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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 02:05PM

1. Alcohol
2. Tobacco
3. Coffee
4. Tea
5. Pornography

Seems like addictions are their worst enemies and hard drugs and sexual addiction aren't even on the list.

It is like a religion of avoiding the appearance of evil. When evil does show up they have nothing for them to drink or watch.

Mormonism: making the world a better place to drink soda and eat poorly since Joseph Smith died.

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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 02:11PM

That's what the preach, here's the subliminal--

1. Thinking for yourself
2. Questioning for yourself
3. Doubting anything the leaders say
4. Digging deeper into church history
5. Revealing the true actions, teachings, and hypocrisy of Joseph Smith and his fraudulent franchise

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 02:18PM

I once asked a GA what the "worst sin" was...

"Denying the truth of the church," said he.


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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 03:25PM

That screams cult right there.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 02:30PM

The worst sin is making The Organization look bad. All else can be forgiven, or even outright ignored.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 03:10PM

Yup. You mess with the brand, you got to go. Like Jeremy Runnells or John Dehlin or Kate Kelly.

Righteousness requires someone to be wrong for you to be right. Designating innocuous things as wrong makes that job easy. It's also a litmus test for true believers. If you can believe something so silly can be wrong then you can be made to believe anything is wrong. Bare shoulders, the boobs without nipples, weren't a thing until Mormons made them a thing. Now you see dresses with peek-a-boo shoulders.

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Posted by: readwrite ( )
Date: February 27, 2017 09:50PM

Boobs without nipples? Sin indeed!

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Posted by: nonsequiter ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 02:45PM

enjoy yourself.

Possibly the only bad thing that mormons teach as an "ultimate bad" is murder. And even that is murky with the blood atonement doctrine (disavowed?)

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Posted by: pathfinder ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 03:02PM

I thought a licked "cupcake" was worse then murder, or on equal footing.

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Posted by: anonuk ( )
Date: February 26, 2017 07:15AM

only for girls

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Posted by: Joe-no-mo ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 03:56PM

I thought not being "obedient" was #1?
Don't they realize that obedience is THE HALLMARK of a totalitarian dictatorship?

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 04:43PM

Joe-no-mo Wrote:
> I thought not being "obedient" was #1?

Technically denying their Holy Ghost is their worst sin. The sin next to murder is breaking their Law of Chastity, but they never put murder into perspective.

But I know how living Mormonism my top 5 were/are king. Masturbation was #5 before The Internet. A male Mormon could screw all sorts of women and repent. But masturbating to porn is the one that they really don't like because it isn't like there is Mormon revelation about it. It was a victim-less sin. It was like Jesus said committing adultery in your heart. And Mormonism is all about what burns the bosom (see above about their ghost.)

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 08:26PM

Some of the freakiest murders are committed by Mormons. If murder is just a little worse that getting laid, maybe it's not too bad.

FYI, it's really bad.

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 04:12PM

1. Masturbation
2. Not believing
3. " "
4. " "
5. " "

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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 07:45PM

Lethbridge Reprobate Wrote:
> 1. Masturbation

Oh no! I'm really fucked! :)

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: February 26, 2017 03:09PM

Actually you aren't. That is why you are doing it.

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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: February 28, 2017 10:16PM

:) good one!

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Posted by: badassadam ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 07:58PM

Everything js did pedophilia rape adultery with other mens wives, making up everything like cult rituals. And mountain meadows.

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Posted by: thegame2017 ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 08:34PM

Worst sin has not yet been mentioned. Far worse than anything mentioned above.

Not paying your tithing!

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Posted by: Razortooth ( )
Date: February 25, 2017 08:37PM

Definition of sin: Anything that brings you pleasure.

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Posted by: esias ( )
Date: February 26, 2017 10:21AM

1. Sleeping with the mission president or his wife

2. Punching the mission president

3. Wearing a nose-ring to Church

4. Giving a sacrament talk on the delights of tranvesticism

5. The front-row picking your nose throughout sacrament meeting, admiring the texture of your bogies and wiping them on the back of your neighbor.

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Posted by: quatermass2 ( )
Date: March 01, 2017 04:17PM

> 1. Sleeping with the mission president or his
> wife

Or doing both at the same time in a 3some :-)

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: February 26, 2017 02:34PM


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Posted by: Programmed ( )
Date: February 27, 2017 12:30AM

“Know ye not, … that these things are an abomination in the sight of the Lord; yea, most abominable above all sins save it be the shedding of innocent blood or denying the Holy Ghost?” [Alma 39:5]

The "scriptures" appear to even rank sins.


