Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 
SubjectPosts Started By Posted
Saturday! Saturday! Saturday! Raptor and wifey will be getting their first tattoos. 44 Raptor Jesus06/27/2011 09:29PM
Letter finally here! 15 Inverso06/28/2011 12:40AM
The fallacy of one true, or only one right way or opinion in how to leave the LDS Church and deal with family, friends, and our life after Mormonism. 34 SusieQ#106/27/2011 03:25PM
Hill Cumorah in "Blooming LDS History"? RAG06/28/2011 12:34PM
Mexican converts BrownLamanite06/28/2011 11:56AM
John Larsen podcast discussing this, and other, Pomo boards. Happy_Heretic06/28/2011 10:43AM
So, what did/do you actually DO in all those endless meetings? 14 Thrread Killer06/27/2011 05:43PM
Radio West Today - Joyce McKinney caedmon06/28/2011 10:22AM
new "revelation" (self-fulfilling prophecy) at recent stake conference? Nick Humphrey06/28/2011 08:09AM
You'd think that mormons wouldn't be so transparently obvious in their reactivation programs karin06/27/2011 03:02PM
True or false 11 gilgamesh06/27/2011 06:47PM
why the mormons always list a new leader's accomplishments before he speaks for the first time Nick Humphrey06/28/2011 06:18AM
Sunday in the ICU (ON TOPIC) 15 gemini06/26/2011 04:00PM
Told my new Bishop 31 exmollymo06/27/2011 06:14AM
Question for morr recent members 26 kentish06/27/2011 03:33PM
intelligences-->spirits: Did it work in your mind? holytheghost06/27/2011 04:07PM
Do you know of LDS members who skate through the services & don't have a clue about most of the teachings? 32 Cheryl06/26/2011 10:27AM
My puppy got DRUNK last night :( 35 Susan I/S06/27/2011 03:52PM
Well, we'll see how this goes.... 11 omen06/27/2011 08:38PM
Have Any Of "The Brethren" Taken A Moment To Extend A Hand Of Fellowship 2 The Fancher-Baker Relatives That Mo'ism Is Truly A Peaceful Family Oriented Church... BeenThereDunnThatExMo06/28/2011 01:36AM
Anyone else spending the 4th with TBM family? Pil-Latté06/27/2011 07:28PM
Tonight the Elders come over to visit 14 OlMan06/27/2011 08:07PM
My Favorite Joseph Smith Quote 17 exBP06/26/2011 07:07PM
Slightly O/T Inspired by RJ's Simpson's thread- What T.V. Shows/Movies were banned in your house? 27 Itzpapalotl06/26/2011 04:12PM
There was an excellent exit story posted within the week tango06/26/2011 11:06PM
Problems with "other groups do it too" line of (mis)reasoning 30 derrida06/27/2011 01:36PM
***Reminder. No Politics!!!*** (No not RfM. The Morg just said this to its top officials). 15 The Man in Black06/27/2011 06:26PM
Cont. Beginner Wines Tristan-Powerslave06/27/2011 02:53PM
Polygamy, Joe, and the lies we were told....Curious Jack's thread made me think about this... wings06/27/2011 12:13PM
Invited to share the gospel on the facebook 16 LochNessie06/21/2011 04:08PM
Question from a previous thread by H: bishop offering to play 'mathmaker'... another guy06/27/2011 08:30PM
My recovery is MINE. Raptor Jesus06/27/2011 06:06PM
B4 There Was Texting On AT&T...Verizon...Sprint...T-Mobile Etc...There Was Limited Texting Available On The Relatively Unheard Of JS-Wireless Company... BeenThereDunnThatExMo06/27/2011 08:23PM
With NY passing gay marriage bill... 16 Raptor Jesus06/25/2011 07:42AM
VT just texted me...(1 swear) 14 Tristan-Powerslave06/27/2011 12:22PM
Which answer seems most plausible? Stray Mutt06/27/2011 06:39PM
***sigh*** 31 beulahland06/26/2011 08:55PM
Are there at least 50 ways to leave... Elder Berry06/27/2011 07:13PM
TBM Protecting Elder Scott 15 commonsense06/26/2011 10:21PM
Mormon cussin'... examples please! 31 spaghetti oh06/25/2011 11:07PM
TBMs should like this. Fried Koolaid 15 matt06/24/2011 09:53PM
Sort of o/t but not entirely. New free online writing resource and course launched 15 matt06/25/2011 09:56AM
"Why Evangelicals Hate Jesus" 36 MJ06/26/2011 01:09AM
How to handle MORmONS when they start up about the BOM Lucky06/25/2011 02:37PM
Reading LDS scriptures and publications as an exmo is like taking off blinders 14 Gorspel Dacktrin06/26/2011 07:20PM
This is an extension on my perspective from my decades of experience, observations, and research and study: Leaving Mormonism aka leaving your tribe -with comments on Exclusion SusieQ#106/27/2011 12:32PM
Who's up for a temple name shout out? 22 foundoubt06/25/2011 06:04PM
Great facebook page 14 lazarus06/26/2011 07:59PM
Tucson Newspaper Article @ couple leaving for mission--interesting comments n/t tmtinfw06/27/2011 01:10PM
If anyone is interested in how the Miss USA contestants answered... Skunk Puppet06/25/2011 08:16PM
Recovery, is defined for my own situation as The Exit Process from Mormonism. (updated) SusieQ#106/26/2011 11:21PM
Principles of human behavior and how they assisted me in the Exit Process from Mormonism SusieQ#106/27/2011 01:34PM
Musical inaccurate portrait of Mormons in Uganda (continuation of thread 'another BOM hater') PtLoma06/27/2011 11:45AM
Suggest a red wine for a "beginner". 31 possiblypagan06/27/2011 12:15AM
This mormon times article disgusts me. 14 anon4now06/26/2011 06:44PM