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Posted by: heretic ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 11:23AM

Another instance of the nineteenth century Mormon paradigm
colliding with the reality of the twenty first century world.
Yet another self inflicted wound by the Mormon Church.
Once again, this will not end well for them.

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Posted by: sb ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 11:29AM

Honoring and obeying the law....only those who are legally and lawfully wedded...we must obey and respect the laws of the land, even if we disagree with them...We must respect those who believe otherwise and not impose our beliefs on them...and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may...give unto Cesar that which is caesar's...

aparently we imagined those statements and they were speaking as men.

It can't only be right and true when it favors them.

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Posted by: Chump ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 05:36PM

"...legally and lawfully wedded..."

Yep, the church was run by covenant breaking adulterers for the first 100 years.

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Posted by: lilburne ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 12:47PM

1. How do they know the couple are breaking the law of chastity? Maybe they just opted for a legal way to live together since neither can marry in a hetro relationship? Isn't this something the church would need to prove?

2. Whatever happened to obeying the law of the land, being subject to Kings, blah, blah, blah?

Amazing what you can get away with when it is all totally made up as you go along BS.

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Posted by: NormaRae ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 12:54PM

So supposedly they don't ex you just for being gay. It's kind of a don't ask/don't tell situation. But if you obey and sustain the law and get married, even if you were celibate before your marriage, you are ex'd. Stupid cult.

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Posted by: Templar ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 12:59PM

I agree that like most things Mormon, this too is bull crap.

However, I really don't understand why a same-sex couple would want to have anything to do with Mormonism in the first place. They would be about as well received as a black man would be in the KKK.

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Posted by: sonoma ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 01:02PM

I'm gay, so of course I speak for all gay people.
Gay couples do not want anything to do with the Mormon Cult, except maybe fuck with it.

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Posted by: liberal mormon ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 01:31PM

It appears that LDS bishops/stake presidents can now excommunicate members who no longer live in their congregations and have obviously long abandoned affiliation with the so-called religion. This attempt by tscc to single out this legally married gay couple, with delusions of authority to exercise dominion over their lives, is ludicrous!

Mormons can't tolerate the idea that people can be happy and meaningful lives without Mormonism. I wish Taylor had brought in the polygamy issue in his response letter as well. Otherwise, Taylor and Sean's response to these pricks is perfect!

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Posted by: StillAnon ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 01:46PM

You're right, his response was perfect. It was direct, honest, professional & points out their hypocrisy. All which will be lost on these bigoted idiots from Sunset, UT.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 01:36PM

LDS Inc used to claim they had the same standard for all, namely that sex outside of marriage was a sin, and the violators membership would be sanctioned if they didn't repent. It was unfortunate that same sex couples couldn't get married, but rules are rules. Can't live together unless married.

I wondered what they would do when same sex marriage was legalized. Would they be good for their word, and have one standard for all, or would they show that their original claim was bullsh*t, and they were really just homophobic. It appears like they are going for option 2.

My prediction: this will not go well for them, nor will it last very many years. It already feels out of place, and that will just get worse as time goes on. How can they be so consistently tone deaf?

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Posted by: Templar ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 01:47PM

One thing becomes clearer by the day. Mormonism is, without question, a relic of the nineteenth century which still exists in the twenty-first century by mistake!

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Posted by: Templar ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 01:47PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2015 01:48PM by Templar.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 01:53PM

It was creepy to read in the replies to the story that a couple of people stated that 'ghawd's laws don't change...'

And one person quoted la biblia:

4 … Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Matthew 19:4-6)

so if ghawd makes them either male or female, who makes the individuals born with both sets of sexual apparatus? I have a friend whom when I first met her, I mistook her for a husky 16 year old boy. She was a 23 year old female.

in verse five, would the original Aramaic or Greek word allow for "mate" as well as "wife"? That would solve one issue.

You've heard about dogs being trained to sniff out cancer, right? I predict that dogs will never be able to be trained to sniff out 'the gay'.

Also from the story, there was no mention of what it was that brought the issue up to the bishop, to make him drop everything to get a court scheduled. Who was the complaining witness? Too bad they're not that assiduous when it comes to philandering spouses.

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Posted by: lilburne ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 02:25PM

Mormonism is in a race to the bottom.

Members with a brain are leaving. Members too dumb and lacking the common sense are staying. Result, the church is on a path to dumbing down and becoming a redneck hillbilly movement.

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Posted by: CA girl ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 03:06PM

Agreed but I would also say that the emotionally needy are staying too and maybe those who literally can't picture having a good life without Mormonism. Some of those I see staying are those who need the emotional validation of their existence and those who so lack imagination that can't fathom living without God telling them exactly what to do. This lack may be a result of Mormon indoctrination but it's very real.

Mormons are so ridiculous in that they think exing someone is the ultimate punishment - that it's going to make people wake up and run back to the arms of the church. It's more like being shunned by your worst relative - it's not a punishment when irritating people avoid you and the fact they think it's going to make you regret what you did is laughable. Or, maybe Mormons are just trying to clean up their dismal inactivity rates by getting people who of the rolls who will clearly never return.

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Posted by: deconverted2010 ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 02:45PM

That Bishop does not even have any ecclesiastical "authority" over this man. He lives in NYC, not in Utah, and the lds church assigns people to wards based on their residence. He's out of line . I see that the date for the disciplinary council past, I hope the bishop was forced to put on hold this action.

