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Posted by: laxy ( )
Date: June 06, 2015 08:57PM

I don't think they are in the traditional sense of the word, because Jesus is absolutely not the focus of many, if any at all, members.

BUT. I was thinking about it today, and when I was a TBM I always looked at uber-religious people (usually some Protestant Christian denominations I guess?) in a negative way - my first reaction to them was always "wow can you stop throwing religion in to everything?/Being 'saved' is a stupid idea/You should lighten up a little". Things like that were usually my instinctual feelings.

Now, being on the outside of Mormonism looking in, I am realizing that Mormons ARE "religious zealots". And I can't believe I was a part of that for so long. It makes me ANGRY.

I'm so happy that my mind was opened, and my world isn't so small any more...but I've really been feeling the last couple of days, just simply MAD at the church. I can't believe I ever would have qualified as a "hyper-religious, intolerant bigot".
Now I just think it's all so ridiculous.

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Posted by: nonamekid ( )
Date: June 06, 2015 09:37PM

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Posted by: laxy ( )
Date: June 06, 2015 11:06PM

Gives a whole new meaning to WWJD.

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Posted by: Doxi ( )
Date: June 06, 2015 11:11PM

Ya beat me to it.

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Posted by: Paidinfull ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 11:32AM

^ This

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Posted by: badseed ( )
Date: June 08, 2015 02:17PM

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 12:13AM

The Jesus Freaks of the late 1960s and into the 1970s were a very spontaneous, un-organized and (in my opinion) highly emotionalized religious movement. It was a reaction -- perhaps a rebellion -- from a number of things, including organized religion, the drug culture, middle-class materialism, and other things. Theologically, the movement focused on Jesus, God's grace, and divine love. Above all, it was very loose, non-financial, and non-corporate.

So many differences from LDS, which is structured, legalistic, highly financial, very bourgeois, obedience, and theologically focuses on a caricature of Old Testament Law ("Torah") and what I consider a perverted view of God the Father (1st Person of the Trinity, i.e. "Heavenly Father").

So many differences. Laxy, it's more than "apples and oranges." Rather, it's "apples and rocks."

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Posted by: laxy ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 12:35AM

I wasn't aware of the official organization from the 60's and 70's! Learned something new today. I guess what I meant is more just the religious zealots of today (what I've observed - and I was born in '92). By the former mark, the LDS are definitely not "Jesus Freaks" because they are certainly not about Jesus.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2015 12:36AM by laxy.

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 12:56AM

The Jesus Freaks were as unorganized as you can get. Some just hung out, were independent. Others organized in communal households. You might say they were quite the antithesis of TSCC.

By and large, I had a very good impression of them, and in a secondary sense, they were influential in my being born again--about 10 years after the Jesus Freak movement (apparently) peaked.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 05:40PM

and lets not forget that the MORmON church as in LD$ Inc was incorporated from day one in 1830, (Because SMith and his cohorts planned on it being a money making enterprise all along), a fact that LD$ Inc is actually proud of, even while their other MORmON face simultaneuosly denies operating as a corporation.

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Posted by: Haunted Wasatch ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 12:20PM

I would say no. They are more Q15 freaks than anything else.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2015 12:20PM by Haunted Wasatch.

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Posted by: Doubting Thomas ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 01:35PM

Absolutely not. You can attend three hours of church on a Sunday and only hear the name Jesus in prayers.

Mormon's are idol worshippers. They worship the top 15 men of the church and those that occupied those positions in the past.

Mormons tie EVERYTHING back to Jesus but that's it, and that's a stretch. If it comes from the top 15 men then it's from Jesus. That's as close as you get my friends.

You won't hear the typical LDS youth talk about Jesus and how much they love Jesus. They will talk about "the gospel" which they mean the Mormon church.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not the Mormon church–except to Mormons.

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Posted by: Shummy ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 01:40PM

The first pillar of Christianity is a belief in the divinity of a mortal man named Jesus Christ.

The first pillar of Mormonism is a belief in the divinity of a mortal man named Joseph Smith.

