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Posted by: paulk ( )
Date: November 12, 2016 06:20PM

This dude took over assigning building cleaning a couple months ago. He never passes around a sign-up or asks if or when people can clean. Instead he just sends a random email saying "You have been assigned to clean the building this Saturday at 9 a.m."

Um ... you might want to ask people if they have time and are willing. Anyway, he sent this out:

"Hello everyone this is Brother xxxxxx. Sorry we missed you...again. since NONE of you showed up for your assignment to clean the building, you have been reassigned to clean on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH AT 9:00 AM. I SINCERELY hope to see you all there for as we learn in the doctrine and covenants, those who shall thrust in their sickle with all their might shall receive blessings, even enough to treasure up their souls in the everlasting kingdom of God."

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Posted by: logged out this weekend ( )
Date: November 12, 2016 06:47PM

"Sorry we missed you...again."

Translation: I don't have the balls to say "no" and had to clean the whole f***ing building by myself.

"those who shall thrust in their sickle with all their might"

Just how do you clean a toilet bowl with a sickle?

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Posted by: severedpuppetstrings ( )
Date: November 12, 2016 06:48PM

Dang! LMAO!!

So much for volunteering like the church claims. You're not "invited to serve, you're just being TOLD to serve. Forced to serve.

Forced to clean those toilets!

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: November 12, 2016 06:56PM

Mormons already *have* church-assigned jobs. Cleaning shouldn't have to be one of them.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: November 12, 2016 07:00PM

LOL! That's comedy.

Dear Brother xxxxxx:

You have been assigned to give me $500, due Saturday. Thrust your nickel and receive blessings. God said so.

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Posted by: SusieQ#1 ( )
Date: November 12, 2016 07:43PM

Soon, the buildings are going to be in such dirty, shoddy condition they are going to be forced to pay big bucks to hire professional people to do it right which will take three times as long the first time as it's all so filthy!

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Posted by: seekyr ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 07:02AM

I doubt anything will happen until 1) someone gets injured or sick related to it and sues or 2) the church gets bad PR from it somehow. Otherwise, they are saving SO MUCH MONEY by using their private servant workforce.

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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: November 13, 2016 03:08AM

Previous posts have remarked that the cleaning monitors have been told to assign cleaners rather that ask for volunteers.

I enjoy the ones where people have been inactive for decades and they are told to show up to clean.

And...they are told to find a replacement if they can't make it.

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Posted by: crookedletter ( )
Date: November 13, 2016 10:24AM

Service by assignment became a big thing in my last two wards 5 years ago, right before I quit. We were assigned to clean one weekend. Too bad for them, we were moving into a different house. We tried telling the coordinator to find someone else. He turned it back on us to cover our assignment. We never did anything about it. A few weeks later, we finally remembered to give back the key.

The service by assignment included roping the men in to work for the Elders Quorum moving company. Wards with high turnover were awful because the men were enlisted nearly every week for moving. As a lowly woman, I was never asked to do any heavy lifting for moving families. Besides, we womenfolk needed to be tending the young ones, day in and day out.

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Posted by: John Mc ( )
Date: November 13, 2016 11:20AM

Many years ago when I was a TBM and this crap started. I was upset our janitor was sacked and had to go on welfare. I hired a cleaning company when they assigned me. The bishop pulled me into his office and said I was showing a bad example.
I said it was my choice. The building was cleaner that it ever was and I had brought non members in to experience the spirit in the building.

He was more upset that I hadn't used his friends cleaning company and they were Mormons and would have done a better job. LAMO.

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Posted by: seekyr ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 07:14AM

That is the saddest aspect of the whole thing, that it was PEOPLE'S JOBS they took away. I was out of the church when than change happened. DID they TRY to help custodial staff find other work or did giving them a few weeks notice constitute the limits of their assistance ?

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Posted by: seekyr ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 07:37AM

1) During Sacrament Meeting, the custodial-boss-brother sends a text to everyone's cell phones/email with a "WhenIsGood" message link . You might even hear it ping on anyone who forgot to turn off their ringer. He stands up and asks if everyone will please take out their cell phones and respond now while he speaks on the importance of - well - whatever important lesson there is that he wishes to relate.
Peer pressure.


2) Call all the mothers of all the people you want to clean the restroom. Ask the mothers to make their "kids" come clean the restroom 'cause it's their turn and it was her responsibility to have taught her children obedience, and all the other sisters will blame her if her "kids" don't pull their weight.
Mom pressure.

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Posted by: quatermass2 ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 05:53PM

" was PEOPLE'S JOBS they took away ... DID they TRY to help custodial staff find other work ..."

Do you really think that the Gods in SLC cared or even actually gave a damn?

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Posted by: quatermass2 ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 05:57PM

This talk of toilet cleaning reminds me of a light aside, I think by the Monty Python team.

A sketch showed a chat show host interviewing one of the team made up as an elderly cleaner of public toilets, replete with dirty mac etc. Draped around him were admiring 'dolly birds' in bikinis, admiringly stroking his hair and generally fawning round him.