The letter is beautiful, I wish he had ended it with a you cannot excommunicate me because I'm resigned membership in the corporation.

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Posted by: tmac ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 02:53PM

So the bishop is assuming that because they are married, they are having sex. Why don't Mormons make that same assumption with all of Joseph Smith's polygamous marriages?

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Posted by: Ex-Sister Sinful Shoulders ( )
Date: May 08, 2015 12:45AM

Because Joseph Smith was committing adultery as a man, not a prophet.

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Posted by: Heathen ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 03:16PM

I wonder if there would be legal grounds for them to sue...using the Churches own Articles of Faith against them.

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Posted by: tig ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 03:19PM

How these bigots sleep at night is beyond me.

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Posted by: Doxi ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 03:35PM

tig Wrote:
> How these bigots sleep at night is beyond me.
Haters always sleep well because they KNOW their God hates the same people they do, so they feel their job is well done.

That's what's truly creepy about them.

If they had any conscience they'd toss and turn like us normal folks.

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Posted by: Ex-Sister Sinful Shoulders ( )
Date: May 08, 2015 12:49AM

They sleep smuggly with their Jesus jammies twisted around backwards, with a celestial wedgie, and outer darkness skid marks.

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Posted by: axeldc ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 03:56PM

This is actually good news. The Mormon bigotry, which has been hiding behind legalism, has been smoked out once again. They screwed up with Prop 8, and now they are going to double down with excommunications. How many parents will stand by and let their children be exed for marrying a man or woman that makes their child happy? How many siblings can go to a church that booted out their brother and sister for getting married? Could you go to your friend's wedding and then tithe to the church that persecutes him?

This couple is better off without LDS, Inc. sucking away their time, money and dignity. The outrage that such excommunications will have will make Kate Kelly and John Dehlin look minor. They were exed for what they said. These boys are being exed for who they are.

Excommunication is a medieval practice that should have been banned long ago. Using it against someone for getting married just shows what a hateful bastard you are.

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Posted by: AKA Alma ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 05:42PM

This is so dumb.

Why would TSCC excommunicate someone who hasn't gone to church in years?

All they are doing is making themselves look even more backwards and bigoted while driving moderate Mormons further away.

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Posted by: dydimus ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 06:21PM

I totally agree. Yet this is the corporation that told man to have 30-40 wives. Even though this goes totally against Paul's teachings in 1 Corinthians 7:1-38.

We see where The apostle Paul and later the leader of the Christian church, tells the followers and early Saints that he would prefer that they be like him, celibate and unmarried.
"7 For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.

8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.

9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn."

From just these short 3 verses, we learn that Paul had no concept or couldn't fathom "Celestial Marriage or Spiritual Wifery". We also find that Paul was unmarried and celibate and wanted others to follow his path, but marriage for time was okay and was set up for the "natural" man's (and woman's) bestial desires and appetites.

Even if one believes in the Judeo-Christian Jesus, The Corporation is making a mockery of everything about it.

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Posted by: lapsed ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 05:49PM

I'm friends with this couple. They are completely devoted to and madly in love with each other. The church is the pervert.

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Posted by: Ex-Sister Sinful Shoulders ( )
Date: May 08, 2015 12:55AM

Are both Mormon? Are their families?

I hope they interview everywhere, NY Times, Huffington, FOX... We'll see which media is loyal to the money of the church...

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Posted by: ozpoof ( )
Date: May 07, 2015 10:40PM

I'm glad. The more people out the better.

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Posted by: azsteve ( )
Date: May 08, 2015 12:13AM

The church has kicked people out for years when an unmarried man and woman live together, even if they're only room mates. So here is the question: let's say that a gay man and a lesbian woman live together, just as room mates. Would the church excommunicate them? In their respective church courts, let's say that they both claimed as a defense, that they are both gay and celebate and therefore, not even tempted to sleep together. Would they still be excommunicated? If so, for what?

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Posted by: Stray Mutt ( )
Date: May 08, 2015 12:18AM

Too much for the brethren to wrap their heads around.

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Posted by: midwestanon ( )
Date: May 08, 2015 02:49AM

That rule may only apply at Church schools. I'm not sure their is any rule or doctrine regarding being a roommate with a woman. It might raise some eyebrows, but getting punished for it? the majority of the impropriety that people get exed or church disciplined for is stuff that they confess, say, or don't try to hide, not stuff people 'tattle' on them for.

Although someone once actually took the trouble to tell the bishop of my old home ward that they saw me smoking- probably while on break at work. He actually called me into his office to question me about it. Sounds like the right thing to do would be to wait for me to come to him. Policing doesn't really seem like it should fall under the tradition purview of a Bishop, but what a Bishop is now is not at all what the D&C lay it out for them to be, so it's just another doctrine that's been twisted to manipulate the church-folk.

This case is a perfect example of it, this doesn't pose any threat to the church, and discipline from church authorities is SUPPOSED to only be enacted when it threatens the church, but of course it seems like every tom, dick, and harry are getting exed or disfellowshipped these days, as John mentioned in his Podcast. I don't know of any other church that actively claims such an intrusive place in a person's life. I have heard of several cults that act this way, though.

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