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Posted by: JMoney ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 11:46AM

If they weren't pressured into dropping it because of the law and the need for mainstreaming. They seem like totally normal people except for polygamy. Just like mainstream LDS. I bet a lot of people watching the show are scratching their heads saying, "I thought Mormons didn't practice polygamy?" hahaha

Last's night episode was ridiculous. At the end of the show he was walking his wives to their cars as he says he loves them. I'm sure they are 'truly' happy as the 3 wives lay in bed alone thinking about him banging some younger girl.

Polygamy is sooo wrong and I can't believe I tried to defend it when I was a TBM.

For you that know, where can I find out more about their beliefs. Do they have a Temple, prophet?

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Posted by: vhainya ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 11:51AM

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Posted by: Mormer Formon ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 02:18PM

They actually do have what they call a temple. It is in a building that looks like a house in Bluffdale. It has all of the same rooms, rituals, and staging as the mainstream temples. But they use the old throat slashing oaths and old style garms, and it is a live performace rather than a movie.

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Posted by: geneticerror ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 02:05PM

They look like normal people? If normal people are psychologically damage, emotionally fragile and lack any amount of self esteem then yeah, I guess they look like normal people.

I saw this trash tv last night for the first time. I must say I am extremely dissapointed in TLC. There was absolutely no explanation for their 'decision' to become a polygamous family. There is absolutely no in depth examination about the effects it is clearly having on these people. TLC is simply using this 'normal' looking family to promote a lifestyle that is psychologically damaging these women and childre. The thing I remember most about the program is how often the women repeated that they were 'Happy', 'Normal', and 'they chose' this lifestyle as if they were trying to convince themselves. Their behavior reflected anything but those qualities. Any minor infraction of the unwritten rules prompted hysterical crying and temper tantrums from the WIVES! This is not a sign of healthy relationships.

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Posted by: vhainya ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 02:23PM

Well yeah, then they would try to explain it off after by saying all relationships have ups and downs. All I could see was 3 very lonely women who had totally focused their blame on a 4th person who was only taking more of the time they each craved away.

I loved how they refused to give Robyn every 4th night with Kody because she wasn't married and didn't deserve equal time. She had a total meltdown about how she deserved it since she moved 5 hours to live closer and needed the time to develop their relationship [at the expense of the other three].

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Posted by: shannon ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 02:28PM

Too bad Troy is not here to elaborate more on this topic. He grew up in the Allred clan - I spoke to him at length about his childhood a couple of years ago at ex-mo conference.

They have no "Prophet" per say, but a "President of the Priesthood." There is no official temple, but I've read that they bought up huge amounts of land in the recent past and there was speculation that a "Temple" would be built there. Members denied that possibility in news interviews.

The UAB *DO* believe in eternal marriage sealings and there is some sort of official space set aside for those ceremonies although I am unclear on what exactly it is. (Again, hope Troy weighs in on this thread soon - or even Cheryl for that matter - as they were both raised in mainstream polygamy and have family ties to that group).

I hope this helps.


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Posted by: Mormer Formon ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 02:28PM

TLC is the new "freak show at the carnival" attraction. Did you see the other drivel they were advertising on TLC's agenda?

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Posted by: wittyname ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 02:36PM

The Look-at-me Channel!

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Posted by: Emma the smith ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 02:33PM

She gets her own house!

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 02:43PM

Yes--I was wondering why anyone was wondering why TLC was showing this--it is reality TV. I mean--19 kids and counting? Another great example of insanity. Jon and Kate Plus Eight--look at what a fiasco that has been.

I have to say it is "entertaining"--I said before--it is like a train wreck and you can't help "rubber necking" to see it. I admit to watching it. I used to watch Jon and Kate before it got so nuts. BUT--polygamy is a part of "me"--in terms of family (as recently as the 1940s) and my beliefs growing up. I'm just BLOWN AWAY by anyone who would choose to live it.

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Posted by: vhainya ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 02:56PM

The church says they won't be allowed to see their children until they are adults. Explains why wife #1 says she only stays for her daughter. Although, the church wouldn't have any legal rights to actually keep them from their mothers.

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Posted by: wittyname ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 04:00PM

They denied it on oprah. Which doesn't mean they aren't seeking a divorce, just thought I'd add that to the mix.

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Posted by: Virg ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 03:40PM

This is my first time posting on here....

