Posted by:
Date: December 01, 2016 03:49PM is really offensive for MORmONS to presume that those of us who "gave up the faith" did so without any attempt to reconcile the bogus claims of Joseph's Myth with reality. I know I tried the LDS prescription (Pay, Pray and Obey) for at least 10 years, w/o success, until my conscience finally, literally said outloud, "It is a fraud." In the middle of a sea of Penis Holders at General Priesthood Conference, in response to the PRofit saying, "It all boils down to the First Vision. It either happened the way Joseph Smith said it did, making it the greatest news since Jesus Christ, or it didn't and it is the biggest fraud ever foisted upon mankind."
I gathered up my sleeping teenage Son and left and never went back.
I know MORmONS,
Instead of bitching about those of us who "gave up the faith" (woke up from our Joseph's Myth induced delusion) How about just answering the serious questions posed by your recent admission that the founder of your church actually "married" his followers wives and teenage daughters as young as 14?
How the hell is it possible to defend that morally corrupt (evil) behavior, with zero justification theologically, morally, ethically?
How can you, in good conscience, continue to allow your children to sing the praises of a pedophile and a rapist, who violated every law ever recorded governing marriage, inckuding the one he authored and claimed came straight from God Allmighty?
Are you really THAT delusional, unethical, immoral, stupid?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2016 09:03PM by koriwhore.