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 03:08PM

What has Jesus Christ to do with Mormonism but lend his name (to their incorporation) and let LDSain'ts use it at the closing of the prayers?

J.S freaks maybe.

It's freaky alright.


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Posted by: NormaRae ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 04:25PM

Go to a Pentacostal church service then a mormon service. The answer will be revealed.

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Posted by: cpete ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 04:32PM

No. They are just as absurd though.

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Posted by: Drew90 ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 04:44PM

I hear Jesus Freaks and I think of Elton John's song.

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: June 08, 2015 12:35PM

Drew90 Wrote:
> I hear Jesus Freaks and I think of Elton John's
> song.

When was the last time missionaries brought good news...

About Elton John?

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Posted by: ThatLittleBriggyWentWeeWeeWee ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 06:38PM

Don't you have to at least mention Jesus to be categorized as a Jesus Freak?

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Posted by: Tal Bachman ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 06:46PM

As "nonamekid" said, they are "JosephFreaks". However, as each year passes, Mormons get less freaky. In the 1800's, Mormons massacred innocent pioneers, covered it up, practiced macabre death oaths in the temple, allowed their prophet to hunt down pubescent girls to effectively rape, allowed men to openly marry ten or twenty wives, and basically went to war against the United States.

Now you can't find a Mormon who isn't falling all over himself to suck up to the U.S. government and mainstream culture. Yes, every once in a while they get discovered doing something sneaky, as with the Prop 8 business; but that they got caught I believe will scare them off from ever doing stuff like that again. The Mormon back is broken, and it will never strengthen. All we will see from now on is what we have seen for the past century: entropic settling toward blandness and normalcy.

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Posted by: Johnny Canuck ( )
Date: June 07, 2015 10:42PM

Just plain old freaks will do...some are nice people.

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Posted by: verilyverily ( )
Date: June 08, 2015 02:10AM

No they are just plain FREAKS

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: June 08, 2015 01:48PM

they are not jesus freaks.
they are merely dishonest @$$h0les !

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: June 08, 2015 07:04PM

the hippies were right, at least they were far more correct about Jesus or the nature of Jesus than the MORmONS were, and the MORmONS just hate that, IF anyone can get MORmONS to even acknowledge the topic anymore.

I mean, sure, MORmONS believe in breeding like crazy, but that is whole lot different than damned Hippy style "free Love" because god knows that nothing is free in MORmONISM, not even and especially "Free Agency" ..... which MORmONISM no longer wants to talk about for some reason.

I was raised when MORmON HATE/ CONTEMPT / DISGUST for hippies was at its zenith. According to MORmONISM in its Skousen incarnation, Hippies were the spawn of Satan, enjoying life by living with out proper white collar (super uptight FBI Agent style) restraint and Victorian style rectitude, standing for the anti thesis of everything good and wholesome as far as the self appointed professional vanguards of morality -the MORmONS were concerned.

According to MORmONS, Jesus was very uptight and super concerned with clean cut formality and propriety ( like secret handshakes that are not openly mentionable), never mind His rather shaggy Jewish Messiah appearance ( NOT to be confused with Hippy style long hair !!! ) and / or anti establishment antics as supposedly chronicled in the New Testament.

The Hippies WERE purposely very unorganized and spontaneous as part of their disdain for super structured 9 to 5 culture, but Hippies did have a dedicated mission. Hippies thought their mission was to enjoy their own lives in their own right without too many restrictions, especially the kind of restrictions that lead a person to going off to war to kill other people that a person is otherwise completely unacquainted with.

While simply NOT killing other people may have seemed like the kind of thing that Jesus had been advocating, things just do not work that easily, and MORmONS were keenly aware of that fact. MORmONS knew that the Hippie's mission was to undermine and destroy America, just as Satan intended, even if the Hippies were completely oblivious to such realities. That means that Hating Hippies is actually a good thing to do.