“I cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance.”[D&C 1:31]

Remember that candy bar you stole as a child? Sorry, you didn't repent, so you are going to a lower kingdom with all the murderers and perpetrators of genocide.

And yet
"For we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do” [2 Nephi 25:23].

So, what is it? How can this all be reconciled? How much grace is there? How can we know if we are doing all we can do?
Quite a bit of twisting and turning has to be done to try to reconcile the two.

More doublethink by TSCC.

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Posted by: ericka ( )
Date: February 27, 2017 12:36AM

The worst sin you can commit as a mormon, is being born into the corporation, and then growing up and calling them on their BS.

That's the number one unforgivable sin to the old men who are in charge.

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Posted by: badassadam ( )
Date: February 27, 2017 06:38AM

Oh boy I might be the devil then.

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Posted by: dodo ( )
Date: February 27, 2017 09:58AM

It seems that I was taught that denying the holey ghost was the number one sin, then murder, then looking at porn while spanking your monkey. Boinking someone you aren't married to would be number 4 or 5, and not paying tithing is also a very serious sin.

Now, since I'm a free man from church influences, I don't think it's possible for me to sin at all. However, I can commit offenses against my fellow man and the worst one I can think of would be murder. Second would be theft. Third would be, not sharing beers or taking the last cinnamon roll?

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Posted by: readwrite ( )
Date: February 27, 2017 09:57PM

1) not being lds/ telling the truth about it/ not tithing/ fornication/ masterdebation
2) being lds & not tithing/ being "innactive"/ insufficient/ masterdebation
3) not tithing/ reading scriptures/ masterdebation
4) not wearing the Mormon uniform/ masterdebation/ not tithing
5) masterdebation/ not tithing/ thinking for yourself/ being happy/ smart

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Posted by: badassadam ( )
Date: February 27, 2017 10:24PM

Dang it no masturbating tonight its the worst of the worst.

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Posted by: readwrite ( )
Date: February 27, 2017 10:48PM

Well, technically the worst of the worst AND the best of the worst. That's in (lds) 'prison' though. In the real world, it is simply called enjoyment, or pleasure. Welcome to the real world. Now LIVE... and sin away! Just don't really sin.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: February 28, 2017 02:07PM

Lying for the Lord is the sin that keeps on sinning in Mormonism. While not the worst of the worst, it has probably damaged more Mormons than a lot of murder and extramarital activities. But just ask a Mormon about Mormonism. They won't tell you about the crappy parts. Their holy ghost might stop telling them how great your religion is. Sins of omissions are actually sacred duties.

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Posted by: yeppers ( )
Date: February 28, 2017 02:23PM

Just look at the 10 commandments.

The top 3 are about respecting God. In fact, in the OT, people were disciplined more for disrespect more than anything else.

Let's rewrite the top 3 commandments in the Church's favor and lets see what we got:




Well... doesn't that sum it all up?

I think we have 3 of the five.

Break one of those rules and see what happens to you.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: February 28, 2017 05:49PM

Add thou shalt not break the WoW as they see fit and thou shalt not look upon porn and you have the to five. Murder and the sin next to it are lesser common temptations. That is why this list is the baddest. It makes up in badness by quantity. Mormonism is all about bulk and mass.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: March 01, 2017 07:16AM

Worst Mormon sin ever: admitting you don't believe. It's okay if you don't believe, as long as you lie about it. But never, ever say you don't believe. It's worse than murder, rape, masturbation and coffee combined. You must never express disbelief.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2017 07:17AM by donbagley.

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Posted by: FallenCountryManouvers ( )
Date: March 01, 2017 08:38AM

So, this term "sexual sin"- How often do you need that blissful Orgone release? Perhaps once every 48 hours at least?! Often, the young practice celibacy, then in maturity find health and/or emotional problems develop unless they fulfill this physical need- if the best they can do is with their own hand, than this would generally be considerably better; best is to have love with someone, of course! Some holistic practitioners could channel the number of days or hours best for one not to exceed, in continence- a general figure. For certain Templars, masturbation is a Preparatory Rite preceding Sex Yoga (i.e., taking sex very seriously, as it is a physical conformity with Highest Reality)! I have generally chucked the word "sin" with the advent of the New Aeon, Aquarius- I use the term Error- e.g. "Holy Mary.... Pray for us erring mortals, now, and at the hour of our death"- I used to say The Rosary...

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Posted by: moremany ( )
Date: March 01, 2017 08:42AM

Thinking the lds way is false.
Knowing the lds shit is false.
Thinking Mormonism is so cool.
Knowing Mormonism is not cool.
Following you heart, not tscc.

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