I'm from NJ and my coworkers were just talking about this show. Apparently 2 of them caught the show last night and had a bunch of questions. I've watched a few episodes and I must admit, it's weird and awkward to watch but at the same time, you can't look away, lol. Anyway, back to the coworkers- They were all raised catholic and one is luthern now so to them, this is just fascinating stuff. They thought polygamy was legal in Utah all this time. Go figure. I tried to answer some questions without admitting I was raised mormon, though the once lady knows but I think she forgot.

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Posted by: olive ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 05:58PM

I watched this show the first week it premiered but stopped until it came on last night. Some of the things that stood out at me were these things:

1. The whole fiance thing. What's the difference between "courting" and having an affair with these people? If Kody has a girlfriend on the side and the wives find out about it can he just proclaim that he's looking for a wife to add to the mix? What's the true difference between affairs and courting potential wives?

2. The not allowing Robyn to have equal time with Kody just flew in the face of all their "oh, I don't want to be with a man all the time anyways" thing they have going on. They proclaim that they need time away from him to focus on other things but the minute that someone comes along and their "allotted day" gets bumped they go nuts.

3. The weirdness of the wedding planning. They were in the bakery tasting different cakes and the bride and groom weren't sitting next to each other. I'm sure the bakery worker knew they were polygamous because in any other situation, the couple would be sitting together. Then the other wives ragged on Robyn for choosing the same cake flavor as Kody.

4. Christine. Eesh, that woman gets on my nerves. She reminds me of my MIL who is always belittling men and calling the shots. Last night she threw a tantrum about Kody picking out Robyn's dress. Didn't seem like a big deal to me but she actually got off the couch to have a minute. I think it says a lot about the dynamic between the wives. Then she proceeded to say that all women are insane and all men are idiots. After she said that she turned to Kody and demanded that he "step it up." can he be expected to "step it up" when you're calling him an idiot?

5. Kody got called out by Meri when she asked him how he would feel if it were her spending time with another man. I think his answer is so blantently obvious that he knows it's not right for him to be with multiple women. He said something that is was not of God for her to be with multiple men and then when she pushed him he told her that there was no way for him to answer it right. So why bother, right?

I couldn't help but notice the bridal store they were at had nothing but dresses with sleeves on them! Here in Georgia and I'm sure other parts of the U.S. as well, you pretty much have to ask the consultants if there are any dresses with sleeves or order online. I know my SIL went to David's Bridal and when she asked for dresses with sleeves they brought out only 2 dresses. I suspect if I went in there and asked for a sleeveless dress they would bring out 2 dresses as well. Just weird how normal is different in Utah.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 09:41PM

I want to know more about the financial arrangement of the family (of course now they are making bank from the show). I want to know if any of those brain dead women work.

That Kody guy strikes me as sort of an immature clown. What a goober.

I liked how they wouldn't talk about the wedding ceremony (Robin's) itself- cause it's too sacred. Groan.

The creepiest part for me was when Mari was discussing with Kodi how she is having a hard time thinking of Kodi with another new woman (fresh meat). She asked him how he would feel if SHE was having relations with another man. He got all huffy and said that was obscene. Yet she is supposed to feel selfish if she feels jealous of what he is doing. When he boinks other women, it's a "blessing" but if she were to boink another man it is an abomination. It is so unfair!

Apparently having such a low self esteem that you think you have to share a man is being "unselfish" and having your "rough edges" smoothed. Apparently getting to boink multiple women is a "blessing" for the whole family. Gawd, I can't believe even the most feeble female mind buys into that.

Don't those lame women know they don't have to let their husband bang other women to get help with babysitting? Sheesh.

They really don't know anything else but what their stupid church has taught them. It's really sad.

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Posted by: Jules ( )
Date: October 19, 2010 01:00AM

You pretty much nailed it (pardon the pun). These women are NOT normal. The only one that seems even remotely sane and not totally depressed/repressed is Janelle. Which is funny because she was the one who was raised mainstream Mormon.

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: October 18, 2010 09:58PM

I'd like to know where the above person read that Christine and Janelle were seeking a divorce. That would be interesting to read.

Did anyone take note of when Meri said to Kody when she was helping him with his tux for the wedding--that she wished it was her wedding night? Blew my mind.

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Posted by: lily ( )
Date: October 19, 2010 12:06AM

Yeah, that quote by Meri was creepy.

Of all the things to say... And how weird is it to be talking about wedding nights with your WIFE? Isn't that something your guy friends should be teasing you about?

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