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Posted by: Raptor Jesus ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 02:33AM

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Posted by: oneinbillions ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 02:59AM

Kind of early, isn't it? Or maybe you're not in the US.

So: Reading Sam Harris' "The End of Faith." Playing some video games. Maybe mow the lawn if it doesn't rain again. Enjoy the day peacefully with my parents -- no hypocrites, no preaching, no boring meetings sucking up my time. Hallelujah.

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Posted by: Breeze ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 03:50AM

Decaf on the patio--I do this regardless of the weather. It's part of my Sunday worship. If it's freezing cold, I just make the coffee hotter, and bundle clothes over my pajamas. The birds and squirrels are most active in the early morning, and in the winter, I watch the sun come up, over the mountains. Life is beautiful!

This morning, I have 6 piles of laundry in a holding pattern, waiting for the washer and dryer.

Some friends and I go visit people in the rest home, and help them with their Face-time and e-mails, etc. Most of them have children and grandchildren who live far away. My friends and I lived most of our lives away from our elderly parents, and we appreciated the nice friends and neighbors who helped our parents, when they needed someone, and we could not get there. It's pay-back for us. Believe it or not, helping old people cheers us up!

The old Mormon Sundays used to make me feel very depressed and lonely. You know, the feeling of being in a crowd with not one real friend in the bunch. I felt like I was wasting time with pointless busywork. I used to argue with my poor children on Sundays--over a hoax cult. I will never stop feeling guilty for that.

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Posted by: exldsdudeinslc ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 11:09AM

This is the sweetest thing ever.

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Posted by: brothernotofjared ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 03:56AM

Going to a fun church that let's you wear whatever kind of underwear you want, or no underwear if that's your gig, plays contemporary music, allows emotional expression during the service, and is an actual joy to attend. Oh - the best part, they have coffee right there in the church building for the Men's Breakfast once a month! I know, such hedonists, right?

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Posted by: brandywine ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 04:55AM

That's the kind of church I've attended too. They even serve coffee before service <gasp>.

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Posted by: brothernotofjared ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 12:29PM

It gets worse! These people served coffee at Sunday School and they sent me home today with a coffee mug with the church's name & motto printed on it.

I think these people may be caffeine pushers. But that's just fine with me! I luvs me some go-juice in the morning. All Hail the Juice of the Bean!

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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 08:17AM

I would play Diablo with him Sunday. Sigh. I am not really looking forward to it but it makes him SO happy. Go figure.

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Posted by: annieg ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 08:45AM

Taking grandkids to cottage for the day and watching all the grandkids play in the water together. Lots of porn shoulders, coffee, alcohol and family harmony with no JS BS.

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Posted by: Itzpapalotl ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 09:40AM

Taking all the doggies home. *Huge sigh of relief.* I'm definitely not ready to adopt a dog and and pretty sure I'm a bona fide cat person.

Meeting up with some friends later at the Wines of the San Juan to have some drinks, snacks and listen to some bands, Hello Dollface being one of them.

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Posted by: brothernotofjared ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 12:38PM

I'm suspicious of anyone who does not luv dogs - they're awesome, at least singularly. As in my dog is awesome, but the pack I took care of last week blows. So I could see multiple dogs being a pain.

Cat people weird me out though - my older sister has become a crazy cat lady in her golden years and I gotta say it's kinda freaky. She's also coming up with all these herbal remedies and stuff all the time. I think she may be becoming a witch. Just sayin'

The second part of your plan sounds moderately to heavily cool though freinds, food, drinks and bands? What's missing from that picture. Nothing, right?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2015 12:42PM by brothernotofjared.

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Posted by: Raptor Jesus ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 12:47PM

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Posted by: Itzpapalotl ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 01:36PM

I spent the last week watching a very young Bull Mastiff puppy and two chiweenies that I walk and dogsit and it was a challenge. I don't enjoy trying to housebreak a puppy that has poops the size of a baseball,pees all over the house, and tries to chew up everything in sight, so that must equal not loving dogs in your mind? That goes with the territory, though, when you have a pet and house sitting business. Not all dogs will be your favourites.

