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Posted by: beyondashadow ( )
Date: November 22, 2016 04:43PM

If you have not yet watched the Jesse Stay podcast on Mormon Stories, it's worth your time. Jesse left the Church after working 3 years for the Church as its first Social Media software professional.

I just posted a reply to Richard Robbins, Jesse's former COB coworker, who threw his best TBM shot at Jesse in the comments section.

Dear Richard,

You clearly are totally oblivious as to how much you have embarrassed yourself in public with your post. Jesse’s reply was far kinder than what you deserve in return.

I will make a general statement that includes you without specifically dissecting your post and pointing out its logical fallacies and indefensible conclusions.

Those of us who were b.i.c. and grew up and literally formed our brains in the Mormon Soup and eventually found our way out have a remarkably cohesive, consistent and coherent perspective on TBM (True Believing Mormon) thought processes, which you exhibited in your post.

At the risk of oversimplification in the interest of brevity, TBMs usually resolve conflict regarding their belief system by shooting messengers on sight who bring unwelcome news and information. The problem is never the Church or its leaders or its doctrine or its behavior or its history. Just never. It’s always a problem with the character, intelligence. mental health, maladjustment or emotions of the messenger.

After observing TBMs over the past 36 years since I left the Church at age 30, it finally dawned on me that there must be some kind of brain damage that gets conditioned into the cognitive processes of humans who grow up correlated. Right now I will coin a new phrase to describe this:

CBS Correlated Brain Syndrome

An involuntary distortion of logical, cognitive processes whereby the brains of otherwise intelligent and highly functioning humans seem to automatically abandon their normal skillset of critical thinking and instead process particular flavors of incoming information via a separate and distinct neural pathway with an entirely separate and dirt simple information processing algorithm hard-wired to a singular endpoint:

The Church is True

And it’s not really an algorithm at all. It’s a shorted wire that processes nothing.

This is brain damage. A damaged brain. And just like a computer, it does not matter whether the damage is hardware or software, the result is the same: Defective or non-existent information processing.

TBMs exhibit software damage. The cause is succinctly described in the vernacular as brainwashing aka mind control programming. TBMs are able to function normally in non-Church related endeavors and be as productive as normal humans. The information processing deficit only becomes apparent when the topic at hand is Church related.

Jesse completely gets what I just wrote. Richard will remain clueless and not even be able to consider the possibility that he has embarrassed himself in public.

Just shoot me, Richard. It’s what TBM brains do with this kind of unwanted information.

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Posted by: kvothe ( )
Date: November 22, 2016 05:32PM

The reticular activating system will actually distort incoming information received by the brain to fit preconceived conclusions.

Someone who truly believes with all their heart that the sky is red, could see a red sky even at noon.

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Posted by: blakballoon ( )
Date: November 22, 2016 05:47PM

When my shelf broke I experienced an indescribable feeling of millions of neurons using fresh pathways and making new connections. I had a moment of vertigo as my mind seemed to shift and settle in a new world view.

I love how you have described something I have been looking for the words for, for a long time.

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Posted by: cricket ( )
Date: November 22, 2016 07:47PM

Correlation can have a double meaning: Core Relation = All human relations for TBM's must pass through the "Gospel Filter" in order to have any core value.

The Correlation Committee under Harold B Lee decapitated any common sense and spontaneity that may have been left in Mormonism.

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