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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: December 02, 2013 09:42PM

Please say that someone is as sick as I am. I want company. Aches. Impossibly bad head congestion. Chest congestion. Coughing. Headaches. Sore throat. I already called in sick in advance. I'm dying here. My fifth day at it.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: December 02, 2013 09:57PM

Aww. It sounds like the flu, Cludgie. I'm sorry that you're feeling miserable. Drink lots of tea with lemon and honey. Hope you feel better soon.

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: December 02, 2013 10:00PM

Sorry to hear, cludgie. Sounds rough. I could have been company but mine was last week and I missed 5 days of work, a lot for me. I think they say if a "cold" lasts longer than a week you should seek medical advice. Of course there is nothing an MD can do for a cold but some symptoms could perhaps be alleviated or maybe in some people it's not really a cold. At some point though you could get a secondary sinus infection or pop an eyeball coughing (kidding on the last one) so it could be worth a trip to the dr in that case. But first it's the usual advice - lots of fluids, plenty of rest, symptomatic relief (lozenges for sore throat, maybe pain reliever for headache if warranted, etc) and some loving care. Oh, and don't forget the chicken soup.

Take heart - you've made it through five days of it - how many more could there be?

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Posted by: jan ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 12:13AM

FIVE DAYS??? I'm on Day One and was hoping it was just a 24-hour something. Throat Coat tea, zinc lozenges, lots of fluids. None of that makes me feel any better, but it tastes good.


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Posted by: Greyfort ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 12:19AM

Aww, I'm sorry. The bugs this year are rather nasty. I had a cold in October which lasted for two weeks. But then fluid got into my ear and I was dizzy and nauseous after that for at least a month.

I hope it's on its way out soon and you'll be feeling better.

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Posted by: CA girl ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 12:28AM

My sister had something that sounded a lot like what you have a couple of weeks ago. She was out for a few days too. Just keep doing what you are doing and sleep and sleep. There are some nasty bugs this winter.

I think I'm going to stock up on chicken soup and all the things you mentioned. Feel better soon.

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Posted by: fluhist ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 12:32AM

Take care Cludgie and Jam! Nothing worse than a bad dose of 'flu! I send virtual 'tea' and sympathy!! Get well soon!!

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Posted by: Jilly ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 12:40AM

I don't know how or why this works, but it has for me 4 times....if you feel yourself start to come down with a cold, eat sauteed sliced mushrooms with a generous sprinkling of ground black pepper. I read about it and thought it was a load of hooey, but then I tried it. Enzymes or something.

Anyhow, hope you feel better soon.

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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 12:55AM

Hubby brought home a nasty something from Japan end of August. I think they passed it around the office and he brought it home again about five weeks ago. The fever passed but the congestion just keeps hanging around. Still hacking up crap weeks later. Keep your chest warm, stay out of the cold as much as possible and give Mucinex DX a spin. I just canceled a lunch date because it may snow and I just don't want to push it.

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Posted by: notamormon ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 09:11AM

Susan I/S Wrote:
> Hubby brought home a nasty something from Japan
> end of August. I think they passed it around the
> office and he brought it home again about five
> weeks ago. The fever passed but the congestion
> just keeps hanging around. Still hacking up crap
> weeks later. Keep your chest warm, stay out of
> the cold as much as possible and give Mucinex DX a
> spin. I just canceled a lunch date because it may
> snow and I just don't want to push it.

Sambucus is what I got last year at the local health food store after nothing else worked.

It contains elderberries and worked on the coughing and congestion without all the chemicals of commercial cold medicines.

Great stuff. We keep it in the house now so it is available when needed.

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Posted by: ConcernedCitizen ( )
Date: December 04, 2013 04:41PM

...drink collodial silver. Also, for congestion, put the collodial silver water into a humidifier, inhaler or vaporizer. Case closed.

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Posted by: madalice ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 01:05AM

My daughter is 3 months pregnant and has the flu. She can't take anything for it. She's very miserable. I feel so bad for her. She has morning sickness(all day) as well.

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Posted by: kj ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 01:11AM

Drink lots of tea......especially ginger tea & peppermint tea.

I use oil of oregano. It's pricey but I can't do without it. It kills viruses and bacteria. I use it externally....just a drop or two on each side of nostril. It burns my skin a little but keeps me breathing....reduces inflammation.

Sending you speedy recovery wishes.

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Posted by: Helen ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 02:52AM

That's no fun.

Get well soon!

