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Posted by: behindcurtain ( )
Date: January 17, 2017 12:00AM

Mormonism attracts people who are not really passionate about anything, who don't have strong interests. They don't have anything better to do than sit through long meetings. Many missionaries go on missions because they don't have anything better to do.

This is why it's hard for Exmormons to adjust to life outside the Church. Nonmormons often have serious hobbies, things they are passionate about. They value their time because they have something important and worthwhile to use that time for. People who have been around Mormons their whole lives never were taught how to be really passionate about things, how to spend a lot of time on satisfying hobbies.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: January 17, 2017 12:36AM

I think Mormons are just very devoted. They make the church their main interest. It's all about the church as a lifestyle. It's like the circus. Lots of acts and freak shows. Why would you ever leave the tent? It's a lone and dreary world out there. Better to live for the promised kingdom. And who cares about the people you step over on the way there?

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: January 17, 2017 12:39AM


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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: January 17, 2017 12:38AM

That's not really true.

Mormons excel at OCD. That's passionate about something. To the point of obsession.

Ex-mos adjust very well outside the Morg. It's easier to get used to living on the outside than it is putting up with all the nonsensical rules on the inside.

Passion is what you find @ RfM on any given day. It's full of surprises, but is anything but boring.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2017 12:42AM by Amyjo.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: January 17, 2017 09:16AM

Amyjo Wrote:
> That's not really true.
> Mormons excel at OCD. That's passionate about
> something. To the point of obsession.

I agree.

My step-dad, the convert to TSCC who married my mom after the bishop told her to divorce my inactive dad, is seriously OCD. Super clean-freak, can't stand the slightest disorder, etc. He fit in *perfectly* in the completely structured, hierarchical, never-think-for-yourself mormon church.

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Posted by: StillAnon ( )
Date: January 17, 2017 10:28AM

Mormons are TAUGHT not to have anything better to do. Church comes first (and second and third), before anything else, including family. If you spend more time on other interests, you are guilt-ed, shamed and "called" into doing more for the church. It's a cult.

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Posted by: edzachery ( )
Date: January 17, 2017 10:43AM

Abso-freaking-lutely, StillAnon. Your sentence that read:

>Church comes first (and second and third), before anything else, >including family

is spot-on. But then, so is your last sentence:

>It's a cult.


Peace out. -edzachery

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Posted by: StillAnon ( )
Date: January 17, 2017 11:19AM

Thanks ed. Sorry you had to find out by experience.

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: January 17, 2017 11:30AM

Mormonism dulls the senses. Any passion one possesses is harnessed to pull the Mormon wagon train. Obedience manifests itself as the denial of the self and everything that is unique about the self. Accomplishment has no real value except as a benefit to the "owner."

That is why I had such a hard time learning how to engage in honest relationships once I grew some black wool and got "lost" which was really found.

It's much like picking up and moving to a new country and a new culture and learning their language and their ways. It's harder to do when you are already set on a certain path, but it can be done and it is worth it.

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Posted by: presleynfactsrock ( )
Date: January 17, 2017 12:22PM

TBMs don't even have time to be sick....I have witnessed this again and again.

And, if they are really, really sick they feel guilty as hell that they are slacking church attendance and all the other countless duties they must fulfill.

They are sooooo indoctrinated to walk the walk that as they become more and more entrenched normal humanity is ABNORMAL HUMANITY. I have, countless times, been made to feel guilty by TBMs when I have slowed down, slept in (gasp!!), and gotten assistance if needed.

It is plain nonsense! and crazy.

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Posted by: CA girl ( )
Date: January 17, 2017 07:45PM

I think it's because Mormons are taught they don't really OWN their life.

