years ago
Elder Berry Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If that hadn't happened I wouldn't be alive today. You are descended from Zina & Bring'em Young?
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Seems like the "All Lives Matter" reaction to the BLM movement. Its kinda like a bunch of assholes showing up to a "March For The Cure" fun run yelling, "All Cancer Matter!"
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Everything about this is creepy. This nonsense is why I don't identify myself as an ExMormon or any other kind of Mormon. It seems like a circular firing squad.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
elderolddog Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You ever have any thoughts of your own that you > think you want to share? A thread where you just > talk about how YOU feel, without dragging in > outside sources to support a conclusion you've > reached? I read an article I thought was really interesting and relevant to this forum and decided to
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I read this great article, Grief w/o God, in today's NYT OpEd section. It's written by a woman who was raised in a cult (JW) who lost her Father as a young girl and it didnt seem like that big of a deal because end of world is soon, bad people die, Jesus saves us (JWs), Earth turns to paradise and we beat death. Then she lost her faith, had a kid, who died. What she learned about life withou
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
If your code of conduct includes rules for slavery you need a much better code of conduct.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I hear this question from my good ExMo buddy who is a devout Christian. My answer to him is, "We had morality before we had religion. Look at any animal species, they have rules they follow that help them survive and they all follow the same set of rules. That's morality!" He says, ok, since nonconsensual sex is common in the animal world, what's to stop me fro raping somebody if I
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
dogblogger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > >But now that our ancestral cognitive equilibria > are being overthrown, we should > >expect scientific and moral progress will become > decoupled. And I would argue > >that the evidence of this is becoming plainer Good point. What an amaz
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Rubicon Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Not really. Atheists have killed plenty of people > as well and can have all the same bad faults > religious people have. Everyone is greedy. The > atheists just sell a different line on bullshit > called communism. There might not be any God but > they still promise utopia of some kind. I get yo
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Elder Berry Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > schrodingerscat, you get a lot of dialogue in > these posts. I'm beginning to be convinced there > is a need here for some bias-confirming bent on > the if not evils, the disturbing to humans > particulars of atheism - leaving a belief in a > personal god. > > I appreciate you. You have
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I was born in Seattle during the Worlds Fair so I am the same age as the Space Needle.. i still live on the Salish Sea. Love it here. West Coast is the Best Coast.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
They are for all of us. TED talk on Atheism 2.0 What comes after New Atheism?
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Done & Done Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What if someone presents the theory, "What if God > is not out there?" as a way to cement the > pre-accepted premise that God is out there? > > Simply stating, "What if 'this' were not the > case?" is a way to reinforce that 'this' is indeed > the case. > > N
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
caffiend Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > God and the Creation are one and the same. Doesn't > exactly answer the question of where the > Creation/God came from in the first place. I didn't say anything about god, I just said creator. I don't KNOW if we came from viruses, but it seems like a good logical argument when creationists ask, so where did li
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
There are 10x's more alien micro organisms inside of you than human cells and there are hundreds of trillions of human cells in you. Each cell capable of being a nearly exact entire copy of you. Thats 56,000 copies of you for every human on the planet. There are 10 times that many aliens inside/on you. Begging the q, who orv what is calling the shots here and why are we here? Perhaps to
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
If you want somebody to call you her God, get a dog. Children raised without religion are .ore capable of higher brain functions, like empathy and reason.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Elder Berry Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > But was he an atheist? That would "seal" the deal > Koriwhore. Who? Joseph Smith?
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
If you can justify singing the praises of a man who had 34 so-calle "wives" who were really just rape victims, 11 of whom were actually victims of child rape and another 11 victims were other mens wives, stay the fuck away from me, my wife and ESPECIALLY my kids!!!. If nothing else it was a massive abuse of power, the likes of which we see all the way through the history of this a
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
It's an integrity test. If you can justify singing the praises of a man who had 34 "wives" (rape victim) 11 of whom were actually victims of child rape and another 11 victims were other mens wives, stay the fuck away from me, my wife and especially my kids. If nothing else it was a massive abuse of power, the likes of which we see all thecway through the history of this abusive Doom
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
moremany Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > schrodingerscat Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > told me my wife was a virgin before I married > her. > > > > I could have told you that. > > How about afterward? > > That's the real question! > > Did they check you t
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
dogblogger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > repetitive continuous rehash This is the first time I answered that question, Or been asked. I inherited this abusive CULT. Seems yo me like the generations before me should have done the math. Hell, my Dad was a mathematician and didnt figure it out, until after a lot of Mormon kids got raped where I grew
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
An ExMo asked me recently. Yeah. But I had no idea he was a GD rapist/peder/con-man. I never would have known back then. Now its different. I don't care who you are, if you are Mormon 20yrs into the Google age, you worship one of the top 10 most evil men IMO. If was evil to send Henry Jacobs on a mission overseas, just to "marry" his wife. As if that wasn't evil enough, betwee
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Hey Rusty, how's it feel to meet with a woman who has more real power and authority in her little finger than you have in your Penishood?
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
In Provo last night? Shoulda drawn Min, BoA, Fax 2 Fig 7 Larger than life.
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
Lot's Wife Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Taoism and Confucianism are not Vedic religions. > > The term dates back to the earliest stages of the > Indo-European intrusion into Iran and India, so > perhaps 2000 BCE. Those peoples were part of the > same religious continuum; they had the same > deities although the one community's god
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
I have often heard Christians describe Eastern religions (Taoism/Confuscism/Buddhism/Jainism) as "Atheist religions" since they do not worship any kind of a personal God, like the God of Abraham, Allah, El, Jesus). What about Hinduism, a religion, cobbled together out of all the Vedic religions along with the folk Gods of 300 different regions of the Indian peninsula/Himalayas. They
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
moremany Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > These lectures by Dr. Wes Cecil are interesting, > enlightening, and delightfully informative. > > If the ones you mentioned: > > Confucius: > > > Buddah: > > > Socrates: > >
Forum: Recovery Board
5 years ago
scmd1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It would have been a classic response. I couldn't even speak. I seriously remember thinking, uh, TM and who brings this up? Now un hindsight I wish I woulda said, "How can you tell me this? As if thats my business? I'm not a virgin, as if that mattered.
Forum: Recovery Board