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Posted by: ruth never mo ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 07:36AM

I get so tired here in Utah of Mormon women who can't seem to tolerate that others exist. The moment they figure out that someone is no longer active or even interested in the church, the feeling in the room changes and they withdraw. This happened to me again yesterday with a woman who took up a good two hours of my time talking. She seemed grateful to find someone to carry on a great conversation. She said that she really needs and enjoys that. But, at home no one seem to care to talk and it is hard to find anyone who talks about anything outside the church. I thought, "yep. That's cause you are Mormon in mormonville." At end of conversation, I felt like she was going to invite me to lunch. But, not without asking if I am active lds. Because, she is.. the moment I mentioned I am no longer an active Mormon, she could not get away fast enough without removing any friendliness, possible invitations. That is so rude and annoying to me. I can't tell you. The using me to entertain her intellect self for two hours and then realizing the need to shun me as not good enough is so low class. It just left me with a slow burn.

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Posted by: Mike T. ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 08:53AM

You're describing simple paranoia, common (essential, actually) among Mormons.

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Posted by: poopstone ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 08:55AM

that would be irritating for sure! All my friends are Jack-Mos or never-mos, they are easier to get a long with. Less baggage running around in their heads, if you know what I mean...

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Posted by: scaredhusband ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 10:19AM

They can't wrap their head around people not believing. It is seriously uncomfortable to them. Everyone that has rejected mormonism is in the clutches of satan. And the moment that they realize that someone doesn't fit the pure evil narrative that the church spews they have cognitive diss.

My wife still can't wrap her head around why I was believing and now I am not. It makes her extremely uncomfortable.

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Posted by: cousin ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 11:28AM

I told a mormon friend I no longer believed. he was in his 60's. the minute I said it he exclaimed:

"The spirit told me you were going to say that just before you said it"

He RAN, I mean RAN at top speed out of my house and into his car. That was 14 years ago. Never heard from him since. Or any other mormon friends.

It scares Jesus right out of them.

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Posted by: demoneca ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 04:59PM

How obnoxiously melodramatic of him. Sounds like an attention seeker. Everything is exaggerated with the weirder Mormons. Probably makes them feel extra special. He probably wanted to create a dramatic story for a sacrament meeting talk.

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Posted by: newcomer ( )
Date: March 04, 2016 07:21AM

Did he leave his purse there when he high-tailed it out of the house?

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Posted by: Doxi ( )
Date: March 04, 2016 10:44AM

newcomer Wrote:
> Did he leave his purse there when he high-tailed
> it out of the house?
What does that mean?

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Posted by: saucie ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 11:49AM

It's part of the mind set of those who have been brain washed

into a cult. Their minds and world's are too small to accept

differences in any way shape or form. It threatens their

core belief's. That is one reason why Mormons are so judgemental.

They have to have everyone look alike, talk alike, dress alike,

and think alike. They are not open minded in any way shape or

form, it makes them uncomfortable to have to think things out

aka "think for themselves".

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Posted by: 6 iron ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 11:50AM

And that in a nutshell is why Mormonism sucks big time...big time

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Posted by: shadowofadoubt ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 03:58PM

Mormons will often 'tolerate' or even act friendly towards nevermos because they have potential to be baptized. Ex-mos are utterly worthless and dangerous to them because they don't have a hope of intentionally changing everything about you. True friends...the lot of 'em.

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Posted by: lurking in ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 04:23PM

Mormons rally around the idea that "the [wicked] world" is their enemy. The world is made up entirely of "others." So How can they possibly tolerate others? They would be tolerating the very enemy they need to give them group cohesion and Mormonism's very reason for existence.

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Posted by: SusieQ#1 ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 04:27PM

It's really quite simple. They have never been taught how to live the 11th Article of Faith
We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

Instead they engage in all kinds of behavior that is not found in their religion or taught by their current prophets who have taught not to do it.

Mormons operate, far too often, out of fear. Their religious testimony is apparently so fragile it can disappear in the blink of an eye!

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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 04:43PM

Mormonism dehumanizes many of its adherents. When a TBM meets someone who is truly human and living an authentic life, that TBM can't cope with the shell of existence that they're living.

Being part of an authentic community where one can be one's self (in all one's goofiness) is liberating and powerful. Mormonism, as Sandra Tanner noted, is a shadow of reality (however one defines reality). The Earthy Boner.

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Posted by: lolly18 ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 05:11PM

So when she's had an opportunity to calm down, call her and invite her to lunch promising that you are looking for friends, not just those who share church. Maybe her reaction was just that she didn't know what to do.

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Posted by: allegro ( )
Date: March 03, 2016 11:49PM

Everything byuboner said. It is not just Utah. Any area with Mormons who do not travel outside of Disney World, do not have jobs, and only have the church for their social life will be this way. They are like this where I live in TX. I did not experience this as much in DC. or Detroit.

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Posted by: adoylelb ( )
Date: March 04, 2016 02:57AM

That's also what I've observed outside of Utah, that Mormons who have their social life with the church and only visit Disney parks live in their own little bubble. Even when they travel from outside of southern California to visit Disneyland, they often visit one of the temples which is the only non-Disney thing they see.

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Posted by: cousin ( )
Date: March 04, 2016 09:55AM

Babyloncansuckit and baura brought up 2 pioints: I am still terribly judgmental towards people, and I still view them as how baura just posted, "not seeing them as a meaningfulpart of the future".

This shit makes me angry because I even do it to people I care about, its such a default mindset. I am glad that I am aware of it so I can purge it but I don't like the parasitic mormon virus taking up space in my head.

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Posted by: arinae ( )
Date: March 04, 2016 12:36AM

I lived in my house for over 6 months and my neighbors didn't realize anyone lived here. When I still worked for Lds inc, my coworkers weren't surprised. Because I attended a singles ward, and therefore not in the normal family ward, they didn't realize I was "mormon." (I didn't actually attend but that was the safest way to cover inactivity).

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: March 04, 2016 01:28AM

I made a real breakthrough today. I realized that I used to be a serious asshole. A real self righteous prick, even though I didn't preach it, I held myself to these twisted ideals. Looking back at my Mormon days, I'm appalled. Where was the love? I couldn't even love myself. WTF? God danm that insane religion.

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Posted by: baura ( )
Date: March 04, 2016 01:49AM

Mormonism is a cult that demands total involvement and total
obedience. Nothing else in the world matters except the cult
itself. EVERYTHING else as meaning only in relationship to it.

How many missionaries were told that tracting and finding new
members is WAY more important than actually helping people who
need help now. Actual "Christlike" actions are considered to
take away from the cult and so are, "in the eternal perspective"
not worth doing etc.

Since you were not part of the cult she could not see you as a
meaningful part of her future. Not even a possible convert.
When you told her you didn't believe, you no longer fit into her
Morg-life anywhere, so she left. When everything that matters
to you is tied to the Church, then someone who has rejected the
Church just doesn't fit in.

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Posted by: blueorchid ( )
Date: March 04, 2016 10:36AM

If a Mormon sees a "gentile" as happy and fulfilled, they must discount it or else how can they as a Mormon be the happiest of all because of their gospel?

If a Mormons sees a "gentile" who is successful, they must discount it because everyone knows that God rewards the righteous Mormons, so this person must be rewarded by the adversary.

If a Mormon sees a person doing all the things they are commanded not to, and yet having a full and happy life, then how on earth are they going to feel superior?

It is by blowing out other people's candles that Mormons make their own candles appear to burn brighter.

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