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Posted by: thewhyalumnus ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 04:31PM

Yep, another missionary blog that is going viral.

From the top of this missionary's latest blog entry:
"It breaks my heart to see these poor lamanite nation people who are so lost in the traditions of their fathers. I feel into a deep sadness as I took the sacrament this week, just wishing more poeple could undrstand this message and how it can truly help them."

Do the BYU apologists know that the Lamanites are in Chile?

On a serious note, I really feel sad for these poor naive, young kids, that really think they are serving the Lord...TSCC oughta be ashamed of themselves!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/09/2014 04:32PM by thewhyalumnus.

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Posted by: moose ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 04:34PM

I thought I served a Lamanite mission:

Australia East (Sydney), 1974-76, Spanish speaking.

I did meet several Chileans, though.

Yes, I thought I was serving.

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Posted by: randyj ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 05:52PM

I got to Brisbane in June 1974. Martell Bird, who had been the Sydney mission president, moved up to Brisbane to open the new mission just a few months before I got there. Bird was my MP for my first few weeks.

I met very few Spanish-speaking people there. A couple of South Americans and a few Filipinos. There were quite a few Italians, though. We had one missionary of Italian descent from Melbourne who was assigned to rove around and teach Italian-speaking people, but they were few and far between.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/09/2014 05:55PM by randyj.

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Posted by: gentlestrength ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 04:38PM

Thumbs up Elder McGee!

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 04:38PM

"so lost in the traditions of their fathers," says a foolish young man in over his head. He's pretty well stranded in his own father's traditions.

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Posted by: NewLifeGuy ( )
Date: December 10, 2014 02:18AM

Don, you really hit the nail on the head with that statement. Not only in over his head but clueless as to the whole brainwashing by the church he is receiving that causes him to make these kind of ridiculous statements.

I really do feel bad for all these young kids out on missions from pressure or brainwashing. What a waste and so often not a healthy thing to be engaged in, especially mentally and psychologically.

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Posted by: thewhyalumnus ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 04:42PM

clearly his blog is getting attention. He's approaching 15,000 views!

Confirmation bias in the digital world...

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Posted by: CA girl ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 04:53PM

I see this attitude with missionaries fairly frequently. How SORRY they feel for the poor misguided Russians, Lamanites, French, New Yorkers etc. who are so caught up in 1) The traditions of their fathers 2) their enjoyment of sins like coffee and vodka 3) their own lazy way of life 4) the opinions of others ... that they cannot take time to listen to the missionaries and allow the missionaries to help them. These poor souls can't understand the wonderful missionaries are only trying to help them and that people don't want to change, even when it's for the better. It NEVER occurs to missionaries that the overwhelming mass of humanity may think becoming a Mormon is a step down in evolution - not a step forward.

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Posted by: thewhyalumnus ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 04:58PM

CA girl Wrote:
> I see this attitude with missionaries fairly
> frequently. How SORRY they feel for the poor
> misguided Russians, Lamanites, French, New Yorkers
> etc. who are so caught up in 1) The traditions of
> their fathers 2) their enjoyment of sins like
> coffee and vodka 3) their own lazy way of life 4)
> the opinions of others ... that they cannot take
> time to listen to the missionaries and allow the
> missionaries to help them. These poor souls can't
> understand the wonderful missionaries are only
> trying to help them and that people don't want to
> change, even when it's for the better. It NEVER
> occurs to missionaries that the overwhelming mass
> of humanity may think becoming a Mormon is a step
> down in evolution - not a step forward.


Well said!

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Posted by: Anon666 ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 05:03PM

Kind of OT but how would one find out if their local Missionarys have blogs. I would be curious to know if they write about the wicked anti that live in the ward. I tried google, but got nothing.

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Posted by: Elder OldDog ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 10:13PM

First place you can look is here:

It's concentrated but relatively few are up to date... The up to date mishies are very faithful.

Then try Google using Elder John Doevery or sister Mihkayeleauu Doe.