And just as well, MORmONS know that the Universal Love that Jesus spoke of is actually really supposed to be HIGHLY QUALIFIED and SELECTIVE in its application because some people, like Godless (anti American) communists, and dissenters like Hippies and Laban, really do need and deserve a good killing. Once the killing on the deserving substandard people starts, anybody who gets in the way, like Hippies, are really doing the Devil's work by carrying Jesus's theme of "plenty of love to go around" / "do NOT kill your neighbor" way too far.

I mean, sure, Jesus held back from retribution even as He was being unjustly crucified , but THE prince of peace had to do it that way ..... so He will be completely justified when He really kicks ass (kills the wicked ) at the advent of His second coming, which of course all of us are really looking forward to. The point of that is that really understanding Jesus can be really complicated, not just straight forward like always avoiding killing people as Jesus example might seem to suggest on the surface. Thank God, that MORmONS are around to stand for proper morality, to prevent the collapse of civilization and to keep people straightened out on these difficult moral issues, with their critical MORmON comprehension.

MORmONS have that higher understanding of Jesus including knowing when to start marrying extra wives and when certain bad people should be killed in spite of what Jesus' example in mortality...... and the ten commandments might seem to indicate / suggest. MORmONS know when certain people need a good killing,
just like at MMM. And the people who needed killing at the time were the communists. When Hippies objected to the killing of communists via the Viet Nam war, there was only one logical conclusion for MORmONS - the spawn of Satan Hippies were operating in league with their Spawn of Satan siblings -the godless Communists, to help undermine America which is God's chosen nation.

With the inception of the VN war, FaithFOOL MORmONS could be certain that it was God's will at that time to see the Communists get killed, because MORmON leaders never expressed the slightest objection to the VN war at the time, IN fact MORmON leaders ASSured MORmON members that it was a good thing to send their sons off to war to fight and help kill communists in order to support the leaders of the nation, IF it was not going to hinder the MORmON sons going on a full time MORmON mission in any way, that is.

FaithFOOL MORmONS knew that the green flag had been dropped on killing godless communists. Just as much, Especially FaithFOOL MORmONS were watching and waiting (and Hoping) to see if the same flag was going to drop with regard to the foul hippies.
It never happened on a widespread scale but especially faithFOOL MORmONS could rest completely ASSured that the Hippie protesters shot down at Kent State University received EXACTLY what they deserved !!!!!

DISCLAIMER: ALthough James Taylor may have seemed like a hippy, because of his long ago close associating with other Hippies, because of his having long hair, because of his living a hippy life style and suffering many of the same maladies associated with being a hippy - namely being rampantly immoral
( divorced ), drug addiction, and mental illness, James Taylor is really a Latter day Saint at heart and NOT a hippy, which is why LD$ Inc. could have Mr. Taylor perform at the LD$ Inc Conference center. MORmON values are NOT shifting it might seem that MORmONISM is desperately attempting to remain socially relevant, as times change. MORmON values are not changing because MORmONISM stand for something solid and strong and does not change, just as MORmON leader Gordon Hinckley has stated. Mr. Taylor simply felt the spirit of the Lord, as the Lord worked with Mr. Taylor, then Mr. Taylor was utilized to promote the Lord's work ( MORmONISM ) in a generally appealing way.

Of course, we know that Hippies are deeply into psychedelic drugs for enlightenment, and that dirty disgusting Hippies will do ANYTHING to justify their undignified and unrestrained personal actions ..... so unlike the restrained and properly regimented MORmONS !!!!! The contention of Dead Sea scholar John Allegro that Christianity is actually an outgrowth of an ancient hallucinogenic (mushroom) cult is OBVIOUSLY another totally transparent disgusting hippy plot/ ploy to attempt to justify the decadent hippy life style. After all the dirty nasty disgusting tripped out Hippies just could NOT have been that correct about the nature of Jesus Christ, Just ask a MORmON !!!!!

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Posted by: seekyr ( )
Date: June 08, 2015 07:32PM

I feel like it was more "Heavenly Father" freaks. I don't recall Jesus being talked about that much, or even JS all that much. It was always HF this and HF that. But it's been a while.

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