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Posted by: fytbbtyf ( )
Date: May 16, 2016 11:01PM

Do some research and you'll realize that the Temple is designed as a way to worship Lucifer. The man who created Mormonism did not simply try to copy Christianity. He actually tried to create a religion that worships Lucifer.

The question is WHY? Did Smith secretly worship Lucifer? If he did not, why did he go to all the trouble of spreading Satanic symbolism all over the place?

The Salt Lake Temple was designed to invite evil spirits into itself. Many temple goers have seen spirits in the Temple, but these spirits are actually evil spirits, not spirits of the dead waiting to be baptized. The Salt Lake Temple was designed like a haunted house. The magic arts have a blueprint for the type of building most likely to attract evil spirits, and the Temple and your standard haunted house are just extensions of the original blueprint.

Does Lucifer really exist? If so, Mormons are in trouble, unless...unless Lucifer is the real God! Some people claim that the God of the Bible is evil, and that Lucifer rebelled to change things for the better. If Lucifer is really the good guy, then Mormonism should be the good religion. But Mormonism is not a good religion. Mormonism causes more harm than good. So that means that Lucifer must really be an evil being. If Lucifer exists and is an evil being, it means God must exist and must be a good being.

In a roundabout way, the Satanic symbolism found in the Mormon Temple could be evidence that God exists.

This Satanic symbolism suggests that Mormonism may be worse than just a fake and a fraud. It could be way for evil to manifest itself on earth. I would like to find people who know more about this issue.

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Posted by: midwestanon ( )
Date: May 16, 2016 11:10PM

I would suggest directing yourself to the nearest Southern Baptist convention to spend more time with your ilk.

Images in the Temple and the Ceremonies themselves are rooted in early 19th century Masonry, and whatever the early church leaders pulled out of their ass. Their are people here who know a lot more about it than I do, and that information is easily found on this site, , etc.

It's contrived bullshit, and I guess if you want to believe it's satanic, feel free, but this isn't really the place where you're going to find a lot of Ed Deckerish opinions about Mormonism. Criticism about Mormonism needs to be rooted in reality for it to be effective.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/16/2016 11:13PM by midwestanon.

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Posted by: Holy the Ghost ( )
Date: May 16, 2016 11:15PM

It is this kind of silliness that makes believers think that X Mormons and other critics of Mormonism are either crazy, deluded, or lying.

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Posted by: Anon i mouse ( )
Date: May 16, 2016 11:22PM

I wish you would elaborate on the symbolism u r referring to. And then Google to the luciferian doctrine of free masonry. Which, was brought into Utah by a famous mason named Albert Pyke. In which satan is a God to worship.

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Posted by: byuatheist ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 11:22AM

The idea that it is comes from a hoax perpetrated in the 19th century, called the "Taxil Hoax".

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Posted by: scaredhusband ( )
Date: May 16, 2016 11:34PM

I think that you haven't been in the temple or seen the ceremonies. You never gave examples of this satan worship.

I don't like hearsay, so until you can back your claims that is all it is.

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Posted by: imaworkinonit ( )
Date: May 16, 2016 11:47PM

Cue the 'Twilight Zone' music.

Or not.

The Mormon church, and even the temple, is weird enough without making up some Satanic subplot.

Satan made a brief appearance in the temple movie but was cast out. That would be a dreadfully rude way to treat a god if that was his temple.

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Posted by: rhgc ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 07:11AM

The appearance is not that brief. The key moment is where Satan aka Lucifer to mos, tells everyone: "if you violate a single the commandments, you belong to ME." Ironically, those attending don't recall that Satan lies!

I do not believe in Stan.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/17/2016 07:11AM by rhgc.

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Posted by: spiritist ( )
Date: May 16, 2016 11:48PM

You asked the questions so I will give answers based on my 'experiences' with spirits.

No Devil exists based on my experience. However, some spirits, that do not go back to the 'light'/after life, are not always 'nice' according to some people. Not that I believe they can hurt you but scare you maybe. I have never encountered any but never searched them out either.

