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Posted by: Armand Tamzarian ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 04:25PM

Had another snit with Daniel Peterson and got dope slapped by his various bitches. Anyway, his own retort was that predictable thing that Peterson and others say so often now in response to Smith's adultery and pedophilia. They don't actually dismiss it, but act more like Smith had his reasons and God will deal with it later. Or they say as Peterson did this time, "We never said he wasn't fallible! Even prophets aren't perfect." But Joseph Smith himself claimed that he was better than Jesus. He also claimed that he, not Jesus, would be the arbiter for people hoping to enter the celestial kingdom. Brigham Young also later verified that Smith would be the one to judge people for entry into the celestial kingdom. To me, that is saying that Smith was/is perfect. Besides, to criticize Smith is to get yourself excommunicated. What does that say?

The thing that chafes me badly is how Mormons will say how they are all imperfect and fallible one second, and then begin dispensing transparent arrogance the next.

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Posted by: Brett11 ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 04:37PM

I'm sure Mormons look at Warren Jeffs and think what a creep he is. It never dawns on them that Joseph Smith was exactly the same.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 04:43PM

You have to know what to look for to tell the difference between a True Prophet and just an ordinary prophet...mormons have that gift, you know.

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Posted by: ConcernedCitizen ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 07:30PM

'Get your passports here.....get your passports here!"

"Signed by Bro. can get in!"

"Don't worry about past transgressions......Joe signed em'off!!"

"These are the real deal...rubber-stamped authorizations into the Celestial Kingdom.....what the hell are you knuckleheads waiting for??????"

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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 04:47PM

From what I hear, Joseph Smith lived in a commune with Jehovah.

I'll bet they took a lot of LDS.

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Posted by: iplayedjoe ( )
Date: April 17, 2015 11:51PM


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Posted by: anagrammy ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 04:57PM

Mormons frequently engage in opposite speak.

For example,

The cult itself sold on the basis of strengthening families actually tears them apart by taking the parent's time and money from their children. In addition, they encourage shunning of members who leave, even if its a relative, while denying same. (Proof of this is in the temple questions--Do you sympathize or associate with apostates --like your son--???)

Court of Love: NOT a court because those charged are not allowed to have legal representation. NOT loving in positioning a lone seated accused to face a battery of "superior" accusers and then announcing their already-decided excommunication. In other words, a shaming ritual--not loving at all.

Prophet, Seer and Revelator. Who never prophesies, sees, or reveals more than you or I. Revelations are announced even when the speaker involved denied it was a revelation and insisted it was an administrative announcement (the blacks having the priesthood). Now he's not even specially guided in accuracy.

Bishop. Just a leader who's a dentist or maybe a plumber with no theological or counseling education or experience. Actually a manager. See qualifications of real bishops in the Catholic Church.

Mormon wedding. Couple is actually married to the church, then conditionally to each other, dependent upon faithfulness.

I'm sure readers can give more examples.

These people are so used to lying for the Lord, the truth no longer has any relevance whatsoever, whatever the church says is the "truth".

Kathleen Waters

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Posted by: GNPE1 ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 06:35PM

- God pours out commandments to 'the Righteous'

-(s)he that is commanded in all things is a slothful servant

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 05:03PM

Beware of debating the scalawag apologist on line. He uses other posts under other names to attack you. Many of his supporters are him. Maybe most.

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Posted by: iplayedjoe ( )
Date: April 17, 2015 11:58PM

and...the second you get the best of little danny, he'll spout off something trite and block you. You can always have the last word by emailing him @YBU

And danny.....the 80's called AGAIN and they still want the mustache back.

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Posted by: Crazy People ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 07:22PM

So then, Jesus was wrong in His teachings?

Christ clearly said that many false prophets would be coming and that the way to detect them was "by their fruits".

Fruits like hypocrisy!

Does this self-proclaimed "prophet" SAY one thing, and then DO the opposite?

Let's say, for instance: Does this "prophet" PUBLICLY deny the doctrine and current practice of Polygamy...but SECRETLY endorse the current doctrine and practice of polygamy?

Christ was quite cut-and-dry about detecting false prophets - it's the ONLY advise He ever gave regarding them. If there was any better advise, He would have given it instead.

As for "fallibility", When someone says: "Thus saith the Lord ..." they are claiming infallibility, and so are the followers who believe their words.

Smith's "fruits" mean everything! Christ said nothing about warm feelings or testimonies, He just said EXAMINE THEIR LIVES AND SEE IF WHAT THEY SAY CONTRADICTS WITH WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DO!

It's really very simple advise.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 07:36PM

just in case everyone has not already had enough of hearing apologetic MORmON lies from TBM MORmON pricks

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 07:32PM

The MORmON church says;


"The Lord (MORmON Jesus in this instance) will never allow "THE" church to be led astray by "THE" MORmON prophet / MORmON leadership" = the (MORmON) wheels will NEVER fall off of the (MORmON church) car.

However, because MORmON Free Agency is in force, failure is a possibility. MORmONS are compelled to make certain concessions about MORmON failures when its GLARINGLY obvious that THE (MORmON) church has not performed quite so ideally, then MORmONS say:
"The church is perfect, but the members are not perfect / the MORmON leadership is not infallible." = the car may fall off its wheels (but do not worry! the wheels have not fallen off of the car, THANK MORmON GOD!!!!).

Don't you feel re ASSured now ?

MORmONISM: It makes sense...... to MORmONS!

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Posted by: raiku ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 08:57PM

They did say prophets were infallible because they said they would never lead the people astray. Joseph Smith clearly led people astray by teaching it's ok to marry other men's wives (otherwise known as adultery) and ordered the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor's press when they exposed his illegal and immoral behavior. Joseph Smith ruined many lives with his actions.

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Posted by: MORmON ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 09:08PM

Seeing the word written MORmON was funny the first 134 times. Now? Not so much.

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Posted by: Shummy ( )
Date: April 11, 2015 10:02PM

Well there's a ton of evidence that Horny Joe's memory was fallible.

"Gee I forgot to say that God and the cool dude with holey feet were actually there in the grove, you know I was just bein humble the first time I mentioned it, ok?"

And yeah I agree the MoRoN thing hath lost its savor but damn it I never tire of calling Horny Joe by his one true name.

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Posted by: Peterson's Sock Puppet ( )
Date: April 17, 2015 06:56PM

Armand, do you have a link for your exchange with Peterson?

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Posted by: lilburne ( )
Date: April 17, 2015 07:36PM

Peterson is a waste of time. He should be on Ancient Aliens. He's a quack. His followers buy his crack, and he gets off on it. They're a bunch of screwballs. No one should take them seriously, he's practically Erik Von Daniken.

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Posted by: seekyr ( )
Date: April 17, 2015 11:30PM

Ha! I just imagined Daniel Peterson with Giorgio Tsoukalos's hair.

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Posted by: iplayedjoe ( )
Date: April 18, 2015 12:04AM

but danny and his mustache are so handsome! Like Dieter. (Not)
what a little creeper he is.

For the boner: What kind of internet stuff do you suppose makes danny touch himself?

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Posted by: wanderingbutnotlost ( )
Date: April 17, 2015 11:13PM

Ah, but Joe will have worked things out with Jesus and Elohim by the time he has to judge us. In fact, they've been BFFs since 1844 when he blood atoned for all his human errors.

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Posted by: annieg ( )
Date: April 18, 2015 10:30AM

You do realize don't you that many of us on this board are driving ourselves mad looking for logic in the words of completely illogical people?

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