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Posted by: CA girl ( )
Date: March 15, 2014 02:54AM

I found out the church wasn't true 5 years ago.
I quit attending, paying tithing, wearing garments etc. 4 years ago.
About 3 years ago, I'd tried tea, coffee and alcohol.
About 2 years ago I got a tiny tattoo of a cross on my wrist
This year I started attending another church.
I can't remember the last time our VTs or HTs visited. They rarely contact my kids to attend anymore. And yet...

DH and I have kept our "callings" in Cub Scouts because we really like the scouting program. Also because our son was working on his Eagle Scout and it gave him a way to stay involved without having to hang out with the guys his age in our former ward that he doesn't like, but who fawn over him when he attends. The ward has left us in this position out of desperation and the hope it would be a conduit to our return. Why am I telling you all this?

Because our son got his Eagle months ago and DH and I decided it was silly to continue to serve a calling in a church we no longer believe in. DH told me to e-mail the bishop and give our 2 weeks notice. Could I just do that, lingering brainwashing that I had? No. I wrote it in my husband's name, thinking his "priesthood" would make them listen and stressed for 3 days about what to say AND felt really weird after hitting send. Couldn't just say NO about it, like I could do easily in any other situation in my life. That's what I mean ... I wonder if any of us fully realize how much they've gotten under our skin and even if we think we are "past all that" find unexpected moments of brainwashing pop up like some creepy flashback of the "blessings of the gospel."

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