Interviewer: "and were there opportunities for promotion?"

Toilet Cleaner: "Oh yeah, yeah. After three years they gave me a brush"

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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: November 13, 2016 11:29AM

The poor slob! A toilet bowl brush would clean better than a sickle! No wonder no one show up.

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Posted by: StillAnon ( )
Date: November 13, 2016 12:13PM

This reminds me of Eric Cartman's desperate attempt.
"Respect my AUTHORITY!!!!!"

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: November 13, 2016 03:24PM

thrust in your sickle ?

all this sex talk is making me sweaty.

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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: November 13, 2016 04:26PM

Or as Elder Bednar would say, "Thrust in your pickle!"

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: November 13, 2016 05:29PM

Mormonism would be a gas if it weren't so full of hot air.

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Posted by: peculiargifts ( )
Date: November 13, 2016 05:46PM

Mormonism can be such a silly game. Power trips, lies, and more power trips. With a nice dollop of corporate greed, to round out the experience.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: November 13, 2016 11:21PM

Apparently you get credit for getting to the CK on your own, and for dragging people with you.

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 02:02AM

So have they started to brainwash the primary yet?

"I hope they assign me to clean the potty, so I can rid the bowls of pooh..." replaces missionary song.

Overheard from Fast and Testimony with mom whispering into child's ear..."I know Jesus loves me. We have a prophet today. I love mommy and daddy. I like cleaning the restroom..."

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 02:25AM

Something tells me the church members aren't the ones doing the thrusting.

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Posted by: GooglyBoogly ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 06:24AM

How can he even assume people will be available at that time? Some people are at work at that time. This is just poor coordination and poor project managment. lol

He sounds like a horrible person to live with.

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Posted by: NormaRae ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 08:34AM

Too funny.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 09:35AM

Another power-mad priesthood holder.

I'd point out to him that a toilet brush isn't a sickle...and that there's a difference between volunteering and being ordered around. But it probably would be lost on him...

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Posted by: rhgc ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 09:49AM

My LAST calling was to be in charge of the building. Of course, August being the first month, I went to priesthood and RS and asked who would be available. Worked well. But I was chewed out for having it voluntary as I was supposed to merely make a list and heaven help those who couldn't make it. Well, my next time, I made a list all right for the month. I started out with the bishopric, stake high counselors, priesthood leaders, etc. This also worked but my tenure was not to last longer as I then faced the "Love Counsel". The rest is in the bios. My dream of handing over the keys was fulfilled along with my comment: "I have greater keys than these".

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Posted by: getbusylivin ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 09:25PM

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Bureaucrats

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 09:48PM

And I can tell him where to thrust it.

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Posted by: anon here ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 10:34PM

"Brethren, I hope this week you will answer the call of doody…"

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Posted by: butterfly48 ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 10:53PM

What is up with Mormons and cleaning toilets?

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Posted by: severedpuppetstrings ( )
Date: November 19, 2016 12:35PM

butterfly48 Wrote:
> What is up with Mormons and cleaning toilets?

Butterfly48 - I could be wrong, but I think it was a joke that came around when LD$, Inc. fired their custodians to save money (or to have more money). Now the members are made to volunteer to help clean the meetinghouses - toilets and all. That way T$CC don't have to pay anyone.
That way, the money that T$CC makes (from tithing and fast offerings), can go towards shopping malls and skyscrapers, and to pay the penthouse rent of the General Authorities.

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Posted by: Glo ( )
Date: November 14, 2016 11:12PM

November 26 is the Thanksgiving weekend. People are either out of town or have lots of family visiting.

Who in their right mind would take off that Saturday morning to shovel shite in the chapel?

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Posted by: overit ( )
Date: November 15, 2016 10:27AM

when I was still going, the commanded time for cleaning was Saturday at 7:00am. They were never going to be successful with me at that time. It was coupled with "will you be in ward choir, rehearsal is 7am SundaY..." tHANKS BUT NO THANKS

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: November 15, 2016 10:37AM

With the exception of a rare long distance trip or **perhaps a few leadership meetings due to an early sacrament start time of 8AM**~ 7AM is too damn early for anything else.

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Posted by: rhgc ( )
Date: November 19, 2016 02:24PM

I was in a choir so called. I'll put a story of one time in a book I'm writing. Anyway, now I am in a choir by choice.

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Posted by: TXRancher ( )
Date: November 19, 2016 06:23PM

I will make a confession: I enjoyed cleaning the building.

Why? Probably because I enjoyed seeing my kids, who never did chores at home, doing some work. And surprisingly they enjoyed it, too. And myself...who didn't do chores at home, because I hated them and let my wife do them, felt like it was me doing something good.

And I hate the authority of the church telling people what to do and what not to do. I hated everything else so much, so I can't explain why I liked doing it. Maybe guilt for not doing more at home and feeling like I was doing my part at cleaning a couple times a year.

That's my confession. I feel better.

But at the same time, I'm glad I never have to do it again!

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