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Posted by: Nevermo1 ( )
Date: September 09, 2013 04:07PM

Without you us Nevermos who don't know any Mormons would have a very limited understanding of Mormonism!This is such a great outlet for people who are just generally interested in Mormonism.

I was just thinking about that yesterday when the board was down!

True there are many other online resources which detail Mormonism but most of them are very general and typically speak of Mormonism's flaws in terms of it's doctrine.They usually speak of how Mormonism is a cult of Christianity,having many unChristian beliefs such as polytheism and salvation through works etc.

Also other flaws of the 'religion'which are well-documented include Smith's own 'character'.

However, what us Nevermos with an interest in the religion rarely get to experience is the human impact of this cult.

I see from reading this board daily that relationships and families are destroyed by the cult's control.I also see the control the cult exercises over the individuals lifestyle.Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences!!They are fascinating!

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Posted by: Nevermo1 ( )
Date: September 09, 2013 05:39PM

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Posted by: rodolfo ( )
Date: September 09, 2013 05:57PM

Thanks for your perspectives!

Just as us mormon lifers can't imagine a non-cultified mind, it is truly impossible to imagine for most nevermos (never-cultists) to truly understand the craziness of the deluded life inside a cult.

I have no doubt it is fascinating, though being a personal witness every day to the damage the cult causes it is tragic and painful beyond words to see and experience IRL.

Therefore, I would request that if possible, do all you can to educate others about the danger and risk of being around mormonism. As cult organizations will commonly say, don't think you are immune from being unwittingly drawn into a cult -- as cults are filled with otherwise intelligent people.

mormonism is very good at what it does and naive people best be warned!

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Posted by: Quoth the Raven Nevermo ( )
Date: September 09, 2013 06:05PM

I could never have believed that the morg was so evil until I stated reading some of the experiences on this site. I wasn't reading the forum at first but the collection of topics and biographies.

I was shocked that in this day and age that women were encouraged to stay in abusive marriages as long as their hubby was a good mobot. Or that women were encouraged to marry gay men to make them straight. I was reading this in about 2001 and felt like I was reading stories from 1950.

I had a friend who thought I was just being overly critical of mormons. Her experience was based on tm one mormom that she knew. I got my knowledge from actual mormons. We are no longer friends, she wrote me a hateful email listing everything in the last 30 years that she disliked about me. In reality she is bitter that she married a man who did not respect her. She had claimed she was going to divorce him from the first year she was married but had,three kids and does not have the job skills to support herself in the manner to which she had been

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Posted by: Nevermo1 ( )
Date: September 09, 2013 06:06PM

I would except thankfully I live in a country(Ireland) that is virtually devoid of Mormonism.

I totally understand what you mean by how easy it is for people to be sucked into a cult though.

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Posted by: CA girl ( )
Date: September 09, 2013 06:07PM

That goes both ways. You can't imagine how weird it is to reach your 40s and not know how to make a cup of coffee or what to drink with dinner or even some basic conversational skills that are second nature to non-LDS. Mormonism is SUCH an insular society that you don't realize what you don't know until you leave. Non-mos are far less judgmental and usually wonderfully patient with our social retardation. You all have been so helpful and understanding while we grope our way back to normal life. Mormons may seem mainstream but the mindset is way off the normal path. Thanks for giving us a glimpse of real life and a hand when we needed it.

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Posted by: Nevermo1 ( )
Date: September 09, 2013 06:13PM

I actually had heard about the no tea/coffee,alcohol,coke rule before this board and always found it a particularly bizarre teaching.
I guess if you never grew up with these things though you would never miss them.

What I hadn't realised though is how insular,as you say, the Mormon culture is.

For example I never knew that Mormons are involved in so many activities outside of the Sunday service.

Where do people find the time for this?!

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Posted by: presleynfactsrock ( )
Date: September 10, 2013 10:59AM

I second and third the thanks to all of the people who contribute to this board. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that it would be such a valuable outlet for me, plus the humor I can't say enough thanks for. Many a time the humor is what has lifted my spirits and encouraged me to put the next foot forward. You all are keepers.

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: September 10, 2013 11:48AM

I think we all stand by the need for humor here. Or "humour," as Nevermo1 would have it. (Stupid metric spellings. Stupid Flanders.) After a life of Mormonism, humor is all you have to sustain you, sometimes.

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