Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
I'm pretty sure you're only allowed to post when you're asking other people to tell you what they're doing instead of going to church. Go back to your vodka and vidya games, you handsome heathen!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
Yes! When I retold this encounter to my various friends and acquaintances, the only folks who thought that it seemed completely innocuous were Mormon themselves. Many people took issue with that behavior, even, to be completely fair, a couple of my faithful LDS friends (one of whom, a former missionary, agreed that tracting was intrusive and a huge waste of time). I was still polite to them
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
Hello All! After several years outside of Mormonism, my wife and I finally decided to write our resignation letter. We really have no desire to be in any way affiliated with the church, and the time felt right to break our ties once and for all. Understanding that the poor lackeys who have to process resignations will only read the first paragraph, I still felt that I had a bit I wanted to
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
Some of us have read, studied, critically examined, taken courses and read books examining what you call the Lord's words and found it to be very human, very dated and extremely morally troubling. It does not stand up under scrutiny. Your Lord does not exist. The Bible ain't holy. Jesus is either dust in a grave or has vanished in a puff of logic. You advocate for imaginary beings. My famil
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
Joel Osteen? Joyce Meyer? Christ Almighty, you want us to heed the words of folks who have become multimillionaires by preying on the faith of simple people? We all just came from an organization that drained our spirits and our bank accounts, and you want us to follow these other charlatans whose primary interest is profiting off our gullibility. No thank you. This Christmas I am celebrating
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
126. (Swear.)
I love drinking, fucking, watching porn and getting tattoos. These are a few of my fav-or-ite things. But I am an adult and began doing most of these things as an adult, and I'm glad I waited until my 30's to begin consuming booze. Mmm, tasty booze... Obviously kids need to know that there are consequences to the choices they make. I think you're right on to teach your kids to treat women with
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
Happiness, for me, is relatively meaningless when examining the state of life. Am I more contented outside of the Mormon church. Broadly, yes. Am I more self-actualized? Damn right I am! For better and worse, I feel more responsible now over my own life's trajectory. There are no miracles to save me. On top of that, I now feel a greater kinship to mankind now after eschewing the notion that w
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
Tribe-like, yes, but not technically a tribe. Within Utah I'd say Mormonism is the dominant culture, but within a broader context I'd call it an American religious sub-culture. I prefer precise terminology.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
The fact that Mormonism is a worldwide religion disqualifies it from being a tribe. It possesses too much cultural, linguistic and genetic diversity to be called tribal.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
That definition is too broad to be entirely accurate, because it allows for virtually anything to be labeled as a tribe, rendering the word effectively meaningless. "Tribe" has historically had a much more specific application, referring to groups with strong genetic links and cultural elements that dramatically distinguish the group from those on the outside. Relatively few Mormons out
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
Mormonism isn't a tribe. A tribe, generally, is a group that shares similar ancestry and cultural traditions. One might argue that Utah Mormonism has certain tribal elements to it, but the cultural and ethnic diversity still disqualify it from the title of "tribe." Mormonism is a corporation, in its practices and its legal designation. It is also a religion and a social group with it
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
"Her dad...pretended to be living in a certain way -- and then she caught him doing something that was way off what he'd always taught her." "...have a good, honest talk about human sexuality afterwards (and I bet they didn't)." These two points, I believe, are the key issue and solution to this situation. The father's hypocrisy was no doubt jarring to this young woman, an
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
Wow, strong work. I'll bookmark this for later reference. Thanks for your diligent labor!
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
The issue I see in this anonymous letter is that the father's skewed lessons on modesty to his daughter and the hypocrisy she extrapolated from his behavior versus his rhetoric. This daughter was raised with the incorrect notion that once a person pair-bonds with another they are no longer allowed to find other people sexually desirable. I was taught something similar by my parents and my fait
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
My father once fell asleep either during or after looking at porn on the computer, slumped over in his chair, where my sister found him. She very calmly closed the browser and shut off the screen before going about her business quietly. It was no big deal to her, but it was a FANTASTIC story that she just HAD to tell me. My mother would lose her shit if she found out about it.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
"The biggest issue I see with porn is the young people enticed into the adult movie industry because of abuse, bad home lives, etc." This is an antiquated myth that needs to be done away with. The vast majority of women and men choose to go into porn because they like sex and want to earn some money doing something they enjoy. Whereas there are some who enter into the profession thro
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
Human beings tend to be dogmatically attached to our own pet beliefs, to the point of absurdity. All of us. All of us deserve to be objects of derision from time to time, particularly when we become so entrenched in our own ideology that we can't acknowledge when our beliefs have been proven false or misguided. Beliefs are not inherently worthy of respect. Only when they have been proven to be
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
138. WELL...
I'll have you know that Socrates WAS an atheist, but he is an unbeliever no more, now that he's cuddled up and suckling on Jesus' ample, leaking teets.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
I'm finishing up a bottle of Riesling and a bottle of Pinot Noir leftover from Thanksgiving.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
I met my best friend on the board a few years back. We met in person in 2012, and now I sleep in his basement whenever he lets me.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
I am the Mighty Apocalypse.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
From the research I did on the 353 "prophecies," the allegorical connections to the Jesus story were largely tenuous, if not downright absurd. The fact that this compiler could read so much into one verse, or, in some instances, into a single word, is bizarre but certainly not atypical. The confusion comes down to literacy, not only in the ability to read but also in understanding wh
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
This list is pathetic. At one point it asserts that Psalm 22 verse 2 talks about "Darkness upon Calvary for three hours," but here's what it actually says: "My God, I cry out during the day, but you do not answer, and during the night my prayers do not let up." NOTHING about this verse has anything to do with the darkness that fell over Golgotha when Jesus ate it on th
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
This list is absurd. It's essentially literary constellation-building, fanciful connections between unrelated scriptures meant to make it appear as if the Old Testament is littered with messianic prophesies that directly tie to Jesus. Let me touch on just a couple: Zechariah 3 does indeed reference a "Jesus." However, this Joshua is, in fact, the first High Priest of the temple fo
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
I love that Meet the Mormons played clips from South Park and The Simpsons in their intro. The only decent part of the movie, and it only lasted a few seconds.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
I miss your angry, screeching rants and your constant unreasonable Catholic apologetics. ...Wait. I was thinking of someone else. Can't wait to spend some time with you at at a gentlemen's club soon. Or an art museum. Whatever Las Vegas is most known for.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
But god, did we have fun! I miss you already, Raptor. My kids don't enjoy my near-encyclopedic knowledge of porn and other forms of human sexual perversion. And my wife will only agree to watch Michael Jai White movies with me if I agree to pause it frequently so that she can lick the screen. And that's just gross.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
The movie began with the premise that the filmmakers were going to correct misconceptionsthat lay people held about Mormons, such as the notion that they were fundamentally racist and sexist. They presented several African American members, such as Bishop Jazzy Jeff, who were hip and fun and totally normal, in order to combat idea that Mormonism is intrinsically racist. But not once did they m
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
For me, it's simple: archaeological and historical data contraindicate the claims of biblical scripture, so the notion of the existence of Yahweh becomes implausible. Along those same lines, there is no verifiable evidence that any gods exist. Therefore, I do not believe in a god.
Forum: Recovery Board
9 years ago
En Sabah Nur
Today is a lazy day. My kids are out of school Monday and Tuesday and then I fly out to invade the lair of the most deific of therapods on Wednesday. May I be forever blessed by his divine penis in a thoroughly nonsexual way.
Forum: Recovery Board