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Posted by: Wokie ( )
Date: February 05, 2017 05:15PM

Anyone else get harassed by church members and their MLM scam?

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: February 05, 2017 05:27PM

I had a sibling who sold magic washing machine balls. $70 each for a small plastic ball with "charged water" inside. They claimed ions would separate dirt from clothing better than soap. My Mormon family mocked me for calling it fraud, but later tests at BYU proved me right. The balls contained water and blue dye, nothing else.

By the way, the dirt on our clothing is greasy, and soap breaks up the grease. Ionization is used for air filtering, but, ironically, it works by making dirt stick.

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Posted by: theunmormon ( )
Date: February 05, 2017 06:33PM

My dad bought those washing machine balls! I think they are still using them too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/2017 06:33PM by theunmormon.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: February 05, 2017 06:37PM

The brochure said that after a while you might want to add a little soap.

That's because the clothes will smell. I wonder if they use soap with the balls.

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Posted by: GNPE1 ( )
Date: February 05, 2017 08:51PM

any good detergent has a surfactant agent as an ingredient.

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: February 05, 2017 11:34PM

Blue balls, yes. By new age friends years ago. I used them a few times but was sceptical. Family swears by wool-type dryer balls. Others by friends: food-cookware-freezers, etc.; Melaleuca - decent products; Didn't buy into any of it. Mary Kay - quality stuff generally, recruit some of the cheap packaging.

By Mormons: Nu Skin, Amway, DO(n')Terra, Nikken, Sunrider...

NuSkin story: temp job, Provo, 80s, 2 hour job one day for a few people was to open case boxes of soap saying "made in France" - and erasing it from each individual bar box - and writing on the outside of the cardboard box (made in) U.S.A. It was obviously getting reshipped to a company that didn't take stuff from France. OLD SKIN!

Some Mormons are destined to MLMs (multi-loser-morons).


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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 10:14AM

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Posted by: evergreen ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 07:45PM

Sciency sounds sciency

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: February 05, 2017 07:57PM

don't forget the silly magnets that go inside your shoes.

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Posted by: notmonotloggedin ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 01:38PM

While I am a perennial sceptic, Exmo DH is NOT. He used to travel to UT from the east coast about once a year when we first got maried to visit TBM family. Just about every time he would come home with some MLM cr*p One year he got suckered into buying the magnets from one of his brother. One for each shoe and another for the lower back. And they were EXPENSIVE!!

TBM family has been involved in one MLM or another for the past 35+ years-from gas additives to face cream.

You'd. Think. They'd. Learn.

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Posted by: ericka ( )
Date: February 05, 2017 07:58PM

I've been hit up to buy and or sell:

Water purifiers

Magnet mattress pads/shoe insoles


Fake rocks

Several brands of vitamins.

I said NO to every one of them.

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Posted by: GNPE1 ( )
Date: February 05, 2017 08:34PM

I don't 'blame' mormons for wanting to earn ('a few extra dollars') money, Nothing Wrong there, Except it's exploited by a small, elete group of hucksters at the top (Mormonism & other MLMs).

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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: February 05, 2017 08:43PM

DoTerra (essential oils)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/2017 08:43PM by bluebutterfly.

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 01:57AM

Both my DILs are MLMing stuff including makeup--some sort of *Led-free* lipstick for $55.

Yeah, that's how the company spells *lead.*

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Posted by: GNPE1 ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 02:24AM

sounds to (over-legalistic) me that legal counsel told them NOT TO SAY OR CLAIM IN WAS L E A D free.

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Posted by: newnameabigail ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 04:22AM

I hate it when they spam trough social media with their crap also my favorite turning a RS lesson into a mlm presentation - and after the lesson let the folks unobtrusive obtrusive know where they can bury their money. Most MLM have a cultish facet, that's why tbms are love them and can be successful with it. A lot of them went trough 18-24months of hardcore salesperson training... Mormon and MLM is an obnoxious combination. Some of my highlights:

