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Posted by: Unbelievable ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 04:42AM

I love many more things now especially having my freedom since exiting the cult.

I love nature, it inspires and comforts me.

I love the Cosmos, it excites my imagination.

I love learning, it strengthens me.

What say you?

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Posted by: Breeze ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 04:55AM

+1 unbelievable!

I love having fun on Sundays.

I love saying "No" to stuff I don't want to do.

I love having my own opinion and preferences--no one tells me what/whom to like and what/whom to dislike.

I love living for the moment, and not worrying about the afterlife.

I love volunteering in a variety of charities--REAL charities.

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Posted by: dejavue ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 12:58PM

I needed this today. I am reminded of my High School Graduation Song back in 1966. I don't remember the name of it but I suspect it's title is the same as the first words. I remember the tune well.

I love life, and I want to live, to drink of life's fullness, take all it can give. I love life, Every moment must count. to glory in it's sunshine and revel in it's fount. I love life, I want to live. I... Love... Life.

Okay, the lyrics most likely are a bit different than what I am recalling but that is the jest of it. I need to now sit down and make a list of things specific things that I love -- about me -- my loved one's - my situation -- my day.

Thank you for the reminder!

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Posted by: southbound ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 01:32PM

I love being in charge of my own destiny. I answer to myself for things I have done and am doing and will continue to do thru life. I enjoy the simple pleasures of life, with no guilt and apprehension of "sinning" and some one finding out and reporting it to supposed "authorities". Since casting aside the cult, life has taken on a whole new meaning, life as it shoud be and I love it.

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Posted by: southbound ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 01:34PM

Just as a note, I am 60+ and when I realized a few years ago the deception the morg has done since its inception, I called it quits. Best move I ever made.

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Posted by: Ex-Sis ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 11:51PM

Congrats to you. It takes great courage and strength of character to change course later in life. =)

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Posted by: brandywine ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 11:52PM


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Posted by: brandywine ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 01:38PM

My family and real friends, which are often one and the same. I love sipping a cup of coffee or iced tea as I watch wild life.

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Posted by: danr ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 01:49PM

I love being able to see good in people--no matter what their religious beliefs are.

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Posted by: presleynfactsrock ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 02:09PM

I love the feeling of serenity and calmness I have because I am content with the answers I have found to life's hard questions. I wake with a feeling of contentment that I do not have to prove myself to anyone but myself, take life at the pace I want to take it, and bring into my life what I choose to include. The world and all its wonders is mine for the discovering, and with this amazing fact I do give thanks for all the amazing minds who help open up the world to me.

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Posted by: jefecito ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 03:41PM

Great list(s)! These aren't trivial things! TSCC really was taking away some of the very best parts of life.

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Posted by: wine country girl ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 03:56PM

I love that my relationship with my son and daughters is deeper and more meaningful.

I love that what I consider divine is my own interpretation of the things in life that matter.

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Posted by: madalice ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 04:04PM

I love not being monitored by people over at the mormon church.

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Posted by: wine country girl ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 04:20PM


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Posted by: atouchscreendarkly ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 06:02PM

I love being the ultimate moral authority. It is harder, sometimes, to be responsible for *why* we have to walk back into the store to pay for something in the cart that didn't make it onto the receipt, but it is actually rewarding, now, to be good for good's sake.

Sunday mornings (though I've gotta get my kid to stop asking for nursery)

The sex is way better. So are the other...sexual things (like "self abuse" :P)

The knowledge that I've got my kids away from the horrible thought patterns

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 06:33PM

I like the freedom from not having to presume to know all there is to life's deepest mysteries. I'm content with not knowing, and being in wonderment and awe of creation - including the whole of it.

I appreciate nature more today than yesteryear. And life. And treasure my family - the ones I love and cherish because life is fleeting. And so is the time I've had to share with them.

I love sleeping in. And going to bed late. I love midnight snacks. I love a good read, or a beautiful symphony, sunset, poem. Things that stir the heart, to make it feel more. We live in a desensitized world. Every day reading about some horrible crime, terror attack, act of war, life changing accident.

The news is depressing. So that isn't something I look forward to. But for knowing we are living in perilous times, and wondering where we'll be in 5 or 10 or 25 years? Things don't look good for our planet despite we're living in the best of times since the dawn of civilization. And the worst of times owing to the ability we have many times over to destroy ourselves.

If it wasn't for the dreamers and the visionaries life would be a whole lot dimmer though.

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 06:36PM

They have been the one of the greatest surprises of my life.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 07:37PM

I love loving.
Something I *wasn't* taught in mormonism, where I was taught "conditional love," which isn't love at all -- it's approval.

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Posted by: saucie ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 07:49PM

So true..... +10000000000000.

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Posted by: lue ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 07:47PM

Wine. every day. I should have been born in Italy.

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Posted by: montanadude ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 07:57PM

I love cold beer and being 100% supported by my TBM family.

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Posted by: Heathen ( )
Date: July 27, 2015 08:40PM

Hot coffee on a cool Sunday morning on the patio

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Posted by: bishop Rick ( )
Date: July 28, 2015 12:37AM

Things I love:

- raindrops on roses
- Whiskers on Kittens
- Warm woolen mittens
- Anal sex

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