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Posted by: John_norelation_Wayne ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 12:45PM

I don't regret my mission because I can't change it. I do regret being so obedient to the rules though.

I served in upstate new york. There were tons of gorgeous places to go camping. We only had district leader calls once a week. I always had disobedient companions who would have loved to go camping for a few days.

I recently visited NYC and out of curiosity looked up how hard it would have been to go awol and travel to NYC from my mission in the Albany area(not hard at all). Now I'm kicking myself for not taking a few days, leaving the mission and gong to NYC. sigh....

Can I live vicariously through anyone here? Anyone do something cool like leave their mission and spend a few days as a regular tourist? Anyone spend a few days/weeks not doing any work whatsoever?

It just saddens me to think I would spend hours every day just walking aimlessly in rural ny in the dark(and we wouldn't see a single person all day sometimes) just because it would be disobedient to go in hearly

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Posted by: sonofabish ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 12:55PM

I once waded in the shallow depths of Lake Erie and would play video games. Nothing outrageous though.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 01:05PM

thank you for yet another opportunity to point people to about two hours of reading the Best Apostate Mission Stories. There are even photographs!:

there are 8 pages with 40 posts and then a 9th page started...

ETA: Hey, if you've got a good story, it only takes a second to join that site! And every time someone adds a new story, baby jesus poops his nappy.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/24/2015 01:19PM by elderolddog.

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Posted by: John_norelation_wayne ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 01:18PM

exactly what I'm looking for
thanks !

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 01:31PM

Nothing *that* wild...

I was in Caen, a city in the Normandy region of France, near the English Channel. The Senior Comp of the other pair in our apartment was short, about to go home. A few days before he left, he asked the DL (my companion) if they could do a comp switch, and he agreed. When we set out on our bikes, he told me we weren't going to do any tracting, we were going to ride out to the English Channel, visit the Omaha Beach memorial, and have a fun day. Which is what we did.

He switched because his junior comp was a super straight arrow who would never have agreed to it, and he knew I would. And that I'd keep my mouth shut, which I did. :) We were out of our area (a big sin), did not work at all (another big sin), and lied about what we did (sin #3). Didn't bother me one bit :)

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Posted by: rutabaga ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 01:45PM

Not my missionary experience, but a good one.

Back in the 80's a missionary foursome lived next door to our apartment.

They all had Schwarzenegger haircuts. (It was the 80's). Their apartment was essentially a bike shop. They all spent their time tricking out their bikes.

During the LA Olympics in 1984, they weren't allowed to come in our apartment to watch but set up their chairs outside the door and watched our TV. I think this was the only rule they didn't break! Did I mention the pizza delivery?

Eventually they set fire to their couch with firecrackers and that was the end of party summer.

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Posted by: Tyrrhenia ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 01:56PM

I didn't do anything, because I wasn't on a mission, but I was an accomplice of the missionaries once:

It was p-day and with my favourite missionary "duo" we drove out of the Mission boundaries to visit some nice town (we were in a very beautiful European country and there were hundreds of beautiful places, medieval villages we could visit).

We had a great day, but deep inside I was afraid my old car was going to break down, just because we were being disobedient! Also, I was a young woman, alone with two missionaries. But nothing bad happened and we returned home safely.

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Posted by: Pooped ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 02:10PM

Nothing outrageous but disobedient.

We had some sister missionaries that were sent home early so I was saddled with an extra sister. There were three of us. I'd been getting tired of having to be around them all the time so I sent the two of them off tracting together without me. I was senior comp so they seemed to think it was alright to just follow orders. I made them spend the whole day together without me. I spent most of that day in a bookstore. It was pure heaven just to be alone for 8 hours!

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Posted by: praydude ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 02:50PM

I was cornered by a sister missionary in the mission office in Cebu, Philippines. We were both from the states and something of a small minority among the rest of Filipinos in our mission. It seemed that on my mission most Americans longed to hang out together just to be with someone more familiar. Anyway, I realized that her companion was in the other room talking to my Filipino companion (the mission finance guy) and the sister talking to me was asking me to teach her how to play chess. there was only the four of us in the mission office at the time and I was so oblivious to the fact that this sister was putting the moves on me. As we stood at a counter away from the other couple I broke out the chessboard and started showing her how the pieces work. She slowly moved in closer and closer until her thigh and her breast were gently rubbing against me. She put her hand on my shoulder and moved her head in closer and whispered in my ear "I understand.... " We were frozen in time - I was hypnotized by her touch, her smell, and her beauty and I wanted to stay in that moment forever. Suddenly I snapped to my senses and realized that she wanted to do something more than learn chess and I became excited and hyper-awkward. It was a f#@k-or-flee moment and I fled. It was strange and embarrassing because I did find her attractive but my eternal soul was at stake. She could tell that she crossed a line that I was not prepared for and so she told her companion some excuse to leave and they quickly departed the office.