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Posted by: fluhist ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 05:04PM

Does it strike anyone else the same way it strikes me? These young men and women are well intended I know, but the whole sympathy routine seems to me to cover an awful lot of arrogance on their part. They are the ONLY ones who have any answers despite the fact that they are either in, or barely out of their teens, and they are SO rightious that they grieve for their fellow men and women, who are doing just fine and getting along with their lives without them. It all just strikes me as arrongant and condescending.

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Posted by: moose ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 05:13PM

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/09/2014 05:13PM by moose.

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Posted by: thewhyalumnus ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 05:25PM

I agree, fluhist. And, for the most part, there is not any self-awareness.

Mormonism breads arrogance:

-one true church
-Jesus at the Head
-THE Prophet
-THE authority
-THE Plan of Salvation
-ALL truths restored
-THE Covenant people
-CHosen generation
etc, blah bla bla

This stuff is hammered into the heads of Mormons. It comes across as silly, unfounded, naive, arrogance, to most people out of the Mormon bubble.

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Posted by: Hugh ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 05:45PM

I couldn't help but keep reading. Moron's are so very arrogant, of his blog give good examples. Dumb-ass little fool:

"They do not understand that this is the time to repent. We need to understand Gods will more, and we need to repent each and every day or else we are not using Christs atonement for us. If we dont repent, we will have to take upon ourselves the sins we have commited. Would it not be easier to use the atonement. We need to trust in God more, for he is someone that we can whole-heartedly trust!"

Yeah because those wicked lamanites are so very wicked compared to you. God is awesome...yeah trust him you poor fools.

"Its so great to just run and hug a guy you dont even know. We have so much fun flipping peoples hats backwords, putting on taxi drivers seat belts, tickling old men, giving people ties, and talking on peoples little microphones that sell stuff in the street. I fear no men."

Son you are going to get your ass kicked over there. Stop being an idiot.

"Missionary work! We have also been having alot of fun making people do good things in the street. Like making one man we contact hug another man in the street and say "Te qiuero" haha."

OMG...are you for real Elder dumb ass? Wait, in the COJCOLDS you are not suppose to "make" anyone do anything. That's what stan does. WTF?

"We contact someone at their gate, they come out and want nothing to do with us. We make them laugh by trying to hug them or tickle them or something, and then they say no, so we make a guy walking buy give them a hug. Or we make youth talk to grandmas about youthful problems and the grandmas give advice. Its so fun!"

Uh, Elder, they want nothing to do with you because you represent a scary American cult. For real, you're tickling people you don't know. Holy shiz. Quit making people do anything you moron.

"We teach a gradnma and grandpa named Teresa and Domingo. They are less active members and are striving to come back. One of the main challenges of the hermana is smoking. We went in to their house and sat down and and tried to get her to tell us her challenges, and why she cant progress. We already knew she smoked but it was important that she told us. So after finding that out, we taught an awesome scripture from corrinthians about the obedience that a chile has for its parents and the obedience and discipline with our father in heaven. We taught with such a thick spirit that she immediately felt such remorse and in such debt with her father in heaven that she went and got her last cigarrete and broke it in front of us. Im pretty sure you couldve caught the spirit in a fishing net it was so thick. I learned so much about how important it is to teach with the spirit because it makes people do things that they need to to progress in this world!"

Thick spirit hug? Ewwe..was that after you tickled her?

"We found a lady this week who is a very free spirit and paints super well! We are gonna try to cultivate her talents and have her paint temples and pictures of christ for people in the church and of course we wanna baptize her. We showed her all the pictures of like Jospeph smiths house and all those old time houses in the back of the triple of scriptures and she wants to paint them!"

God forbid Elder she would have her own glad you are there to "cultivate" her arrogant lil' guy. I hope you get slapped silly soon. Moron. Ugghhh.

