Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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1 year ago
over you. I was soooooo mad when I found my wishes had not been respected. I think he was scared of being sued, and because he violated the rules in the Church Handbook of Instruction.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
If the penalty stuff was in the endowment still, I would have stopped, would have given my recommend to my bishop in the Celestial Room, then go and fold up my garments in my changing stall, leave them there and leave the place. Sorry not a god, or potentially one, sorry. Didn't the God of the OT, say he was the only god, and there were no others? My ex would be left there, and discussion o
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Combined. Why the hell I remember this stuff is beyond me. That's why it's hard for me to process, because it became such a part of my life, that I will probably never forget it. True, nothing big happening, unless you really listen to what is being said, and who says it. Lucifer said early in the ceremony... 'power and priesthoods'. What do we mean have? 'Power and priesthoods' Men ru
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
If you did, you probably met me, in the baptistry, or veil. I know what small chapel you are referring to. If it was before 2004
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
If there are no handshakes or tokens, it's probably about 1 1/2 hours now. Goes fast, when going repeatedly. Ex and I would plan temple days. Yes, days, not visits, days. And that was beyond what we did serving in the temple.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
They will do it. Those laws are there to manipulate and put fear into the hearts of the audience. I agree with you. It is rather sad. My nonmo mom says, what the hell did they do to you in that place!?!?!??! And why do you not just forget this stuff?
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
For those that have been to the temple through the endowment, it ties to the Law of Consecration. It is a rule for lack of a better word. The law states. 'You covenant this day, before God and these witnesses, that you will consecrate your time, talents, and the gifts you have been blessed with to the COJCOLDS, for the building of Zion.' Man.., this crap is still in my head. I see
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
It is the penultimate show how you are whipped. Memorizing the endowment was difficult for me, because of the schizophrenia. I actually imagined how I would act, and how I would impress on the audience the importance of the signs and tokens being taken seriously. But now that I look at it, it was fear... Fear that made us make the covenants we did. Pure fear. Also, did everyone notice tha
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
I will work on math in Khan Academy until I get to College Statistics. Then I will go through the curriculum. But getting there is going to take a bit. Thanks for the heads up summer!
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
I would no doubt allow it, because it would make them feel good that mom and dad are together, and that would be a family again. But unfortunately, there is Matthew 22:28 killing it off. I don't doubt that I will see my kids again, but the family we use to be will not exist.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
I have decided to delay enrollment at SLCC until Fall 2024. Meanwhile, I will rack up transfer credits from on key courses. General Education Requirements: MATH 1040 - Intro to Statistics (possible test out/Khan Academy) POLS 1010 - Intro to Political Science SOC 1010 - Intro to Sociology Criminal Justice AAS Requirements (so far) CJ 1010 - Intro to Criminal Justice CJ 1
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
I will not go back. I made that promise to myself. I had to move on from that, or risk spinning my wheels even more. I have a friend that understands where I am coming from. He is not married, in a singles ward, but is not interested in marriage because of all the drama from my marriage. He heard after the fact from me. He told me it's OK to leave, and take a breather, and then return i
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
I almost did not graduate high school. My illness was misinterpreted as depression, because I didn't say anything about the hallucinations, I was too scared, because they said, if I mentioned them , they would kill my family. The high from Prozac did not help either. But when I went to college, I held a 3.74 GPA, out of the 4 classes I did take at SLCC back in 2002-2004. I have my next cla
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
When I told him to process the resignation, he held it for 3 months. Finally, I told him I'd sue him personally if he delayed it. Later found out he moved out of the area. Fear... Fear of the truth?
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Can it be found on YouTube? Sorry for being abrupt. I am trying to plot my general ed courses for an AAS in Criminal Justice. Then I am going to work on my Psy101 class. Again, I am sorry. Getting kinda stressed.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
All she wanted was her 15 seconds of fame. She was reading from a script. It's only an opinion, she is entitled to it, regardless of how maddening it is. Ms. Know it all, thinks parroting the party line is good for her because it shows the church is true apparently.
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
that I need to make a choice as to where my feet are going. I believe in God, yes. But it's not the Mormon God, or bible or any other type. It's a personal God. Maybe subconsciously, that I can bounce ideas off of, or just 'hear' talking. In one of my processing posts, at the end I said 'And I was screaming'. My personal God heard me. I figure there's billions of faces to God. Every view
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
I thought about that. A greater feeling of accomplishment is the fact that I am back to school. I feel good about it, and I am doing well in it. I start Chapter 4 (out of 15 chapters) tomorrow in my Intro to Psychology class, and I'm in the high 90's when quizzes are taken. Chapter tests show me as 92 to 97 percent, with an average of 80 percent higher than other students so far. I found
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
that my ex divorced me because of our disagreements. I realize there was something else too. It was weird, because when I left, she came after me. I mentioned that she wrote her resignation letter. I asked her, now that the letter was done, sent or not, to go and find herself. To find out who she really is. It was her chance to fly, even if there was a possibility that we wouldn't stay tog
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
684. LOL!
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
I feel like I lack my core makeup, because of schizophrenia, and obeying the church for so long. There really is no 'me' right now. I was the church, I was the good convert that would do temple work for the rest of his life. Callings: Scout Master, baptistry worker, veil worker, and other genealogical callings. I was embedded in the culture, ready for my next calling, endowment actor.. S
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
For some reason the whole thing bothers me, because I left close to bad terms with the ex. There are some days that things are going to go haywire if I even get out of bed. My mental illness is controlled by meds, but the second part, the therapy, is what is going to be hard, if not downright impossible. Because now, I don't have a core belief. I have tons of issues. Issues from the progr
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Many of the stories here are inspirational. Getting out is the best thing for people. I realize this is not the only way to celebrate being free from a CULT. But I seem to be having issues with being out, It's like being lost on a dirt road, with two ways to go in front of you. I am now at this intersection, one is going back to LDS Inc and the Safety I had, or to continue to forge my way
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
Forum: Recovery Board
1 year ago
689. Not yet!
Forum: Recovery Board