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Posted by: intellectualfeminist ( )
Date: January 31, 2016 03:20PM

There have been several recent discussions on the subject, but I haven't seen this article posted yet, so here's the link:

"Thirty-two young LGBT Mormons reportedly have taken their own lives since early November — when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced a new devastatingly anti-gay policy labeling people in same-sex marriages "apostates" and barring their children from being baptized.

All of the victims were between the ages of 14 and 20, with an average age of 17. Twenty-seven were male, three were female and two were transgender, and all but six of the suicides occurred in Utah."

I left TSCC in California over Prop H8. I thought they would have learned their lesson, but they just can't seem to stop the hatefest. I have a TBM friend with a bi-sexual daughter who couldn't stop crying when the policy was announced. I told her if it was causing her (and her family) that much grief, she had other options. But she "knows" the cult is led by a profit, so she and her family will continue to endure to the end, whatever that means. It almost makes me physically ill, but it's her life, her daughter, her decision. I'm just glad my daughter and I are out. Two sons still in, one a minor in high school. I'm glad the youth are bailing, but it's still really difficult when family are involved.

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Posted by: nightwolf983 ( )
Date: January 31, 2016 04:54PM

Tell me about it. My moron family members don't entirely agree with the policy, but they still support the church even though they don't and I'm tired of listening to their apologetics. I can't believe my sister actually believes they're doing this "to support gay families". What a crock of shit.

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Posted by: southern idaho inactive ( )
Date: January 31, 2016 06:19PM

Silence at morg church services about this....

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Posted by: Off the fence ( )
Date: January 31, 2016 10:14PM

Not that I doubt its possibility, I am concerned that these stats aren't being reported by the state.

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Posted by: Kismet ( )
Date: January 31, 2016 10:19PM

It's too early for the stats to be reported by the state. As far as I know, the most recent numbers that are available are from 2014. The 2015 numbers aren't even available yet, and some of the suicides being reported occurred in 2016, not 2015.

Also, I don't think that the state even reports on whether or not suicides were because someone was gay and also Mormon.

The suicides in question were brought to the attention of members of Mama Dragons by grieving family members. That's the source of the numbers, and also the source of any information about the sexual orientation and/or religious status of the victims.

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Posted by: quinlansolo ( )
Date: January 31, 2016 10:37PM

Not only they didn't learn from this debacle they went after gays with a vengeance which is hard to understand...
The result is they created formidable enemies like you who used to be a member.

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Posted by: runrunrun ( )
Date: February 01, 2016 10:25PM

Suicide is a tragedy. Doesn't matter if it's one or many. However, for statistics to be an indicator of cause/trend, you need the numbers leading up. Those are not provided.

I can remember reading in the newspaper as a kid about the number of car crash deaths over Memorial Day weekend. It was protrayed as a drastic increase. But if you did the math of the number of deaths per year/divide by number of days and times it by 3, the actual number of deaths during the Memorial day period of time was 60% of that overall average. It actually indicated driving during Memorial Day weekend was safer.

Statistics is all about how the information is presented.

The stats though are - any suicide is a tragedy. Last year there were 34000 reported suicides and most of those had nothing to do with being a gay mormon.

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Posted by: PapaKen ( )
Date: February 01, 2016 11:12PM

How many attempted but failed?
How many wish the had the guts to try?
Tragic & depressing thoughts.
I hope we can reach them before it's too late.

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Posted by: Dafuq ( )
Date: February 02, 2016 04:19PM

Here's some ridiculous nonsense on this topic:

"The Church’s position is certainly not intended to make people with same-sex attraction feel unwanted. I would argue that the Church’s position is undeniably compassionate:"

"By continually repeating the secular refrain that the Church sees people with same-sex attraction as flawed, progressive Mormons are reinforcing a message that hurts these people rather than helps them. Progressive Mormons may be contributing to teen suicide, rather than preventing it."


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