I "belong" to the CoJCLDS
I consecrate all my time, talents and everything God has blessed me with to the church
You will be held accountable
Angels above us are silent notes taking

And so on. When you think of your life's purpose as serving God and believe that requires you to jump through the church's hoops, then you feel guilty believing that you are entitled to hobbies, down time, being passionate about anything other than the gospel ... especially things that take time away from Gospel requirements. I know I've had the hardest time thinking it's OK to do something for myself that I enjoy, unless there is an "righteous" end to what I'm doing. Knitting stuff for the homeless is OK but painting pictures for myself would feel like a waste of time to me. I realize this is crazy but that's how I was raised - that EVERYTHING I do had to be for the church or for others and any hobby I had just for fun or for enjoyment was selfish. I couldn't just enjoy painting a picture like a normal person, much less feel passionate about it. It's been really hard to overcome, even though I know it's wrong.

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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: January 18, 2017 12:57AM

I'm with CAgirl on this. At the Y, I was taught that eventually I'd consecrate my life to the church. At the time, I didn't realize that the "Law of Consecration" was embedded in the temple ceremony. And, of course, a few years later, I did solemnly covenant that I would give everything I had, or ever would have, to COJCOLDS for the building up of the kingdom of god and the establishment of Zion.

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Posted by: Pariah ( )
Date: January 18, 2017 12:43AM

This thread really resonates with me.

If it weren't for my job, I would feel completely "useless." I finally understand that this is because of my Mormon brainwashing. The Mormons taught me that nothing is as important as church "service".

I believed this to the point that I felt it was more important to keep my promise to work in the stake cannery, than to stay home with a sick child. Illness is no excuse, in Mormonism. When I was very seriously ill, and had to undergo painful hospital treatments, I was unable to work for several months. My boss and colleagues at work were very supportive, and reassured me that my position would be held open for as long as I needed to recover. Not so, for my church--they threatened me! They said I would get sicker, if I didn't continue with my attendance and my callings. That response was devastating to me, as I needed the emotional support and prayers and friendship of my Mormon neighbors. (I was fine financially) They shunned me.

It was obvious to me that as long as I couldn't be "useful" in the ward, that they had no use for me as a human being.

It helped me to write down everything I did, outside of my job. You-all should do this, too. Are you a parent or grandparent or son or daughter? Do you beautify your corner of the planet, by gardening? Do you feed the birds in winter? Do you cheer up others?

On the other hand, do you do no harm? Are you no longer forcing your crying children to sit for 3 hours in church? Are you no longer criticizing or even hating people of different religions and cultures? Do you take time to hear others' points of view? Do you make people laugh? Even if you stay home and do nothing on weekends, you are not supporting an evil cult, and giving out the message that polygamy, polyandry, lies and cons are OK. You aren't out trying to get money from others (which is what missionaries do) by peddling lies.

Playing video games is OK!!! Anything is better than doing harm to others, recruiting and brainwashing children, breaking up families, trying to usurp the parental authority of your neighbors, etc.

There is value in leaving others alone. This implies love and acceptance for who they are. Our lives are so much better, in every way, than it was when we were cult members.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: January 18, 2017 01:01AM

I've noticed this for a long, long time.

the men I wanted to admire/emulate the most seemed to have a good family life, but it was always second-place to tscc in their priorities.

Ever superficial, with other attributes: some desirable, but I didn't understand because of limited perspectives.

I will always believe that:

-Molly Mormon women are a great deal of the reason(s) that men do the things they do.

-Mormonism purposely places a seemingly endless parade of distractions as substitutes away from Kindness, Honesty, & Respect.

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Posted by: slay me ( )
Date: January 18, 2017 09:23AM

GNPE Wrote:
> I've noticed this for a long, long time.
> the men I wanted to admire/emulate the most seemed
> to have a good family life, but it was always
> second-place to tscc in their priorities.
> Ever superficial, with other attributes: some
> desirable, but I didn't understand because of
> limited perspectives.
> I will always believe that:
> -Molly Mormon women are a great deal of the
> reason(s) that men do the things they do.
> -Mormonism purposely places a seemingly endless
> parade of distractions as substitutes away from
> Kindness, Honesty, & Respect.