God/Source does exist but 'he' has little in common with the 'god of the bible' or requires worship.

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Posted by: Humberto ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 11:41AM

spiritist Wrote:
> No Devil exists based on my experience. However,
> some spirits, that do not go back to the
> 'light'/after life, are not always 'nice'
> according to some people. Not that I believe they
> can hurt you but scare you maybe. I have never
> encountered any but never searched them out

You should give it a try. Hardly anyone makes movies about nice spirits -- it's the bad ones that are having all the fun. You could come back and tell us some cool ghost stories! I'd do it myself, but those spirit thingies don't seem to want to talk to me.

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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: May 16, 2016 11:53PM

I don't know guys, Adam raises his hands and says, "Oh God, hear the words of my mouth!"

And Satan shows up and says, "I hear you!"

The slashings of throats, [in the older endownment], maybe these aren't orthodox Satanic rituals, but Neo-Satanism...just saying...Stan's Boner.

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Posted by: Doubting Thomas ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 09:49AM


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Posted by: kolobian ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 12:28AM

There's no such thing as satanic symbolism because there's no such thing as Satan. I think you need to adjust your tin foil hat. ..

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Posted by: midwestanon ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 01:00AM

Yea, and I think what the OP was talking about was satanism in the traditional sense, not just the uneasy feeling of wrongness/evil you might get from watching a film that features a depiction of satan followed by pantomiming violent death.

I don't even think the OP is talking about Levayism Church of Satan(which is one of the most misunderstood religions ever). She's talking about some exorcising-demon-type satan, the one that lives in the lake of fire. You know, the ruler of hell.

With the hysteria that was rife in the time period that Joseph Smith lived in, it's suprising at the amount he did get away with. However, I don't think he would have gotten away with overt Satan worship. Someone would have killed him a lot sooner than they did.

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Posted by: Loyalexmo ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 01:02AM

"Does Lucifer really exist?"


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Posted by: ptbarnum ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 01:49AM

Mormonism predates modern Satanic movements and even Alistair Crowley's OTO. All of the above use occult symbols that have been around a while; some of them gained their bad reputation in the 15th-16th centuries because the Knights Templar had been eliminated by the European monarchy with the Church's backing because they got too rich and influential. One of the methods used to destroy the Templars was getting the common people believing they practiced witchcraft and worshipped the devil. Even symbols the Templars didnt use became associated with occult or hidden, secret society type heresies that were demonized and oppressed. Masonry and its associated symbols were viewed as the return of the Templars by some and the Catholic Church viewed them as Luciferian.

I'm not saying JS didn't practice folk magic that others of his time would've viewed as wicked; he most certainly did do so. What entities he thought he was summoning or controlling we can't know for sure. The symbology of Mormonism, though, was based on Smith's dilletantery with Masonry, which uses and interprets it's symbols in its own (deistic and anti-monarchic) way. The symbols' association with devil worship is a remnant of the old Catholic suppression of dissent rather than deliberate Satanic theology, which is itself a fairly modern thing.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 01:58AM

Mormons are not Satanists. They are Pharisees.

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Posted by: minnieme ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 05:19AM

That's what I've always said.

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Posted by: Bamboozled ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 08:21AM

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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 02:10AM

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Posted by: lurking in ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 02:17AM

If you want to know the complete story behind Joseph Smith's connection to the occult (not "satanism" so much, but a cultural, frontier tradition), this book is a must read--very scholarly and dense with information.

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Posted by: Topper ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 03:21AM

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Posted by: Sconer ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 05:45AM


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Posted by: a nonny mouse ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 08:06AM

The inverted pentagram is the most common of satanic symbols and it appears all over the temple and temple square, especially circling the Christus statue in the visitor's center.

