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Posted by: Thanx ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 07:47AM

Thank you rfm for your help!!!
Growing up!!
Less atheism would be great!!

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Posted by: excatholic ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 08:10AM

What is less atheism would be great supposed to mean?

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 08:14AM

Exactly what it says.

It's someone's opinion.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 02:13PM

Opinions are permitted? You want people to post opinions? That sounds weird.

What about opinions of opinions? Would you be cool with that?

I suspect that more than a few of us allow opinions to go unchallenged for various and sundry reasons, many of which have to do with peace and harmony.

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Posted by: seekyr ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 09:50AM

Since this board is a recovery from a specific religion, it IS going to naturally hit on religious topics. But people are what they are. If a lot of people on this board are atheist, they can't un-become that way just to even things out.

Unfortunately, the difference in belief can be very painful. If you said you loved Strawberry ice cream and I said I didn't care for it at all, no problem. Who cares? But hearing negative things about your most fundamental beliefs is another thing, and can be painful to read over and over.

The best I'd say we could do is to encourage understanding of those in recovery who are going through difficult times, so yes, there's going to be some spewing. And for those who are basically "recovered" but still enjoying the fellowship here, to continue to speak your mind honestly and fearlessly, but maybe try to visualize our "room" which is filled with good people of many beliefs. The atheists, btw, have MANY VERY different beliefs, so they disagree with each other about many things too.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 10:05AM

Feel free to drop back in whenever you feel the need.

Keep in mind that there are plenty of believers here on the board. We are always happy to give suggestions and support to those who are looking for a new church home, or who still believe but remain unaffiliated.

But yes, atheists and agnostics are welcome here as well. I've noticed that discovering the lies of Mormonism (along with the strong emphasis in the Mormon church to be "all in") tends to sour a number of people on belief and religion altogether.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 10:13AM

Thanx Wrote:
Christianity -sadness; MORmONISM - MORE sadness; Moving on -HAPPINESS.

> Thank you rfm for your help!!!
> Growing up!!
> Less atheism would be great!!

When it finally dawns on you that what Joe Smith did -MORmONISM which is big time mockery of Christianity used to justify anything that Smith wanted in the name of god, is basically the same thing that Romans did when they created Christianity -a big time mockery of Judaism used to justify anything that the Romans wanted to do in the name of god ( and the second coming of Jesus already happened with the second coming of the Roman empire as the Catholic Church and Christianity that became so popular that they just rolled with it, then you will finally be able to move on from the hindrance of silly religious thought. Until then you are still a prisoner of superstitious religious notions.

you are welcome!

> Peace!!

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Posted by: Devoted Exmo ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 12:43PM

Why would the Romans, who had their own religion, make a new religion for themselves that was juxtaposed to Judaism?

They had little to do with the small tribe of people in Judea, as they had a huge empire.

Christianity was created by the Jews. And the Romans tried to stamp it out when it crept into Rome.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/05/2016 12:55PM by Devoted Exmo.

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Posted by: blueorchid ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 12:51PM

Veddy interstink.

Who knows the real truth after thousands of years, but I love your take on the birth of Christianity. Makes as much sense as any of the other theories and is pleasurable to consider for a change.

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Posted by: leftfield ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 10:20AM

Less woo-woo would be even nicer. (someone else's opinion)

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 10:32AM

In line with this would also be a nicety if both sides of the fence had more respect and tolerance for the views and beliefs of others.

Why do atheists feel a need to attack those with religious beliefs, just because most of them were former Mormons now soured on religion in general? I've met other atheists off of forums who were kinder, more philosophical, and more respectful than many of those who have been former LDS, now angry at every belief system besides their own.

In place of evangelizing Mormonism, some feel the need to evangelize atheism. It's the same mentality some of the Mormon mishies share in common with some over zealous atheists to force views on others the others don't appreciate or share in common. I haven't experienced that anywhere but on ex-Mormon sites, and an atheist ex-Mormon I know who I regard as a friend but who is over zealous in his hatred towards any belief system besides his own.

One thing in the real world outside of forum wars and churches is the need to just respect diversity wherever it arises.

It's one thing to say "this is what I believe and why." It's quite another to come across as knowing all there is to know about religion and everyone else is wrong. It was true with Mormons trying to shove their religion off as the only true gospel on the face of the earth.

To me there is no difference than an atheist trying to do the same with no beliefs at all.

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Posted by: rubi123 ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 10:46AM

At least there are a few believers (Christians) on this board. I'm part of an ex-Relief Society Sisters group on FB and those ladies are full of venom when it comes to virtually anything related to Christianity. And if you don't agree 100% with them, they gang up and come down on you hard.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 12:21PM

Come back if you miss us or need us for any reason.

Good thoughts to you always.

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Posted by: SL Cabbie ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 12:51PM

In those meetings I still attend, the joke is "ism" stands for "Incredibly Short Memory."

Actually make that all three; it's present in "theism" as well. I'm willing to "stand for criticism" of my own views (some variety of "spirituality" with a belief in something beyond this often painful sojurn" and an "energy" available to get us through it); what I don't do is try to inflict my views on others directly, and I generally admit the atheists may be right but I don't think so.

It is with the realm of art, etc. to offer up those visions, and one hopes not too didactically.

/william blake vice off

I see "former-Mormon-now-atheists" who are still "fulfilling their mission calls"; there are some evangelicals who are easily as bad or worse, and I particularly loathe those who "enrich themselves" with their proselytizing (hot dang; I spelled that one right, but I had to Google it to be sure).

And seriously, it's the finger-pointing that's creating all the mess and drama. Look within to the darkness, folks; acknowledge it and own it, and move on into the light.

Or stay in the shadows, but make sure it isn't out of fear.

/cabdriver philosopher out

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Posted by: SusieQ#1 ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 01:08PM

Happy to read you found help here. You're taking your power back and owning it. That's the core, in my view!

This forum is replete with people -- moving on! We are all in the process of forming a new, personal World View.

We can believe in a deity, savior, etc. as our World View or not. Leaving Mormonism, I've found that I needed to give myself permission to allow my World View to evolve. It did not have to fit anyone else's ideas, just needed to satisfy me.

Technically, I prefer to go with agnostic that would include everyone. A deity/God (there are thousands) is technically, unknowable, in a material sense.

A definition I like:
Agnostic - a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

As opposed to Atheism - this is a definition I like:
Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods. Older dictionaries define atheism as "a belief that there is no God.

So many go from believing there is only one true god, (Elohim in Mormonism) to; a god is unknowable (agnostic) or to lack of belief in gods (atheist).

The problem many of us face is that, very often, the god believers have a big problem with either agnosticism, or atheism, and discriminate heavily. There is a lot of confusion about what the words really mean also.
I hear believers say that atheism means: "you believe in nothing." Of course, that is absurd.

We figure it out for ourselves. We find where we fit best and are always free to change our mind. We also learn to deal with those that are not in agreement with our choice of belief system aka World View.

Best wishes to you.....

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Posted by: tnurg ( )
Date: May 05, 2016 04:40PM

Atheism verses believers! Who cares - totally unnecessary, irrelevant contention! Talk about a circular discussion with no substantive ending - look no further than this one!

I hope that there is a Supreme Ruler of the Universe/God but my hope will likely never be validated as a living mortal anymore than someone telling me unequivocally that there is no God! Nobody knows nothing here! You see, there's no where to go! Everyone is entitled to an opinion that will not be validated - period!

So - my atheist friends still like me, as I do them! Now, let's go get an apple ale! As Always, tnurg (GRUNT)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/05/2016 04:45PM by tnurg.

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