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Posted by: bella10 ( )
Date: February 09, 2015 06:13PM

Did anyone on here elope when they got married? and Do you regret you did? I have often thought if I were to get married I would much rather elope then go through all the trouble of a wedding. I am not much of a wedding person to me it is not worth the cost...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2015 06:15PM by bella10.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: February 09, 2015 06:43PM

I regret I married her, but the kids say it's too late. We ran off to San Francisco and from there were driving to Las Vegas, so we stopped in Reno and got married. We were both wearing jeans. We didn't have to get married, but it was never going to be cheaper.

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Posted by: Renie ( )
Date: February 09, 2015 06:45PM

We eloped and got married at a little church on an island that you have to take a ferry boat to access. Never regretted it.

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Posted by: madalice ( )
Date: February 09, 2015 06:50PM

Yes, and imo it's the way to go. We hd a reception about a month later at our house. It was an outdoor BBQ. Lots of fun, and no more expensive then an ordinary party.

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Posted by: bella10 ( )
Date: February 10, 2015 02:16AM

I had a cousin that did something similar for her "reception" she had a big pool party/bbq. It was a big hit and way better than a tradition reception.

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Posted by: gemini ( )
Date: February 09, 2015 06:53PM

My mother eloped with my father on a dare back in 1937. She was 4 months shy of 18 and was a senior in high school. She regretted it from the day she did it. My dad convinced her to put down 1919 as her birth year when it was really 1920. In those days they had to write in a big book at a courthouse and sign their name. In 2006, I took her back to that courthouse and asked if they had the marriage records going back to the 30's. They went into a vault and brought out this big heavy book. She found her entry and the false birthdate and she said, "see, our marriage started out on a lie."

What was interesting was that she was not able to go back to high school..married folks were banned from finishing. She got her GED later, but was so sad that she couldn't finish high school.

She warned both my sister and I never to do what she had done and elope!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2015 06:54PM by gemini.

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: February 09, 2015 07:26PM

Didn't have to, but would have if that had been necessary. Luckily our parents supported us in our decision. My wife made all the dresses and my groomsmen wore blazers and slacks they already owned. We had our reception at a hotel owned by a friend so got a screamin' deal on the meal and then my wife and I jumped in our truck and left. The whole thing coast under $2K. And we're still married (41 years) so our thrift was a good investment.

Ron Burr

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2015 08:05PM by Lethbridge Reprobate.

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Posted by: flyindoc ( )
Date: February 09, 2015 08:08PM

Eloped, second marriage, after a temple marriage to a Borderline Personality Disorder spouse (for some teen years). TBM parents love her because they see how she loves me. Best 7 years of my adult life.

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Posted by: 2thdoc ( )
Date: February 09, 2015 08:50PM

It might not fit the exact definition of an elopement because we know about it ahead of time, but my daughter is getting married in a few months without any fanfare. She is getting married in a temple with only a few immediate family members (not me) present and then leaving immediately on a honeymoon.

She was able to watch the process of her sister getting married last summer with all the usual festivities. From that experience, she learned that she just wants to skip all that stress.

We told her that we will write her a check for what we would have spent on the announcements, dress, reception, etc., so she and her fiancé are thrilled with this plan.

My wife and I are thrilled to not have to go through another multi-month, stress-filled wedding planning episode. Win-win.

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Posted by: Shummy ( )
Date: February 09, 2015 11:05PM

Love to hear from anyone that had a Wendover wedding.

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Posted by: laperla not logged in ( )
Date: February 10, 2015 12:37AM

or maybe it was just a New Year's bender that got out of control. Early 1900's. They stayed married until she died, then he did.

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Posted by: dogeatdog ( )
Date: February 10, 2015 01:01AM

We eloped. Went to the court house and didn't even have family or friends involved. Been married 12 years, and have not ever regretted eloping rather than having a wedding - including when I sit at other people's. The only thing I wish is that we had done more of a destination elopement.

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Posted by: bella10 ( )
Date: February 10, 2015 02:13AM

Thanks for all your stories. I have enjoyed reading them.


I really like the idea of a somewhat planned destination elopement. Then, as madalice, said having an informal reception/bbq later.

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Posted by: Just Passing Through ( )
Date: February 10, 2015 11:13AM

Been married 30 years, married at the courthouse. My then future mother in law told my wife she would be disowned if we got married. I still don't know what is up with that. I told wife that her mom was bluffing but wife believed her. So off we went. I don't regret it, don't know if wife does or not.

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