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Posted by: whiteanddelightsome ( )
Date: September 12, 2016 10:10PM

A long time ago as a young and naive TBM I got a phone call from the second counselor of the branch presidency. "Are you sitting down?" he asked, making me think he was about to drop a bombshell on me. Not quite. He said I've been called as a branch missionary and asked if I would accept the calling. Like a jackass, I did.

That was the first calling I had after joining the cult. Now as an apostate I have no idea how the process should've really worked. Anyone remember what it was like? Could somebody fill me in? Thanks for your help!

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 12, 2016 10:25PM

I don't think there are any rules regarding extending callings.

How would you feel if you learned that three other people had their names put into the BP's mind by Holy McGhost, but they all said no?

I got a calling once because there were two prime candidates, but each had a block of supporters who'd be pissed if the other guy was called. So the bishop was inspired by Holy McGhost, "Call the new kid who just moved in, who will be gone in a couple of years when he graduates and this will unite the two blocks as they both hate him!"

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