I don't need to justify my pet preference because cats, especially mind, are amazing, wonderful creatures. I don't trust people who don't like cats.

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Posted by: geezerdogmom ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 02:38PM

I have been watching for your report about the dog sitting! I am so happy to hear you and your home survived the bull mastiff puppy!

I'm feeling sorry for myself and listening to the rain come down. My dogs are all asleep while I am on the computer because I gotta find a new mowing service - mine never showed up in the last two weeks and I can't find the tiny Chihuahuas in the grass!

Thanks for the update!

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Posted by: brothernotofjared ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 04:20PM

Understood - sorry, many apologies. I spent last week taking care of a kennel full of Golden Retrievers, Poodles and Goldendoodle pups who were not trained to go outside yet so I know about cleaning up after non-housetrained puppies and I can totally relate. Also had one Golden pup who messed her kennel even though we let her out 2-3 times a day for 45 minutes in a nice grassy dog run to do her business - go figure. By the end of the week I was not loving puppies I can tell ya.

Taking care of the three cats was a blast - they were all little love sponges and came up to me all purring and nice every day when I set out their food and water. I don't dislike cats, I just prefer dogs.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2015 04:26PM by brothernotofjared.

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Posted by: nomo moses ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 09:59AM

Going to Lagoon!

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Posted by: antilehinephi ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 10:03AM

Working. Drinking Starbucks. I will probably go to dinner with hubby later. Life is great.

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Posted by: Darren Steers ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 10:08AM

Going go-karting my with my boys. I gave them the choice, church or go-karting.

They chose karting - go figure.

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 10:23AM

Coffee at my favorite coffee usual.


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Posted by: Dennis Moore ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 10:24AM

Church of The Backyard Garden-my tomatoes are ripe! :)

Unfortunately overhear BYU TV as TBM DH will be watching it (barf)

Taking my Sheltie to meet another Sheltie this afternoon.

No f*cking church!!!!


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Posted by: unworthy ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 10:58AM

Having morning coffee on front porch. Neighbors dog came over to visit. Had a good talk. Will fix breakfast and enjoy rest of day. Life is good,,

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Posted by: joho ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 11:05AM

Frankly I have completely shut religion from my life since leaving lds.

I have not been talking about mormons or its doctrines for a decade almost.
I drop in just out of curiosity, and because the seer stone story was big in the local news.

Am surprised my id and password still works .

I never think lds or talk to anyone about the BOM after being
completely 'detoxed' and out of touch with religion.

Mormons are people lost in an artificial world.

Its great that I no longer harbour any feelings or thoughts about lds,
so I guess out of sight is truly out of mind.
And that is my mental condition about religion today.

One thing for sure once I left, NOT EVEN MY CLOSEST WARD FRIENDS
bothered to contact me. I am not complaining, since I gave
instructions to the bishop that I do not want anyone from the LDS to visit me.


Edited 8 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2015 11:13AM by joho.

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Posted by: Pixie Dust ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 11:20AM

They will be receiving purple Siberian irises, a mix of shades of blue bearded iris, and a delightful purple iris that has leaves that look more similar to tall grass. I love being out in the fresh air feeling the breeze on my face as I putter in the garden. Happy days!

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 11:24AM

Making a short list of what needs doing. And then business first, before pleasure.

First, must go redeem my $22 winning lottery tickets that almost paid for themselves last night. (sighs)

2nd) Look for a good meal while at local grocery store with some of my $22 winnings. 3) Try not to spend it all in one place.

4) Mow yard.

5) Do laundry.

Since I already washed the dishes, I can cross that off my list.

6) Enjoy the beautiful sunshine of the glorious day.

7) Continue arguing with animal rights activists on the rights of others who consume meat for protein, and other animal products for personal use.

8) Cross off #7. Why ruin an otherwise perfectly beautiful sunshiney day?

