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Posted by: stitch ( )
Date: May 11, 2015 08:02PM*

This is my first time posting here. I figure I'll try something simple. This is a video I ran into recently that I thoroughly enjoyed and figured I'd share it.

The * needs to be removed when pasting into the searchbar. This meets the guideline rules, right?

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Posted by: help ( )
Date: May 11, 2015 09:52PM

I think you can link something if you aren't promoting a website or product.

Welcome to RfM! What brings you to the evil apostate neck of the internet woods?

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Posted by: stitch ( )
Date: May 12, 2015 12:41AM

Thanks, good to know. I came to this "wicked" place after finally deciding to look a little closer at the critics' or "evil apostates'" claims. Despite having started this journey a couple years ago I still feel like I am in the early stages of transitioning. Lots of changes and adventures are waiting for me. I'm glad to be welcomed.

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Posted by: jdawg333 ( )
Date: May 12, 2015 01:45AM

Yeah, it's a long process. Hopefully we can help make the ride more bearable! Welcome.

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Posted by: Ex-Sis ( )
Date: May 12, 2015 01:59AM

Whatever you're dealing with, it's likely someone here has experienced something similar. If you need encouragement or answers, just ask for help and people will respond.

It is an enormous shift for former believers, with stages much like grieving. Mormon Think is great. There are many transitioning New Order Mormons who don't feel as comfortable on RfM. Jump on in, the water's fine!

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Posted by: dydimus ( )
Date: May 12, 2015 03:02AM

Your link would be fine:

There's only a few sites that admin doesn't want us to link to. Also there are some political names that are verbatim because of the "No Politics" rules.

They actually enjoy links to other sites of anything that you copy or quote. This is for readers and yourself for proof of statements and for further reading and investigation.

What they don't like is links to Selling sites, porn sites and religious sites. Whether your selling goods, politics, sex or religion this is not the site for it. Use the social medias (Facebook, twitter, etc...) if you want to find customers or recruit. It's that simple.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: May 12, 2015 07:23PM

that is a very good video

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Posted by: Levi ( )
Date: May 12, 2015 07:32PM

Great video!

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: May 13, 2015 11:01AM

It was a bittersweet moment for me watching that video and realizing that much of my biological family remains in the thrall of ignorance and superstition. We are hopelessly estranged. For me, there's no going back. For them, there's no going forward.

Hard truth.

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Posted by: jojo ( )
Date: May 13, 2015 11:50AM

Wondering if that video is a copyright infringement?

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Posted by: lue ( )
Date: May 13, 2015 12:00PM

great video...thanks...wish I could email to all the TBM I know, including my family...but they wouldn't appreciate it

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Posted by: Scully1 ( )
Date: May 13, 2015 03:02PM

Good video. I recognize the actress playing the wife. I will of course refrain from naming any names or alluding to other fairly famous films she has been in.

I hope this means she has left TSCC. I was close to her family during high school times.

I went to the website displayed at the end of the video. I am curious who "Thinker of Thoughts" is? Not a real name, just wonder if he/ she is also on RfM.

I will also note that David tweed posted a comment to the video on that website. He makes a good point that this video is a counterpoint to the one on pornography by the church or maybe it was ByU - I, in which a college student is portrayed as a fallen combat soldier in war, he suffers from watching pornography, and yet the student is recovered and able to repent and welcomed back into the church. The counterpoint is that when faithful members read the truth and "Fall away" the other family members distance themselves.

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Posted by: Zelpha ( )
Date: May 13, 2015 03:23PM

This video is from TSCC originally with a different voice over, an anti-pornography video. The above version changed the voice over, expertly, to show a man's discovery of the truth, how it nearly ruined his family, then bringing the family back together.

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Posted by: Scully1 ( )
Date: May 13, 2015 03:28PM

Thanks Zelph. I think that answers my question in the negative about a potential shift of the actress's affiliation.

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