"Molly Mormons" are no more at fault than any of the BIC males. They do as indoctrinated to do, same as the men. Some escape, some do not, but from the looks of this board, I'd not think that decision is based on being either male or female.

I would take into account that the greater the insecurity, the louder the roar. Put any animal in a corner, and watch it struggle to survive.

I think it's why the leaders come off as Milquetoast, no matter their fake "roars." The only honest emotions I hear from them concern tithing and free labor (missions and callings). They are passionate about keeping the paying slaves in line (revenue streams intact).

There is masochism in being mormon, for all concerned, either giver or taker.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: January 18, 2017 02:07AM

I remember the stories of when Richard (L) Evans was the announcer of the sunday broadcast 'Music & Spoken Word'...

He was in that position for a whopping 41 years.

When Evans was on his deathbed, they wanted him calm/relaxed (not let him know the day), but when it came to Sunday morning / time to prepare (so the story goes), he fidgeted & tried to get dressed/leave ('had to be restrained') because his habit was so ingrained...

That's the kind of Obedience/Dedication that tscc wants/rewards/almost DEMANDS of it's members, which in turn is DEMANDED by many spouses (Peter Priesthood, Molly Mormon) and then the source of Much Marital Friction, and more than a few divorces.

ALL THIS at the feet of the GAs & their minions who parrot them.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: January 18, 2017 02:15AM

MORmONS are devoted,very devoted with in the tight confines of the tight MORmON circles that they have to turn in, in order to keep being MORmONS. Otherwise, they would not keep being MORmONS as MORmONISM requires a special type of being very devoted to very conditional version of truth. MORmONS do have better things to do, but they are too stupid to know it. The hollow rewards of their MORmON social club are enough to keep them trapped in MORmONISM.

My MORmON male parent and resident MORmON enforcement agent and all around super MORmON asshole would be enraged at the statement that you made, and then he would act with in the understood MORmON limits that he is/was allowed to operate with in. Speaking against his "THE" (MORmON) Church qualifies you as an anti MORmON which irretrievably puts you on his crap list. Oh sure, you could apologize and submit to official MORmON priestDUD discipline and completely grovel in your quest to regain your standing as a human being and as a church member, but you would still be on his crap list, even if he verbally accepted your apology at some point. That because speaking against the church simply is NOT allowed. A person instantly sells their soul to Satan the instant that they speak against THE (mighty MORmON) church. Even IF you did make it back into the fold of official full fellowship in THE church and demonstrated exemplary devotion from that point onward, my MORmON male parent would periodically and opportunistically remind other members, in the refuge of being behind your back, of the time that you strayed and forever made yourself inferior to him and THE steadfast always faithful MORmON leadership by daring to question THE restored gospel of MORmONISM. Regardless of whether you repented or not, from the moment you dared to question the church, my MORmON male parent would be conducting a smear campaign on you, the likes of which would make MORmON founder Pervert Joe SMith proud .....unless of course Joe felt upstaged for some reason.

Fact is MORmONS only take MORmONISM seriously in a very limited way that allows them to keep being MORmONS. They can get reved up about MORmONISM but only to a limited extent. They can scuttle themselves financially paying tithing, or spend every spare moment reading about MORmONISM from THE Church news or doing stupid secret handshakes in THE (MORmON) temple. They can abuse their children, They can run their mouths incessantly about how great that THE (MORmON) church is, in MORmON meetings. But there is a cut off point where they can not take the church too seriously or they would be forced out of it. That point is the point of realizing that THE (MORmON) church simply does NOT deliver on its many promises, not even close. At that point, most MORmONS turn into big time wimps. The Lafferty Brothers demonstrate that point very well. They took their MORmON religion very seriously, far more seriously than most members. In the interest of communing with god, an interest that every MORmON should have a consummate interest in, they emulated the life of Joseph SMith as an exemplar as much as possible. Their high level of devotion and that course of action swiftly lead them right OUT of THE church, even as the things they were doing were VERY MORmON in a Joseph SMith kind of way.