"when my kids are sick I give them this oil and they're cured within a moment, we didn't need antibiotics to cure a cold, all natural, oh precious nature, we are so blessed by God we don't need chemicals to get and to stay healthy and yes I know they're expensive but is there a price for the health of the kids?" me: "Colds are viral infections not bacterial infections, antibiotics are contraindicated and these oils are just like homeopathy - and don't make me start about "chemicals" anyway, you can use olive oil, like in a blessing for the sick, with the same results, or you may harm you and your kids seriously when using them undiluted or ingest them, no offense just saying."
"Yeah but we didn't need antibiotics and the kids felt better,and all of my friends are using them and they are positive about it, too, no one was ever harmed because it's all pure, safe and natural" "well so is weed, digitalis, and tobacco, mushrooms... but it can be harmful and kill you" "we don't use this substances anyway, because of the WOW" ^^

"I made this handout for you and I sat down for hours just to craft something for you isn't that nice? It's the new fairytale set from stamp up, you can make so beautiful things from it. Let me know if you are interested in it or visit my blog!"

But my alltime favorite is a kitchen aid machine called thermomix it costs more than 1400$ and it can do "everything" in one (but it can't bake and fry of course but it can do everything, mainly blend, make puree of everything and poach) but it is something that you definitely need because it saves soooo much time and money and it can do powdered sugar, you never have to buy it again - that saves money half lbs powdered sugar is 40cents a kilo sugar is 80 cent, so it saves you big money. You can do 4 from one kilo... that saves 50% woo-hoo . You only need to produce a thousand something of powdered sugar and your thermomix has payed itself! Incredible. Finally you can provide healthy meals to your loved ones. (no you can't do it old-school in a pot on your oven, you need a blender that can blend everything into tiny shreds that it looks like its already in a digestive process)
And that useless thing is super noisy, grinding sounds like an aircraft - but it has an app for recipes woo-hoo, the panel can connect with the interactive recipe book and tell you what to do, you will never fail. Woo-hoo
The real trick is when you sale, I guess ten or what, of this beasts you get one for yourself for free, as a gift, or with a major discount. Funny that most of the mlm mommies did or do pans and pots mlm, too. Actually this kitchen thing should replace everything but you still need those pots and pans for another 1000 bucks. Woo-hoo.

I recently posted a picture of me and my daughter it was a normal morning and we played (she actually tried to sing along and dance) when a momom-mlm commented with:"no offense but I just recognized that you are fighting with oily skin, right? I just started to work for Mary Kay and maybe I can help you with that problem and some make up suggestions to bring out the best of you - just pm me." WTF I was at home and I did not wear makeup, because I never do and I dgaf if my skin is oily, pale or I have a small pimple and anyway who is this person I haven't talked to for years and who never commented anything before?

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 09:58AM

newnameabigail Wrote:
> "when my kids are sick I give them this oil and
> they're cured within a moment, we didn't need
> antibiotics to cure a cold...

Colds are the result of viruses. Antibiotics don't kill viruses.
Silly mormons.
And non-mormons who put out the same ignorant nonsense.

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Posted by: carameldreams ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 10:49AM

newnameabigail Wrote:

> I recently posted a picture of me and my daughter
> it was a normal morning and we played (she
> actually tried to sing along and dance) when a
> momom-mlm commented with:"no offense but I just
> recognized that you are fighting with oily skin,
> right? I just started to work for Mary Kay and
> maybe I can help you with that problem and some
> make up suggestions to bring out the best of you -
> just pm me."

OML. And they wonder why we are wary of them?

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Posted by: notmonotloggedin ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 01:42PM

newnameabigail--that post is "coffee out the nose funny".

Thanks for the laugh!

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Posted by: paulk ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 08:44AM

My in-laws are the biggest suckers for MLMs. They went through a phase a few years ago of drinking healthy juice that normally cost $60 a bottle, but they were given a "deal" and only charged $40. Sold of course by a church member that they knew.

More disturbing was a case last year where a fellow temple worker began discussing special vitamin supplements that cure all sorts of mental maladies. This lady swore that the vitamins had cured her son of schizophrenia. The best part was they were only $70 a month.

So of course, my mother-in-law passed the great news on to us, and began pressuring my wife to quit taking meds for her bi-polar. It was going to be a win-win-win. My wife would quit taking meds prescribed by "worldly" doctors, it would save us money on prescription costs (only $70 per month!), and it was offered by someone from the temple so it had to be inspired.

So disgusted all around -- At the temple worker who was using the temple to increase her downline, at my in-laws for pressuring my wife to quit using scientifically studied psychiatric meds for these special vitamins, and the culture for allowing this environment to thrive.

