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Posted by: dcgsage ( )
Date: December 14, 2013 11:02PM

just told my wife and I that he wanted to resign. HE is going to write a letter this weekend and mail it to the bishop. I resigned about two months ago.

The bishop ran the paperwork right through and I had my letter back in a few weeks. Now my son is following me.

My wife wants to resign but says she wont until our 16 yr old daughter desides. We dont want to have her left alone in the household the only member...sort of metephorically abandoned even though, none of us go to church including my daughter.

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Posted by: spaghetti oh ( )
Date: December 14, 2013 11:10PM

Yay! What a great Christmas pressie! For himself and for you! :D

Fingers crossed for your daughter.

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Posted by: Bite Me ( )
Date: December 14, 2013 11:40PM


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Posted by: newcomer ( )
Date: December 15, 2013 12:30AM

Kudos to your 14-year-old soon; he just made himself 10% richer in the future.

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Posted by: newnamenephi ( )
Date: December 15, 2013 01:12AM

Our (14-15 year old at the time) son had decided religion wasn't for him but he told us he continued to go to church and seminary because we basically demanded it of him. He's very intellectual and was really struggling internally with the church when his mom and I realized the untruthfulness of the church.

Good job for your son. Our family has come so much closer together and more "real" since leaving the church.

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Posted by: fluhist ( )
Date: December 15, 2013 02:02AM

Pleased for you and your family, and I am also really admiring of the need for patience with your daughter! All the very best to your family!!

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Posted by: They don't want me back ( )
Date: December 15, 2013 02:48PM

she'll be "the valiant one" of the family. She'll get lots of attention and affirmations which work to make her more loyal to the cult.

She will be encouraged to view others as "less than", so you want to be on hand to debunk those lies and point how how this is manipulation and how it works on her emotionally and mentally.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: December 15, 2013 05:40AM

Nothing wrong with that.

Congratulations and good luck.

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Posted by: The 1st FreeAtLast ( )
Date: December 15, 2013 06:17AM

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Posted by: PapaKen ( )
Date: December 15, 2013 10:06AM

1820: 14 yr old JS Jr signs in - a highly questionable event.
2013: 14 yr old dcgsage Jr signs out - an indisputable fact.

Congratulations on your and your son's move away from the fraudulent LD$ church.

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Posted by: Anon Brit ( )
Date: December 15, 2013 10:09AM

Great news. Well Done, Junior!

Also good idea re your wife staying in while your daughter does, that way daughter's not making a big, brave, all-alone stand while she stays in. Fingers crossed for her.

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Posted by: CA girl ( )
Date: December 15, 2013 01:52PM

Good for your son but I also really like your wife. It made me think of that book "Not Without My Daughter." I hope your daughter realizes the fairy tale the Mormons promise is a big dead end and both women can leave together. They have good examples to follow so fingers crossed.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: December 15, 2013 03:01PM

Buy your daughter In Sacred Loneliness by Compton.

Let her get a preview about what the doctrine of Celestial Marriage really was about and how it is intended to operate in her visions for a CK life.

Point out at any opportunity what she can't do as a woman in the church. Stress how you believe in her and want her to be equal in every way. A god wouldn't need a male middleman to interact with women. This was one of the issues that pushed me out. Male priesthood? No thanks.

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Posted by: dcgsage ( )
Date: December 15, 2013 06:15PM

Thx to all for your support and kind words. I really doubt my daughter will take anymore serious efforts in church attendance. She really hasn't gone in around a year other than a few YW activities. She is having the usual '16 yr old' girl emotional issues that comes with days of low confidence and beating herself up. I think it is normal but I think the years she spent going to church and holding a few callings didn't do her much good.

She has a friend who she talks to all the time who also doesnt go to church but often goes to YW weekday activities. As they are best friends, both in a delicate position of being inactive in church on sundays but semi active on wed nights, we are taking it easy. I think her friend will one day go completely inactive and my duaghter will too, even on weekday YW activities but I am not pushing her one way or the other for now.

I know both of them are on the recieving end of lots of pressure from the church. I am proud of her for holding her ground and making her own judjment calls, even though she is struggling emotionally in her teenage years.

In short, she is old enough to make these types of decisions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2013 06:16PM by dcgsage.

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Posted by: pathfinder ( )
Date: December 15, 2013 08:04PM

Yes, she is old enough to make the kind of decisions in her life but make sure has has ALL the facts (the truth) about tscc. Sounds like she will leave eventually. Teens tend to follow teens, especially best friends. Good she has a friend on the fence to. Start taking them skating or something on Wed nights. Best of luck.

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