We did not talk to each other at all after that. I finished my mission and a year later I received a wedding invitation from my former companion and the sister missionary who he talked to in the mission office that day. Great for them! It has been 30 years and I still remember that day in the mission office. I wonder what would happen if I gave in to her (and my) desire to go further. Would we have stopped with a kiss or not? That moment could have gone in so many other directions. I'm not even sure if I regret my decision to run away.

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Posted by: cognitivedissonance ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 02:53PM

I went on my mission to help me straighten out my life. I made a promise to my Mother that I would go on a mission. Problem was, I didn't really want to "straighten out" my life and I didn't want to hurt my Mother!

In my 4th area My companion and I went to a Blue Oyster Cult concert. We rocked out like it was nobody's business. I loved it.

I saved up some money and bought a Pioneer Tape Deck and headphones. Listened to Music almost every night.

I discovered Pot growing in one of my areas. When I had a chance I went out and harvested it, dried it and later smoked it. I was in Heaven. My companion and I didn't always follow the rules, especially being with each other constantly.

I confessed to my MP (Douglas Callister), he said "You are going to Hell for what you have done!" He was good at guilt and shame. It seems like I was on the Mission Watch List after that. The AP's dropped in unannounced once in a while.

I had the reputation of being a "Ding Missionary". I'm not sure where that term came from.

I did baptize 8 people, how did that happen?

Almost forgot!, In my last area I bought a snorkel and fins from the scuba shop in town. I took a swim in the local lake.

I loved and hated my missionary experience. That was almost 40 years ago.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/24/2015 03:09PM by cognitivedissonance.

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Posted by: praydude ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 03:00PM

I wish I had a companion like you on my mission.

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Posted by: Dafuq ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 05:57PM

Holy shit
Doug Callister is one scary mofo

he was our regional authority during my mission, crazy guilt trips and speeches

I don't gamble, but I betcha his brother Tad is selected for the 12 this cycle...

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Posted by: cokezero ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 03:26PM

I left Virginia on a P-day and did go see NYC. I spent the 24 hours traveling and visiting the big apple. When I got back the MP sent me home. I finished the rest of my mission in Las Vegas after a two week break at home! Later I learned that my MP in Virginia was excommunicated for adultery and having his girlfriend with him while he was serving as the mission president. President Sonntag had to go and clean up the Mission 88-90. Dale Godfrey was the MP's name. He got caught doing the horizontal mamba with his girlfriend!! Look it up in the history of Mission presidents of the Washington DC South Mission 89-90 timeframe. This information was kept quiet. The church doesn't like this to get out because it shows that choosing a mission president must not be inspired of God. How could he pass the MP entrance interview? Oh yeah it's the church that's perfect not the people. mmm huh.

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Posted by: praydude ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 07:10PM

Is this the guy?..

It looks like he remained an active and highly esteemed mormon until he died. Weird.

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Posted by: fossilman ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 03:29PM

Japan, late seventies. On the last day of my mission, I rode the Shinkansen into Nagoya to the mission home, dropped off my luggage and told them that I needed to close out an old bank account. I did. But I didn't tell them that I was also going to meet a girl I had been corresponding with for the last several months. We met for lunch and I had my first coffee, then we did some shopping together. Very fun, but very plutonic. I don't think I've ever told anyone about it.

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Posted by: pathdocmd ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 03:29PM

In my mission before I got there missionaries were taking girls on trips to Tokyo for the weekend outside mission boundaries. Ex-communications resulted from this, so it seems sex was a part of the trip at least some of the time. I would like to read what those missionaries would have to say if they posted on this thread.

As for me, nothing memorable other than my mission president invited the top baptizing missionaries to spend the day at an amusement park, which caused resentment among the other missionaries. We looked stupid riding the rides in our white shirts and ties.

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Posted by: gemini ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 03:31PM

I was engaged to my missionary when he left (which is a whole other story in itself). The years were Aug 1968-Aug 1970.

Missionary rules were WAY different then. He always had access to a mission car. He could call me whenever. I could call him whenever.

They did have to keep track of their mileage. He was in the South. When Hurricane Camile hit down there, it was not in his mission boundaries. He and his comp really wanted to go see the aftermath so they drove the mission car to the area where the hurricane had hit and saw the destruction. I don't know if it was on a D-Day (called Diversion Day back then). I seem to remember that they were worried about all the extra miles they had put on the car and don't know if they got into any trouble because of it. It must not have hurt his mission career any because he became AP for the last several months of his mission.