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Posted by: Jessupnorth93 ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 09:31AM

I use Doterra oils for some things. Lavender for sleep and for the lavender/oatmeal soap bars I make. Geranium and Melalucia for my hair, and lemon/orange/lime/grapefruit for water flavouring. Sometimes I use peppermint/on guard to help me breathe when I have a stuffy noise and sore throat. But it's not gonna cure cancer or heart disease or bipolar or whatever other serious health problem we might have. Some people just take it waaaaay too far.

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Posted by: dodo ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 09:47AM

I had an Elder's Quorum President who was selling Amway (years ago) and when I wouldn't but into it he angrily berated me and said I would always be a poor man. I asked him to look me up when he was a rich man and I would humbly buy him a steak dinner.

Remember Miracle Maid pot & pans? Yeah, a good friend wanted me to join that one.

There was one about household soap but I don't remember the name of that one. It paid off with items out of a gift magazine instead of money.

There was one called Prepaid Legal, but I joined only because my sponsor paid my membership to help his *down-line.

The last one I was almost tricked into joining was the grape juice one. I was given a "free" bottle of this special grape juice and when I didn't want to join I asked if I could pay for the bottle. It was a whopping $65, Jesus! My Boss joined and then paid for three of his kids to join to strengthen his down-line.

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Posted by: siobhan ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 10:30AM

I used to love Mary Kay and still consider it one of the best products on the market. Unfortunately the company's reputation has been ruined by the behavior of slimeball National Sales Directors who operate with no concept of personal ethics. It is sort of funny that the techniques I read here about the MTC are the same ones I would hear at MK meetings. It disgusts me that MK has been doing animal testing since the late 90s and kept it quiet until the internet came along and they couldn't hide it anymore. Their excuse is 'China makes us do it'. Mary Kay is rolling in her grave.

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Posted by: siobhan ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 10:34AM

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Posted by: newnamephoebe ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 11:09AM

So many over here in Australia are into Isagenix, of course MLM does so well with Mormons they'll believe anything! Look at JS pulling a religion out of his hat, how was that believable? They'll definitely believe overpriced vitamin supplements and protein powder is a magical cure for fatties and if you sell it Isagenix is the answer for a prosperous life. Then you see family members pretending to be that salesman or businessman posting images online of a glamorous and successful 'business' life even though they've maxed out their credit cards so they can fake it until they make it lol crikey!

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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 12:45PM

Story about the MLM that is DoTerra. My TBM mother is a huge fan of the DoTerra essential oils. She also peddles them. She berates anyone who doesn't use them, either. I absolutely hate the oils because of the smell and well who wants to be all oily?! I think they are absolutely disgusting.

A year ago my 2 youngest kids were really, really sick. We were at the pediatrician everyday for a week, breathing treatments, heavy antibiotics, etc. Doctor thought they might have pneumonia. It turned out to be just a really nasty virus (upper respiratory). They pulled through like champs with the help of medical treatments. My TBM aunt asked my mother in a condescending manner, "I just can't help but wonder if they were using the oils (in a preventative way)?" My mother passed the condescending comment onto me as if to say that my kids would not have gotten sick at all had I been using the oils. She then berated me for not using the oils and implied that it was my fault they got sick. Unbelievable!

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Posted by: yesiknow ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 01:40PM

Right now, the biggest MLM making HUGE waves in Utah is "Life Leadership".

If you are still partly Mormon and have not heard of it yet... you will, it's just a matter of time.

It is spreading like wildfire, and it's been pitched to me several times already.

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Posted by: cinda ( )
Date: February 06, 2017 06:27PM

And wasn't "Herbalife" one of these MLMs? I have never bought into any of them, though I have certainly been approached and asked to do so. Thinking back, it was usually a TBM doing the asking!

I suppose, since LDS, Inc. must be the biggest, most successful MLM ever hatched, it's not surprising that these schemes appeal to TBMs?

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Posted by: readwrite ( )
Date: February 08, 2017 03:30AM

The whole thing is a pyramid scheme so it's no wonder Mormonis peddle MLMs like a bike in the Tour de France.

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Posted by: cochise ( )
Date: February 08, 2017 05:37AM

Anybody hear of dream trips? I got suckered into that one a couple of years ago

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