The fact is that MORmONS are big time pu$$ies when it comes to fundamental MORmON doctrine(s) just as the Lafferty brothers so fully demonstrate. That is good, in one sense, because it precludes a lot of MORmON members from going full on Joe/ Brigham MORmON mode to MORmON temple penalty style executing other members/other people. It is also bad, because it precludes so many MORmONS from realizing what a failure that MORmONISM is according to its own conventions /ambitions to follow up by quiting their grossly disappointing MORmON religion.

My own departure from MORmONISM was largely based on the fact that the MORmON religion could never come even remotely close to delivering the same level of honesty and performance that it always adamantly demanded from me. That gross lack of performance is exemplified by their very own MORmON god who did not show up for work for over 1700 years, a lack of performance that according to MORmON doctrine allowed Satan to hijack and totally corrupt the Original Christian church. on an emotional level it is highly implied but never directly acknowledged that such thinking is emotional and foolish if it is examined that the world deserved this kind of abandonment and punishment for being faulty enough to mistreat Jesus so badly. Latter Day Saints are guided to feel that are Quite lucky to be alive in mortality when AWOL Jesus finally gets around to starting up His real church again. That is self serving idiot thinking ..... on top of the already existent idiocy of Christianity, that ignores the fact that Jesus is far more fond of being on vacation than being present to help out humanity. In objective reality, any "Jesus" who is supposed to be the head of His beloved church but can not show up for work, regardless of his ability to rise from the dead, needs to be fired for dereliction of His duty. The MORmON story of how MORmON Jesus operates does NOT let Jesus off the hook for being a derelict either. So MORmONS can demonstrate their MORmON faith in several kinds of FaithFOOL ways which can be divided into several areas. One is giving Money to their MORE MONEY religion, another is promoting their MORmON religion, then there is doing the completely ineffective and worthless MORmON ordinances to get into Heaven that MORmONS have been convinced are critical and indispensable, see baptism and stupid unmentionable secret handshakes. ALL of that falls under the heading of being STUPID which is what MORmONS are more than anything else.

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Posted by: itwasnotme ( )
Date: January 18, 2017 02:54AM

> My own departure from MORmONISM was largely based
> on the fact that the MORmON religion could never
> come even remotely close to delivering the same
> level of honesty and performance that it always
> adamantly demanded from me.

This is so true, and not just Mormons. I remember the first time I saw one of my religious "betters" act in a way that I was taught was unacceptable and I would have been in big trouble. I was shocked, stunned. I began to notice it happened fairly frequently and lost all respect for them. As an adult I now understand they were only human and gave up a lot for basically nothing in return. Way back then I decided I would never be that kind of person and I never have been.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: January 18, 2017 04:32AM

LDS Inc sent me out on a full time mission to sell their MORmONISM BS, a task which included having to apologize for its very unappealing aspects as prospective converts were aware of them including the institutional rape and adultery that MORmONISM purposely mis labels as biblical "polygamy". I so stupidly spent a lot of that time trying to justify MORmON "polygamy" to various. When Gordon Hinckley was forced to address the issue on national TV he just took the easy BS way out, which was something that I was not allowed to do. I noticed.

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Posted by: thegame2017 ( )
Date: January 18, 2017 07:56AM

I can relate here. Some buffoon in my ward a few years back gave a big speech about how people sit around watching tv shows or playing video games at night, when instead they should (not could but should) be doing family history, indexing, scripture study, going out with the missionaries etc.
In his mind, church activity is all his life consists of apart from work. I rolled my eyes at whole talk, I'm like shit dude go out and get drunk or something. Have some fun.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: January 18, 2017 11:25AM

Dead people are waiting ( for their secret MORmON handshake that just has to be done and just as much can not be openly mentioned because it is so darn important)!!!! you know !!!!!

Haul ass to the temple! to save dead people !!!

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