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Posted by: justanotherprettypiece ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 03:29AM

Hey guys, I haven't posted on here in years but will stop by every now and then and browse... I need to vent however, about my jackmo coworker.

Jack mormons seem to be worse because they believe everything but don't actually practice any of it, thus making themselves hypocrites that also feel huge amounts of guilt and shame (I'd imagine, anyways.)

Anyway, my coworker is a HUGE hypocrite! Lies to husband about smoking cigarettes, has a history of cheating on husband, she's overweight and posts a lot of anti-skinny stuff on Facebook while constantly talking about wanting to lose weight but never does due to bad eating habits (she'll also give advice about healthy food and exercising, which I find hilarious), is anti-marijuana even though she has admitted to doing more serious drugs in the past...

I speak up every now and then because I get tired of hearing her talk about things that I know she doesn't actually practice in her real life. And I'm viewed as the bad person because I'm exmormon! It's very frustrating, and right now the only solution I can see is to stop talking to her about any thing that's not related to work. I probably come across as extremely judgmental in this post, but I've had enough!

Anyway, what do you guys think? Are Jack Mormons harder to deal with than active mormons?

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 03:36AM

Are you working with one of my relatives?

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Posted by: justanotherprettypiece ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 12:47PM

Is this a serious question?

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 12:56PM

Except for the facebook part, so I'm not sure.

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Posted by: justanotherprettypiece ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 01:15PM

Hmm, well I live in Oregon...

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 01:23PM

Well that clears it. I'm in California. It's eerie how some personality types repeat, isn't it?

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Posted by: justanotherprettypiece ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 01:29PM

The lying about smoking seems to be more common than I thought... I know three people right now, all women, lying to their husbands about smoking cigarettes. Seems like it'd be a tough lie to keep, with the smell getting everywhere!

That is eerie. I was worried if you loved your relative though, you were going to come kick my ass. lol

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 01:33PM

This old bear doesn't kick ass, he lifts up dead logs top reveal the nasty things crawling around in hiding.

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Posted by: verilyverily ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 04:18AM

Give her something JUICY to talk about. That will shut her up.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 06:38AM

It's a mindset I can't fathom.

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Posted by: caedmon ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 07:38AM

You need to stay away from this person. Not because she is jackmo but because she is untrustworthy. People like this will use anything you tell them to slander you to your boss and coworkers. Beware.

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Posted by: neverevermo ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 03:19PM


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Posted by: dimmesdale ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 08:40AM

As you say, they carry a lot of guilt because they still believe what they were taught as young mormons and (especially in Utah/Idaho, etc) what the culture in general espouses.

They (generally) haven't researched or studied the history and teachings of the church enough to have become skeptical, so they stay in their childhood belief system, still feeling sinful.

My sister in law (who hasn't been to church in years) took me aside a few years ago and told me she was pregnant when she got married to my brother. "Can you ever forgive me?" she said. I thought that was so sad (and pathetic). As if she would ever need MY forgiveness. As if she'd really need anyone's forgiveness. And didn't she know me well enough to know that.

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Posted by: dogzilla ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 09:07AM

Hypocrites, in general, I find intolerable. At the very least, completely unrespectable.

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Posted by: MCR ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 09:13AM

Living in Utah County, I run into lots of people like that--many of my friends are like that. Not the untrustworthy hypocrite stuff, but they do not follow TSCC in any aspect of their lives, or agree with TSCC's stance on so many issues--mostly having to do with political stances that are manifestations of believing privilege equals righteousness. Injustice is really justice because of "choices!;" and vengeance feels so good (what's the point of privilege if you can't use it unfettered?)

Yet, they have deeply internalized that TSCC's right and they're wrong, in an existential sense: the Church is perfect, the people aren't. Because they're honest, they're aware of their own flaws and mistakes (tiny as they are compared with the systematic deception that is TSCC), and because of those flaws and mistakes, they believe they'd be hypocritical to call out TSSC. Plus, they're romantically attached to TSCC, and because of the con, they fill in the blanks to defend TSCC.

They're former Mormons who aren't in recovery. They're dry-drunks. For example, they don't agree with TSCC's treatment of gays, so they diverge from TSCC on this subject. Yet, they never crack open the very wrongheadedness that allows TSCC to treat gays the way it does. The SIL who wants forgiveness for committing a sexual transgression, which is close to murder! (which it's not), suffers from TSCC's abuse of her psyche, and has never found her way to the conclusion: Wait a minute, I'm not wrong, TSCC's wrong! The Law of Chastity isn't about sin, it's about organizational control over people like me through the mechanism of guilt! And I'm not going to take it anymore! Out and Proud, Baby!

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Posted by: sizterh ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 09:36AM

What I like least about my JackMo brother is that he believes all the pre 1978 racist bullsh**.

I hate the racism aspect about the church but the members who believe the church and practice have let that part go (for the most part).

Seems the Jacks are not up on the fact they were suppose to stop the "blacks are sinners from the preexistence."

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Posted by: thedesertrat1 ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 11:31AM

Reminds me of the fat Bishop questioning a member about the WOW.

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 12:01PM

are siblings. My sister is one of the worst. They live NONE of the teachings, but when it suits their purposes, they bring it up. She "likes" Mormon themes on fb sometimes like posting the Brigham City temple.

One of my mother's neighbors (my mother is deceased) told my sister that she feels my mother when she goes to the temple. My sister was all excited about it. I said, "WHY would YOUR mother be in the temple with the neighbor and not with you at YOUR HOME?"

She cheated on her husband many times. She cheats on her current boyfriend any time it suits her purposes. She drinks an enormous amount of alcohol. I'd call her a functioning alcoholic.

She has told me not to talk to exmos because they are evil.

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Posted by: The StalkerDog™ ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 12:42PM

My mom is skinny. Always has been. You wouldn't believe how many people put her down for it when she would never put down a fat person like that. Total strangers, like in a store, even!

Seems like some people just GOTTA look around and draw a bead on someone so they can put them down and criticize them. Makes them feel better, I think!

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Posted by: justanotherprettypiece ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 01:14PM

The anti-skinny talk bothers me A LOT because I have a few sisters that are "model" skinny, but they are in no way starving themselves because they eat all the time- they're just built like that. I guess people will make comments to them about needing to eat or about their weight, and it's offensive.

I agree with you that people criticize to make themselves feel better.

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Posted by: dogzilla ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 01:52PM

I couldn't agree more and put forth the following: Calling somebody a skinny bitch is just as hurtful and damaging as calling them a fat cow.

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Posted by: Templar ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 01:30PM

In my mind, anyone who believes in Mormonism, jack or not, is really screwed up. The "jack" Mormon lives in guilt and the active Mormon lives in denial. Neither of these is good for ones mental health.

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Posted by: Thomas S Monster ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 01:30PM

Jack mormons are worse than some TBMs in that they have recieved all the mind control downloads needed to be LDS.. but they dont take God or scriptures seriously enough to stop being hypocrites or to look into it enough to see the deception.

Last year I had a TBM girlfriend & I boasted to my friends that I would bring her out of the cult BECAUSE she was an actual true believer. It took months of work and I almost gave up but the fateful day came & her house of cards came down. This was because she took her relationship with God and her scriptures seriously. Since we're no longer together I get asked if she's gone back to the church. I say "hell no" because its impossible to tremble before the big green head once you've taken a look behind the curtain.

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Posted by: Helen ( )
Date: June 06, 2014 01:30PM

If you just can't stand it the next time she starts her hypocritical chatter maybe say just two words:-

"Pot, Kettle."

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