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Posted by: dejavue ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 03:47PM

Went to the beach with the rest of the "boys" and while they were playing football, I went around into a private cove, got naked and went swimming. Never got caught though the other misshies did question me a bit - I just told them I had been walking on the beach. (Shortly after I was called to be 1st Asst. to the MP. - Holy Ghost and Spirit of discernment must have been partying too. lol)

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Posted by: pugsly ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 04:51PM

I was never a missionary, but I sure did like the Elders!
One particular Elder who lived across the hallway from me came and got in my bed every night for five months. His first companion knew but he must not have cared.

My friend and I took a set of Elders to a major amusement park. Not on P-day. We were all dressed in shorts and flip flops. Did I mention that not only were we out of the zone, we were halfway across the next state and spent the night at a no-tell-motel (where we got drunk playing quarters).

Major League Baseball game - just like the other young people there. Again, in the next state.

I talked a set into going to a water park and I wore a very immodest, skimpy bathing suit. They wore my brothers swimming trunks.

Hadn't thought about those things in years!
I loved being a young horny teenage girl! Those were the days.

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Posted by: Book of Mordor ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 05:39PM

Well, as I've said numerous times, I was a known rule-breaker.

In one area, my comp and I went on a group date with the sister missionaries in our Ontario-NY district. Two of us and three of them. Our DL was not invited. I'm positive that we paid for their dinner though, and in my mind that qualifies as a date.

I came so very close to making out with one of them one evening. We were trading light semi-naughty talk on the couch, the other three were in another room; we paused, looked at each other, and I knew that we both wanted it.

I backed down because (a) the racy conversation, and one suggestion she made in particular, had given me a full-on, and had I gone for it, I probably would have blown a nut right then; and (b) I was still feeling guilty for having gone to an X-rated movie about 10-11 months earlier, different comp of course; a real porno, not some soft-core skinflick.

I left the mission boundaries only once. We were in the southern part of Quebec, around Cowansville as I recall, and decided to drive down into Vermont. We only got about 15 miles in, to St. Albans, before we chickened out and returned, but not before I picked up my requisite 6-pack of Coke.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/24/2015 05:40PM by Book of Mordor.

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Posted by: Anon-B ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 05:42PM

Yes, I was in Brazil 98-ish and the bishop asked if we (me, my comp, and another companionship) wanted to walk down the beach 3km on p-day to see the nude beach with his family. We agreed because we couldn't actually go to the nude side. Apparently, he and his wife were regulars there. So we went. When we got there the family got into a natural pool and was having a great time. We looked longingly at the water and slowly but surely got in...ankles, calves, then knees....finally his wife yells at us and tells us just to get in. We had a wonderful time!

We walked down the short, tree-lined path to see the nude side but we were barred from entry by a naked guy because we were not accompanied by women. We didn't see any naked girls but it was not a big deal because never did a day go by without seeing boobs.

It was great fun..and amazingly Stan didn't hurl the full fury of the ocean at us and we survived...and had dozens or even hundreds of baptisms afterwards. I never felt guilty for that.

Last I heard, that area had been closed down because of fights between the MP and the bishop.

I hope the 3 other guys (all American) that were with me read this. All cool guys.

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Posted by: sundevil89 ( )
Date: August 24, 2015 06:12PM

These posts brings back so many memories.

Went on an overnight trip to a ranch, swam in a lake and made out with a inactive member, my comp didn't really care. But we got caught when one of the other elders we shared a house with felt guilty three months later so he reported that we didn't come home one night. The president interviewed us and I confessed to staying at the ranch. I got demoted and sent to a small town with another "screw up." Best four months of my mission. We didn't do anything, we called it the mission vacation. Every day consisted of us sleeping in, playing video games, basketball and soccer. Sometimes when we had money (Mexico in the early 90's, pesos wasn't worth a dime) we went to the movies. Every night we had to call in our "stats" and lied about them and gave common Mexican last names as our investigators that wanted to join. One day we get a call from the APs telling us they were coming to check on us and they wanted to meet our investigators. So my comp and I found some empty houses in the area and when the APs showed up we took them to the houses, knocked on the door and pretended that the Gomez family wasn't there. I remember thinking the APs weren't falling for this and when they did I practically started laughing. The APs were impressed with us and left, even though they didn't meet one investigator. We went back on our "vacation." It really sucked during my next transfer when I got stuck with someone who actually wanted to work, luckily for me that was only once.

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