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 11:38AM

my boyfriend. Motorcycle ride, movie, having salmon for dinner. Seems like there were a few other things we planned, but they seem to have slipped my mind right now.

My Sunday off today.

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Posted by: shortbobgirl ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 12:20PM

Picking up my broken SIL strapping her into the car and going to the theater. She fell off her bike Friday and broke her shoulder. Giving my Bro a couple hours off.

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Posted by: Senoritalamanita ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 12:21PM

I plan on going to the Orange County Ex-Mo meetup to visit with friends from RFM. I am reading "Restless Souls" by Sharon Tate's niece, Brie Tate, as I am a true-crime aficionado and today is the anniversary of the murder of Sharon Tate. I was a little girl living in Hollywood at the time and this crime has been seared in my mind forever.

Later I'm making Pork Tonkatsu cutlets, with white rice and blanched broccoli. A small glass of white wine, and spending time with DH.

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Posted by: Twinker ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 09:40PM

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Posted by: kativicky ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 12:52PM

I just got up and made a pot of coffee. Enough for a cup today and some to put into the fridge so I can have ice-coffee. Today, my plan is to do some more crocheting and maybe play my sims game.

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Posted by: Exmogal ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 01:11PM

I generally have a nice leisurely breakfastwith my daughter (I either cook one or we go out for breakfast), then we go on hike to the place of her choice. I'm more of a beach person on days off but she isn't, so I've learned to discover the beauty in hiking. She knows the really cool places for us to check out. We live near mountains so the scenery is fantastic.

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 01:17PM and the broccoli cheese scone were great as was the conversation. One of my best friends, who only comes for morning coffee on weekends, is someone I very much look forward to visiting with and our conversations are always wide ranging and lively. Glad I have that to look forward to on weekends.

Ron Burr

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Posted by: madalice ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 01:42PM

Picking the green beans tomatoes, and blueberries in the garden. Then heading up to Anacortes to the outdoor art fair. It's a perfect day for it.

Hubby just got back from fishing in Alaska, so it will be Halibut for dinner. MMMMM my favorite.

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Posted by: Levi ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 02:49PM

In Warner Robbins, GA.

Planted in an easy chair facing the tv watching endless HBO brewing pot after pot of crap hotel coffee, licking the finger and flicking the bean. Yep, I got the new L.L. Bean catalog.

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Posted by: Imbolc ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 04:06PM

Reading A Gathering of Saints (per someone's suggestion on this board), and I went to the Farmer's Market. A pretty lazy day otherwise. I really love Sundays now, truly restful, not the faux restful ones Mormons try to convince themselves of.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 04:37PM

I recall when I was active LDS I'd sometimes take Mondays off so I could recuperate from Sundays. Church callings and the three hour blocks with two little children to get through was at times overwhelming.

The occasional Mondays off were what I referred to as my "mental health" days. Because after the church sucks the life out all that is left was exhaustion!

Having to use sick days because of church attendance? Well, I didn't going to other churches, for what it's worth.

The mental exhaustion seemed peculiar to LDS robbing us of more than our time in terms of energy, and so much more.

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Posted by: michaelc1945 ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 04:25PM

Mass as I usually do it. Came home to coffee and now golf on the tube.

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Posted by: rationalist01 ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 04:32PM

I drove my new-to-me Chevy Volt around the Bluegrass. First 40 miles was all no-gas, then some further driving with the stink-engine running a bit. Today's mileage was 72 MPG. I went over to the UU's to see what was up.. instead of services, it was clean-up day, so I helped pull some weeds. Now I'm drinking some beers and joining some Chevy Volt Lover internet forums.

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Posted by: iknowthischurchisfalse ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 09:47PM

Watching the season finale of True Detective.
Watched Real Time With Bill Maher.
Went to the store to get egg whites for breakfast.
Installing apps for Windows 10.

I gotta say 10 is a pleasant surprise and an improvement over the disappointing 8.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: August 09, 2015 09:55PM

the usual beating up people in wheelchairs.

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