I don't believe in Satan either, but you can't just dismiss this because of the - at least ask why, or consider the possibility. Joseph Smith was known to carry a Jupiter talisman, and the seerstone of course. He was always interested in occult practices, especially if he thought they might bring him power.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 09:03AM

Actually, yes I can just dismiss it. Satanism charges used to be an interesting fad 30 years ago, but now it is like wearing plaid bell bottoms. It's just embarrassing.

So there. Dismissed. A quick flush, and I'll be on my way.

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Posted by: a nonny mouse ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 09:07AM

I'm not saying I think these symbols call forth Satan or have any power at all, or that there is such a thing as demons. I think they are nothing more than symbols, and the seerstone was just a rock. I do think Joseph Smith and Brigham Young thought those symbols had power (because of their association with Satan) and that is why they are there.

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Posted by: minnieme ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 09:19AM

according to wikipedia
Latter Day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began using both upright and inverted five-pointed stars in Temple architecture, dating from the Nauvoo Illinois Temple dedicated on 30 April 1846.[20] Other temples decorated with five-pointed stars in both orientations include the Salt Lake Temple and the Logan Utah Temple. These usages come from the symbolism found in Revelation chapter 12: "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars."[21]

Desseret books used to sell and upside down pentagram as a pendant for a necklace. I always thought that would be an interesting conversation starter.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/17/2016 09:20AM by minnieme.

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Posted by: jojo ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 09:21AM

During Joseph Smith's and Brigham Young's lifetimes the inverted five-pointed star was used in the American society without any association with Satan. In fact from 1776 to 1876 a variety of American flags had inverted five-pointed stars on them. Also early Christian artwork depicts the Star of Bethlehem as an inverted pentagram. The inverted star was not associated with the occult until around 1861.
People use symbols to mean what they want them to mean. I don't recall any historical documents that describe the early church members actually worshiping satan.

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Posted by: snowball ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 09:27AM

The only respect in which Mormons worship Satan is that they worry about him and his fiendish plans way too much.

Ditto other posters, the original post is nonsense, rubbish, and silly.

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Posted by: RPackham ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 10:43AM

Symbols are just images. They have no intrinsic, inherent meaning except what people choose to assign to them. Just because person A or group A view a symbol as having a certain meaning does not mean that group B (or anybody else) sees it having the same meaning.

Mormons have assigned meanings to certain symbols (the compass and square on the garments and the temple veil). Can you cite any place where the church or any of its leaders have said specifically that the inverted 5-point star is a symbol of Satan?

Symbols can be simply decoration. Just decoration. A piece of cloth covered in a field of 5-pointed stars is just decorative. If I turn it around, it does not then become a satanic cloth.
It's still just decorative.

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Posted by: ptbarnum ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 11:10AM

The swastika is a great example of the way symbols can change from group to group. Before the Nazis got hold of it, it was a very friendly symbol that people found about as threatening as a four leaf clover or smiley face. Post Hitler it is a repellant icon some might call Satanic,

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Posted by: anon i ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 11:34AM

I don't get why exmo's get so bent out of shape when someone is speculating Satan as a Mormon God. The mormon God is not real. Their "satan"is not either. The doctrines change all the time. And no one can know what a narciss. psychopath founder of a false religion had in his mind at the time. I think it is more about his stealing symbolism and such from masonry where they did have a luciferian God belief . If js truly did see his God a Satan as in masonry. Then it is possible that Mormon were meant to worship the time"real God of this world." And a narc psychopath would laugh over that until the day he'd died. He was able to fool all these people.

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Posted by: rubi123 ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 11:38AM

I think the original poster has some intriguing and interesting ideas. Temples do seem like places of evil. Not sure why the group is coming down on him or her so hard. :P

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Posted by: byuatheist ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 11:47AM

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Posted by: Jonny the Smoke ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 12:34PM've been reading/ watching way to much Harry Potter....or Ancient Aliens perhaps?

"Oooohh...spooooooky maaaaaagical deeemons"......Que the Pee Wee Herman laugh 3...2...1....

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: May 17, 2016 01:20PM

Hey, don't knock the Ancient Aliens guy. I love that hair.

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