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Posted by: london ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 12:27AM

One of my LDS friends posted this one Facebook. It's been shared close to 50K times. It appears conference has inspired members to defend the indefensible.

"if we can’t trust our feelings, then what do we have?"

I don't know...logic and reason?

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Posted by: Shummy ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 12:40AM

nothing like the reek of desperation in the morning

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Posted by: outsider ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 10:00AM

So it's been shared 50k times. All by TBM to their TBM friends. The TBM will think that it's a sign that the world loves them instead of realizing that it's only masturbation.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 12:41AM

more reliable; you know, like gravity!

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Posted by: exodus ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 01:02AM

Ah yes, good 'ol Greg at it again. How does he "feel" about gravity today? Maybe if he felt like he could fly, he could actually do it. But not physically, "spiritually" you know.

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Posted by: Becca ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 01:32AM

Is this guy for real??

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Posted by: nonsequiter ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 01:36AM

Ever since Greg Trimble went on a rant about how people make up their own version of Jesus and it upsets him because it is different from the version of Jesus he made up himself... I just cant read anything from him, not even to tear it apart.

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Posted by: twistedsister ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 10:15AM

Same here. The guy is a douchebag of the highest degree and I can't stomach any of his holier than thou writings.

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Posted by: Elder What's-his-face ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 09:30AM

Ah, yes. Let us only trust our feelings!

Maybe that is one way to keep Utah at the top of the FBI's list for affinity fraud.

Or maybe if we only trust our feelings, we can cut the skyrocketing divorce rate by never marrying the wrong person.

Oh, and that car salesman who won't let you look under the hood of the car you really like? You want that kind of car, so it's all good.

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Posted by: anybody ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 09:43AM

It's a fake.

People said so at the time it was written.

No trace of any ancient Bronze Age or Iron Age civilisation has ever been found in the Americas.

The book contradicts itself.

If flat out plagiarism doesn't make something false then I don't know what else does.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/07/2014 09:53AM by anybody.

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Posted by: ladell ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 10:10AM

Wow, powerful stuff. I'm going back

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Posted by: axeldc ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 10:42AM

1) The DNA of American Indians bears no trace of Semitic Ancestry
2) We have relics from civilizations thousands of years old, but can find none of the chariots, steel weapons or any of the other technologies JS attributed to the Nephites less than 2000 years ago. Michael Coe dismissed the BofM as fantasy with utterly no evidence.
3) When the Spanish arrived in the New World, their brief exposure led to most natives being wiped out by smallpox. Within 200 years, the hemisphere was depopulated. If the Jews had come over, they would have brought smallpox with them and the natives would have some immunity.
4) There were no sheep, horses or domesticated animals in the New World when Columbus arrived, only Llamas and guinea pigs. They had been wiped out by the last Ice Age tens of thousands of years earlier. Somehow the Nephites and Lamanites had chariots and shepherds.
5) A book published a few years earlier by Ethan Smith recounted tales of lost Hebrew tribes settling in N. America.
6) JS was not some uneducated boy working alone. He was 24 years old and worked with a school teacher who was from the same town as Ethan Smith, author of View of the Hebrews.
7) Large sections of the Book of Mormon are cribbed from the Bible, even sections that were written after Lehi allegedly left Jerusalem.
8) When Mark Hoffman claimed to have found evidence of JS and the occult, the church spent millions to buy it up and bury it, even though the Tanners said it was a forgery.
9) Several authors, such as Dickens, Shakespeare and Mary Shelley, wrote their first masterpieces in their early 20s.

Not only is there no evidence for the Book of Mormon, there is plenty of evidence to show that: a) the Nephites could have never existed; b) JS wrote the Book of Mormon with OC using Ethan Smith and the Bible as inspiration.

The cheap ploy of the poor little ignorant JS being unable to write a novel is just a red herring easily dismissed.

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Posted by: Arwen ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 11:49AM

And, it goes much deeper than that. I read the book by Grant Palmer (Insider's View on Mormon Origins) and even the sermons in the BoM were almost identical to ones that JS attended. You can compare their writings from sermons back then to what was in the BoM.

Once one looks at all the evidence, it's SO BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that the Book of Mormon is not a translated work from the Golden Plates.

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Posted by: axeldc ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 12:01PM

No one has ever seen the Golden Plates or anything like them. Even the 11 witnesses, two of whom are JS's collaborators in writing the BoM, are easily dismissed. The 8 witnesses didn't even sign the document, as the signatures are in the same handwriting as the text.

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Posted by: PapaKen ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 11:34AM

Greg Trimble says:

"I noticed that most of the people that condemned the Book of Mormon the loudest, had never even read the book."

I've read it several times, even in French. I prayed about it as much as anyone has. Especially after a friend told me that there wasn't a "shred of evidence" that it was historical. I had to know for myself. But as of today, I have not had any answer from God about the BOM. So until & less I do, I'm relying on science. And science tells me it's a fraud. And I proclaim it - LOUDLY - to be a fraud.

