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Posted by: themaster ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 03:06AM

Christianity is supposed to include everyone. Mormonism does not want to include everyone in their version of Christianity. For example, if you are gay, the child of a gay parent, sexual sinner, felon and others, the Mormon Church does not want you and they will kick you off their membership rolls. Then there are other groups the Mormon church does not want such as the poor, the long term sick, the aged, divorced and older single people.

Mormonism does not want you or will not want you.

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Posted by: europa ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 03:15AM

Yeah, anyone that screws with their perfect image and who can't be put on the cover of an Ensign.

I thought Jesus was all about the love and come into me. He needs to have a word with 'his church' as they are the biggest load of hypocrites around.

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Posted by: westerly62 ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 09:27AM

Hypocrites? I don't know about that...

I find their behavior to be perfectly consistent with their BOM's 3rd Nephi Jesus. If anything they're falling short of the mark in following their pycho-Jesus' example of exclusivity.

3 Nephi 10:1,3-11

1 And it came to pass that there was a voice heard among all the inhabitants of the earth, upon all the face of this land, crying:

3 Behold, that great city Zarahemla have I burned with fire, and the inhabitants thereof.

4 And behold, that great city Moroni have I caused to be sunk in the depths of the sea, and the inhabitants thereof to be drowned.

5 And behold, that great city Moronihah have I covered with earth, and the inhabitants thereof, to hide their iniquities and their abominations from before my face, that the blood of the prophets and the saints shall not come any more unto me against them.

6 And behold, the city of Gilgal have I caused to be sunk, and the inhabitants thereof to be buried up in the depths of the earth;

7 Yea, and the city of Onihah and the inhabitants thereof, and the city of Mocum and the inhabitants thereof, and the city of Jerusalem and the inhabitants thereof; and waters have I caused to come up in the stead thereof, to hide their wickedness and abominations from before my face, that the blood of the prophets and the saints shall not come up any more unto me against them.

8 And behold, the city of Gadiandi, and the city of Gadiomnah, and the city of Jacob, and the city of Gimgimno, all these have I caused to be sunk, and made hills and valleys in the places thereof; and the inhabitants thereof have I buried up in the depths of the earth, to hide their wickedness and abominations from before my face, that the blood of the prophets and the saints should not come up any more unto me against them.

9 And behold, that great city Jacobugath, which was inhabited by the people of king Jacob, have I caused to be burned with fire because of their sins and their wickedness, which was above all the wickedness of the whole earth, because of their secret murders and combinations; for it was they that did destroy the peace of my people and the government of the land; therefore I did cause them to be burned, to destroy them from before my face, that the blood of the prophets and the saints should not come up unto me any more against them.

10 And behold, the city of Laman, and the city of Josh, and the city of Gad, and the city of Kishkumen, have I caused to be burned with fire, and the inhabitants thereof, because of their wickedness in casting out the prophets, and stoning those whom I did send to declare unto them concerning their wickedness and their abominations.

11 And because they did cast them all out, that there were none righteous among them, I did send down fire and destroy them, that their wickedness and abominations might be hid from before my face, that the blood of the prophets and the saints whom I sent among them might not cry unto me from the ground against them.

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Posted by: rhgc ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 11:07AM

It makes the God of the OT look mild in comparison! This is particularly so when God spared Ninevah in the OT. And TSCC says that Christ is Jehovah in the OT. Would you rule your planet like that?

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Posted by: cognitivedissonance ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 03:41PM

So Nephi's clan couldn't eradicate enough sinners, Jesus had to do it. "God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son"

Blam Blam Blam.

Feel the Love.

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Posted by: desertman ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 02:57PM





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Posted by: poopstone ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 09:08AM

I find the same thing interesting. Just in the fact that while reading the NT it seems pretty clear that it is a book written for everyone, in all walks of life. But modern mormonism certainly cherry picks their favorites, and shuns others. The whole prosperity movement shows it's ugly head even in the Rocky mountain religion.

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Posted by: blueorchid ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 10:18AM

The idea of "church" was to minister to mankind spiritually. The main concept is to be there for those who need it most, like, say . . . those on the outskirts of society, those who need a hand, a boost, and a big helping empathy.

The Mormon church is not this. In fact, the Mormon church is the opposite. The members are there to minister to the church--pay their dues, clean their chapels, solicit new customers, and stroke the egos of the bigots running the whole thing.

Ask not what your church can do for you, ask what you can do for your church.

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Posted by: rhgc ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 11:09AM


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Posted by: nomonomo ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 10:29AM

Just consider this example:

Traditional churches sponsor prison ministries. Does the Morg have prison ministries? Do they actively try to reach the prison population?

And it occurred to me while I was typing the above that traditional churches also have missions to primitive peoples. The Morg Mishies are only sent to places where there is a modern economy from which they can extract shekels. When's the last time you saw a cartoon of an Elder in a cauldron over a fire, surrounded by cannibals?

The MORG actively reaches out to the people they want, and not the people they don't want.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2016 12:36PM by nomonomo.

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Posted by: northaltexmormon ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 04:25PM

I never really considered that, but I should have. I was heavily "recruited" when the local ward thought that I had a ton of money, free time, etc. When they found that that I was in fact struggling when I asked them for help out... suddenly... silence. I couldn't get the bishop to return my calls anymore when before I would get a return call within a day or so.

After that, the process of having my non-traditional family being dismantled by the bishop began. bishop told my TBM common-law that she needed to move out ASAP or she'd be excommunicated. Funny how when they thought I was well off and able to help out so much that the very same man told me that our family was perfectly fine and there would be no issues, BEFORE I got baptized.

In total I tried to get a hold of the bishop 6 times over the period of 8 months from when I told them I was struggling to the point where I finally put in my resignation to SLC (with a request that the bishop contact me, which he still didn't)

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Posted by: Stray Mutt ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 10:46AM

Mormonism is about getting into the exclusive VIP lounge at Klub Kolob. Exclusive, as in exclude, to be discriminatory, to keep out the lesser folks, the unworthy, the 99.9%. "We get to be with God, and you don't, neener neener neener."

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Posted by: Mike T. ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 11:00AM

The "neener, neener, neener" is a good touch.

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Posted by: presleynfactsrock ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 03:06PM

Sleazy Joe started the exclusiveness of Mormonism. He was not content to live without having nice just have to picture him sitting on his horse, dressed in military regalia to the nines. Mormonism became a prosperity gospel from the get-go with Joey leading the march.

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Posted by: abcdomg ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 03:35PM

They also don't want feminists, intellectuals, skeptical scientists, and anyone who threatens the status quo!

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Posted by: laurad ( )
Date: June 02, 2016 04:10PM

That's aight. I'm just not into them either.

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