Posted by:
Date: March 15, 2015 06:35PM
I, for one, understand your concern. Perhaps, the bigger concern might shift focus on "the ramifications of" such actions deemed "ORAL SEX".
In the medical community, it seems quite well-known that the term "oral sex" applies to either 1) fellatio, or 2) cunnilingus.
The following links give the complete definition of each:, I believe that people miss an important point, however, in not asking the right question, about these types of activities:
(Medically-speaking), what is the natural consequence of engaging in such activities? (In particular, in cunnilingus).
To digress slightly, one who were to engage in anal sex with an HIV-infected homosexual male would be highly likely to get the same virus as the sexual partner, because so-called 'protection' does not stop the virus (which is a very tiny organism) from going right through such protective materials. The "natural consequence" in this type of case, then, would be to acquire the virus.
In ORAL SEX (cunnilingus), one must be aware that the female reproductive system can acquire what is referred to as "a resident population of strains (viz., varieties) of the Human Papilloma.Virus, or HPV". This is another way of saying that one or more of the 100+ kinds of HPV may "live there", in sexually-active women.
The "danger" of cunnilingus, to be certain, is to the man. There are 9,000 new cases of a specific oral cancer--oropharyngeal cancer--every year, in the United States. This type of cancer develops from a specific strain of HPV, which is acquired by the man during this type of oral sex. It is a slow-growing cancer that may take up to 20 years, from the time of exposure to the virus, until the cellular changes in the throat, pharynx, and tongue become cancerous.
Some have postulated that HPV-initiated oropharyngeal cancer may become the next AIDS epidemic: as young people, these days, are more likely to engage in this type of behavior than their parents' generation. The well-known actor, Michael Douglas, developed throat cancer which he is certain came from this type of sexual activity: he used himself as a sort of "poster boy", to bring to people a greater awareness of the "fall-out" from doing this type of thing.
Even if it is "Russian roulette" (in which case, one may or may not suffer a consequence), these types of acts--whether ethical or unethical; moral, immoral, or even amoral--DO have a "natural consequence" attached to them.
The real question is this: Do you want to live long enough to see "your" grandchildren graduate and get their university degree? Do you want to be "alive and healthy", when those same grandkids get married?
What people decide for their lives in the "here and now" actually DOES determine their future: in some small (or even great) way.