Greg Trimble says:

"One cannot deny the existence of that book." I've never done that. It's real. And it's still a fraud.

I couldn't read any farther. I could already tell that Greg Trimble's testimony of the BOM is a misguided fraud.

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Posted by: axeldc ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 01:44PM

Sorry, read it more times than I care to admit, and like PapaKen, in French as well as English. In French, they use an * in place of "and it came to pass" which shortens the book considerably.

Believers cannot admit that non-believers know anything. It's only the ignorant who don't believe. I've had Evangelical friends who are shocked that I know more Bible stories than they do. They have said, "How can you know so much and not believe?" Um, I know too much to believe.

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Posted by: Stray Mutt ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 11:35AM

"if we can’t trust our feelings, then what do we have?"

I felt I should leave the LDS church. So there you have it.

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Posted by: Arwen ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 11:55AM


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Posted by: axeldc ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 12:33PM

If you feel the Mormonism is true, then trust that feeling. If you feel it is a waste of time, then doubt your doubts.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 11:39AM

No, I have a huge amount of evidence to *show clearly* that it's a fraud. Not "feelings," not any "still small voice," but clear, verifiable, demonstrable evidence. It's a fraud.

From that blog post:

“If you were to drop a nuclear bomb on my testimony, the Book of Mormon would be like the little cockroach that climbs its way to the surface from beneath all the rubble.” One cannot deny the existence of that book. It is there for all to read and it survives any and every attack."

How dishonest. The book exists, but it's been clearly shown fraudulent by massive evidence. It doesn't "survive every attack," it fails every test. It's this kind of dishonesty (or is it rank ignorance, I can't really tell) that is so disgusting.

Damn the facts, don't let them get in the way of my feelings...what an idiotic way to go through life.

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Posted by: Facsimile 3 ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 12:46PM

He is right about one thing...the BoM is like a cockroach. Not only in terms of survivability (idiots still believe in this crap more than 180 years later), but also in terms of its value to mankind.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/07/2014 12:47PM by Facsimile 3.

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Posted by: Devoted Exmo ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 01:13PM

I can see that logic is not his strong suit. Poor guy. What a handicap!

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Posted by: london ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 11:40AM

I would just point out that Taylor Wilson built a nuclear fusion reactor at 14 years old with no formal education in nuclear physics, a feat I think is slightly more impressive than someone in their early 20's writing a book of fiction.

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Posted by: Arwen ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 11:44AM

london Wrote:
> "if we can’t trust our feelings, then what do we
> have?"
> I don't know...logic and reason?

That made me laugh out loud!

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Posted by: Becca ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 11:45AM

The guy himself makes me break out in hysterical laughter...

but the TBM comments!!!!....

They make me run for the hills!!

Honestly, guys.. don't bother! They are a bunch of nutjobs that wouldn't know logic if it hit them square in the balls..

Too much... just too much...


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Posted by: optional2 ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 01:05PM

London are you trusting men instead of Christ?

The original 1830 Book of Mormon had been changed thousands of times including the nature of God.

at Mormon think website see book of Mormon problems

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Posted by: optional2 ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 01:08PM

Sorry London, realize now that you were sharing what TBM's are talking about on facebook.

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Posted by: Brethren,adieu ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 01:10PM

"If we can't trust our feelings, what do we have?"

I went to see Old Yeller when I was a kid. I cried when the dog died. I was sad. Does that mean a dog really died?

My point is that feelings can be manipulated. Con men, movie producers and 3d-carnival ride designers know this to be true.

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Posted by: Shummy ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 01:14PM

nicely put

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Posted by: Squirrelnutzipper ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 01:30PM

Dear London:

As humans, the way we may come to "know" something is through the mechanics of our brain. This process is a combination of evidence, experience, logical reasoning, and yes, even our feelings.

Unfortunately, the author of this blog has decided to restrict some of his mental processes to only include those things which will give him confirmation of a predisposed answer. He wants it to be true, so how he feels is the most important element of his "knowing."

If anyone, including the most ardent believers would take the time to use all the processes, they would be forced into the logical conclusion that the Book of Mormon isn't what it asserts to be, an historic religious record of the ancient Americans. We already know this because there is no evidence at all to support the claim. None, whatsoever. NONE.

The author of the blog was duped. I was duped. Most of us on this board were duped at one point but we had enough courage to admit that knowing something is more than feeling.

Best of luck on your journey for truth. One thing is for sure, it won't lead you to the Book of Mormon.

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Posted by: Lost on a beach ( )
Date: October 07, 2014 01:38PM

Can we please never mention this paragon of Mormon indoctrination again? I kinda throw up a little every time I hear his name. People will mistake for being bulemic soon.

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