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Posted by: thewhyalumnus ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 05:56PM

Hugh Wrote:
> I couldn't help but keep reading. Moron's are so
> very arrogant, of his blog
> give good examples. Dumb-ass little fool:
> "They do not understand that this is the time to
> repent. We need to understand Gods will more, and
> we need to repent each and every day or else we
> are not using Christs atonement for us. If we dont
> repent, we will have to take upon ourselves the
> sins we have commited. Would it not be easier to
> use the atonement. We need to trust in God more,
> for he is someone that we can whole-heartedly
> trust!"
> Yeah because those wicked lamanites are so very
> wicked compared to you. God is awesome...yeah
> trust him you poor fools.
> "Its so great to just run and hug a guy you dont
> even know. We have so much fun flipping peoples
> hats backwords, putting on taxi drivers seat
> belts, tickling old men, giving people ties, and
> talking on peoples little microphones that sell
> stuff in the street. I fear no men."
> Son you are going to get your ass kicked over
> there. Stop being an idiot.
> "Missionary work! We have also been having alot of
> fun making people do good things in the street.
> Like making one man we contact hug another man in
> the street and say "Te qiuero" haha."
> OMG...are you for real Elder dumb ass? Wait, in
> the COJCOLDS you are not suppose to "make" anyone
> do anything. That's what stan does. WTF?
> "We contact someone at their gate, they come out
> and want nothing to do with us. We make them laugh
> by trying to hug them or tickle them or something,
> and then they say no, so we make a guy walking buy
> give them a hug. Or we make youth talk to grandmas
> about youthful problems and the grandmas give
> advice. Its so fun!"
> Uh, Elder, they want nothing to do with you
> because you represent a scary American cult. For
> real, you're tickling people you don't know. Holy
> shiz. Quit making people do anything you moron.
> "We teach a gradnma and grandpa named Teresa and
> Domingo. They are less active members and are
> striving to come back. One of the main challenges
> of the hermana is smoking. We went in to their
> house and sat down and and tried to get her to
> tell us her challenges, and why she cant progress.
> We already knew she smoked but it was important
> that she told us. So after finding that out, we
> taught an awesome scripture from corrinthians
> about the obedience that a chile has for its
> parents and the obedience and discipline with our
> father in heaven. We taught with such a thick
> spirit that she immediately felt such remorse and
> in such debt with her father in heaven that she
> went and got her last cigarrete and broke it in
> front of us. Im pretty sure you couldve caught the
> spirit in a fishing net it was so thick. I learned
> so much about how important it is to teach with
> the spirit because it makes people do things that
> they need to to progress in this world!"
> Thick spirit hug? Ewwe..was that after you
> tickled her?
> "We found a lady this week who is a very free
> spirit and paints super well! We are gonna try to
> cultivate her talents and have her paint temples
> and pictures of christ for people in the church
> and of course we wanna baptize her. We showed her
> all the pictures of like Jospeph smiths house and
> all those old time houses in the back of the
> triple of scriptures and she wants to paint
> them!"
> God forbid Elder she would have her own
> glad you are there to "cultivate"
> her arrogant lil' guy. I hope you
> get slapped silly soon. Moron. Ugghhh.

Hugh, I don't know you, but I really like you. Your post is hilarious! In spite of the fact that I'm the OP, on this post, I couldn't stomach it to read any more of this blog.

Thanks for making me laugh so hard I nearly fell out of my chair! And, I agree, the arrogance is painful.

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Posted by: blueorchid ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 07:43PM

Ha ha. Thanks for the rundown. And, if anyone starts slapping that arrogant little idiot silly there is going to be a long line forming.

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Posted by: blueorchid ( )
Date: December 09, 2014 07:38PM

Where else but Mormonism would ignorance and arrogance go so well together?

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Posted by: catnip ( )
Date: December 10, 2014 01:14AM

I would imagine that trying to write a hyper-enthusiastic mishie blog would fall somewhere between tracting and cleaning toilets somewhere in the Third World.

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Posted by: madalice ( )
Date: December 10, 2014 01:38AM

Why oh why isn't it a sin to say the word "awesome"?

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