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Posted by: Joy ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 03:59AM

Zinc, zinc, and more zinc. My doctor says that zinc is the only stuff that really helps a cold. It is better than Vitamin C, echanasia, or tea.

Every night, treat yourself to a large dose of NyQuil! I love the alcohol in it! It makes your legs feel rubbery, and soon you don't care that you are sick.

Poor baby. Get some sleep.

I got a cold last year in mid October, and it lasted until March. I was extremely deficient in Vitamin D and Vitamin B-12, and sleep-deprived. Now, I wash my hands like a chipmunk, and keep a can of disinfecting wipes in my car and I've made it until December!

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Posted by: forbiddencokedrinker ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 04:03AM

All good advice. May I also add a snooker of warm brandi at regular intervals. I don't know if it will cure your symptoms, but it will make you not mind having them as much.

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Posted by: Sir Frederick ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 08:55AM

Cludgie, it was great to hang out with you at the Atlanta exmo meeting. Should I drive down to give you a blessing? Ha!

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Posted by: breedumyung ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 10:50PM

I'm thinking you gotta get back to Church and get one of them thar 'blessings'...

Get well soon!

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: December 04, 2013 04:22PM

I can get Sir Frederick to send me a blessing by mail, whereupon I will place the magical paper on my head. Or on whatever part that ails me.

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Posted by: janebond462 ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 10:02AM

drink a cup of hot coffee. Caffeine in hot coffee mimics the asthma drug theophylline. It may help open up your bronchial tubes a bit so you can expel phlegm more easily.

That tip came from Prevention magazine years ago and I've used it to stave off asthma attacks when I started wheezing and did not have my inhaler with me.

My DH's cold recommendation is to eat the spiciest food you can stand.

I hope you feel better soon!

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 10:06AM

Sounds miserable to be so ill.

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Posted by: Heidi GWOTR ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 10:07AM

Oh gak! You have every right to gripe and pamper yourself!

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Posted by: Itzpapalotl ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 12:26PM

I had a double whammy of a cold and sinus infection a week ago...I'm still dealing with the cough. I have to be really careful because I have micro scars that tear if I dry cough too much (gee, thanks asthma and bronchitis!) It's one of the reasons I get the flu shot now. I really don't want to be hospitalized for pneumonia again.

Take care of yourself, get lots of rest and liquids. Be care what medicines you mix.

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Posted by: spaghetti oh ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 12:31PM

Get well soon, cludgie!

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Posted by: wine country girl ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 12:36PM

Day 5 of flu - go to doctor or hospital. The flu shouldn't last that long, you may need some extra medical attention. This is your friend speaking: GO TO DOCTOR OR HOSPITAL!

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Posted by: acerbic ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 05:45PM

So sorry Cludgie. I empathize. Had a cold that turned into a bacterial infection, was ill for two weeks and needed zithromycin. Now there are five days left before the last leaf pickup of the season and its rather cold to be raking leaves and filling bags - 20 or 30 of them.

Remedies: there are none, but a spoonful of horseradish gives you relief for a while.

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Posted by: thedesertrat1 ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 05:56PM

me too. If you are in So. Arizona you are one of many.

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Posted by: hayduke ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 11:12PM

I am finally feeling better after about a week of feeling like I was hit by a bus. Hope you are feeling better soon!

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: December 03, 2013 11:15PM

I used to get the flu about 3 times a year. I assume my immunity was LOW with all the stress I was under.

My mother talked me into oil of oregano just before Christmas one year. I don't think I can ever have oregano in any recipe ever again. The smell made me feel worse--

The only thing that ever worked for me was NyQuil before they took the good stuff out.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2013 11:15PM by cl2.

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Posted by: Butterfly Undercover ( )
Date: December 04, 2013 06:18PM

I hope you feel better VERY soon.

If it is any consolation, I had foot surgery last month. The cast cut into my foot and an infection set in. The ER doctor and staff had to cut the cast off, clean out the infection, and then they gave me a shot of antibiotic and sent me home with a prescription of antibiotics. I hope you feel better now.

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Posted by: JamesL ( )
Date: December 04, 2013 06:35PM

My partner just got over the same thing you describe, and I am rapidly coming down with it. I've been drinking spearmint & chamomile tea all day and am about to drown my sorrows in NyQuil.

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Posted by: matt ( )
Date: December 04, 2013 08:57PM

That's what my wife has, and what I'm trying to fight off!

Oh, Cludgie! You have whatever sympathy I have left after looking after my wife!;o))

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