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Posted by: newnameabigail ( )
Date: November 16, 2013 05:54AM

What else to call it, when a Bishop requires to wear Shirts and Shorts instead of tantalizing Swimsuits,Bikinis or Tankinis during a YW/YM activity? heard it today from a JackMo friend.
How sick and distorted a person can be to tell them otherwise they can't guarantee their minds would stay chaste?

Swimmwear is inmodest anyway.... how gross and seducing in the same way - naked skin beyond the marks of magic underwear. (-_-)

Still shakin my head about it! Why don't they set Burkini as a new Standard that matches their twisted moral of modesty perfect...

Greetz Abi

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Posted by: tapirsaddle ( )
Date: November 16, 2013 09:21AM

Modesty in itself is perverse and objectifying. It takes non-sexual parts of the body and makes them sexual.

It tells women that their bodies are for sex. Your arms aren't for reaching, they're for men to look at. Your thighs aren't for holding your torso up and sitting, squatting, they're for men to look at. Your midriff isn't where you were connected to your mother, it's for men to look at.

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Posted by: adoylelb ( )
Date: November 16, 2013 01:13PM

tapirsaddle Wrote:
> Modesty in itself is perverse and objectifying. It
> takes non-sexual parts of the body and makes them
> sexual.
> It tells women that their bodies are for sex. Your
> arms aren't for reaching, they're for men to look
> at. Your thighs aren't for holding your torso up
> and sitting, squatting, they're for men to look
> at. Your midriff isn't where you were connected to
> your mother, it's for men to look at.

I agree, it perpetuates rape culture and specifically victim blaming by saying that if someone wore something without cap sleeves or left the kneecaps visible, then they deserved to be raped. It's also perverse for males as it's treating them like animals with no self-control so they need girls and women to cover themselves up. To me, the most disturbing thing of this type of modesty is that the sexualization starts from infancy as TBM mothers put onseies under sleeveless dresses.

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Posted by: Happy Hare Krishna ( )
Date: November 17, 2013 07:21AM

Rape culture and victim blaming should not be supported. Immodest dress should NOT be used as an "excuse" to rape. But there's another side to this: The unfortunate fact is that there ARE disgusting people out there who look upon those who dress immodestly as easier potential targets. It's because of them that, even though it is wrong to rape for any reason and immodest dress is no excuse, wearing modest dress - particularly in areas or parts of the world known to be potentially unsafe - is a smart choice, for personal safety and protection.

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Posted by: e934 ( )
Date: November 17, 2013 09:43AM

I think females should just walk around naked all the time. But mostly I am just referring to the very attractive females, with perky tits. This modesty stuff is BULLSHIT.

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Posted by: They don't want me back ( )
Date: November 16, 2013 09:43AM

psychological effects of training women to lose their positive self image and take responsibility for the way someone else views them for starters.

You could write a whole thesis on the damaging effects of "modesdy" on a society both male and female.

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Posted by: They don't want me back ( )
Date: November 16, 2013 09:44AM

has a wonderful effect on society there.

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Posted by: knotheadusc ( )
Date: November 16, 2013 11:10AM

Incidentally, I just recently caught a rerun of 19 Kids and Counting and JimBoob Duggar went snorkeling in jeans while his wife wore her "Wholesome Wear" bathing suit. I guess a wetsuit for JimBoob would be too sexual.

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Posted by: rainwriter ( )
Date: November 16, 2013 07:43PM

Those swimsuits are awful. I actually have a friend who wants one. Why?! Ugh!

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Posted by: knotheadusc ( )
Date: November 17, 2013 12:11PM

The bright side is that they do prevent sunburns.

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Posted by: morganizedreligion ( )
Date: November 16, 2013 11:36AM

POsted a link to a modesty article written about the YW girls' camp rules on FB a few weeks ago. The TBMs didn't like that!! I commented how ridiculous it is to have to wear a one piece swimsuit with a shirt and shorts over that, but the boys can wear no shirt with their swim trunks at YM. Nice double standard besides the obvious ridiculousness of the YW rule. A swimsuit is for swimming MORmONS!!

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Posted by: nevergoingback ( )
Date: November 17, 2013 01:38PM

What article did you link?

I am curious and want to read it! Thanks!

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Posted by: acerbic ( )
Date: November 16, 2013 01:21PM

Why does the burden of modestly always fall upon women and girls. Time for the men and boys to develop a measure of self-control.

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Posted by: jujubee ( )
Date: November 16, 2013 01:27PM

In my singles ward, when we do swimming activities, we don't cover ourselves. It's pretty nice seeing the boys without shirts :)

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Posted by: FredOi ( )
Date: November 16, 2013 08:22PM

Sounds like the kind of bishop we want interviewing little girls in a locked room with no Windows

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Posted by: EssexExMo ( )
Date: November 17, 2013 08:39AM

I have seen *apparently* serious comments saying the burkini is immoral because it doesnt have a niqab (veil).

---- Although its always difficult to tell a poe from a real Fundamentalist nutter

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