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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 04:18AM

Talked to a woman w/re to country records. Mormonism came up.

She said that she "sees pages and pages of people in her (rural CA) county having deeded their homes to the Mormon church."

I had no idea it was that bad.

I had saved the video "Journey to Become" by LDS Philanthropies, but now I can't open it nor find it anywhere online. How did they manage to scrub that?

(Keeping her exact employment confidential.)

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Posted by: Josephina ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 05:15AM

I would like to know why the church is pushing for more and more and more of peoples' property. Do they help anybody with it?

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 09:01AM

brigidbarnes Wrote:
> I would like to know why the church is pushing for
> more and more and more of peoples' property.

Could it be because they (those at LDS Inc) are greedy blood sucking predatory parasites ????

In the over all picture, NOTHING has really changed !!! Joe and Brigham and every subsequent LDS Inc MORmON administration has been ripping the MORmON members every way they could all along including on property scams !

> Do
> they help anybody with it?

You must mean the anybody besides themselves.

They built a 5 billion dollar mall next their headquarters to amuse and gratify themselves. That mall includes a mostly empty luxury condo tower that to this day still does NOT have a legit outright owner tenet in it.

I do not know which that MORmON Jesus would be more proud of, that obscenely overpriced unoccupied luxury condo tower or all of the teen age girls that have been raped in His name.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 08:47AM

By deeded, do you mean a reverse mortgage? Or have those people willed their homes to the Mormon church?

The Mormon church needs to get its hands off of people's homes. To me, this is morally corrupt and borders on the criminal.

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Posted by: Stray Mutt ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 08:00PM

summer Wrote:
> The Mormon church needs to get its hands off of
> people's homes.

If this is in rural areas, it's not the houses they want, it's the land, so they can develop it or sell it to developers.

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Posted by: annieg ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 08:54AM

Perhaps it will lead to some of their kids leaving the church. in most cases of non wealthy people, seniors at some point need to use the proceeds from the sale of their home to finance their last retirement years. In my parents case it meant the difference between life in a lovely retirement home and life in an unpleasant one. To expect their children to help them out in their latter years and then leave their house To the church is unconscionable IMHO.

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 12:43PM

I've read there are people in the church whose job it is to seek out well off elderly in the wards, befriend them, and get them to leave property and/or wealth to the church. Think of it as a kind of missionary work.

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Posted by: Breeze ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 01:22PM

Babyloncansuckit is right.

I know BYU does this.

About 10 years ago, an attractive older couple used to advertise on KBYU, for seniors to "remember BYU in their Will" and ease the suffering of their children having to pay inheritance taxes (the tax laws have eased, BTW), bla-bla. This same couple lived in our old ward in California, and they approached my elderly mother and father, when my father was dying of cancer. They talked and yammered late into the night, and my parents were exhausted, but they couldn't be worn down. They told me that they finally wrote a huge check to BYU, but that they didn't include their house or our inheritance.

The next morning, I called my bishopric brother, and he and my father put a stop-payment on the check. Most TBM's don't approve of this method of scamming of the elderly, either.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 01:54PM

I know a grandfather gave land to the church FREE so they could build a ward house. Then when he died, his house was willed to the church instead of his zillion kids.

I'm sure he felt it was very benevolent and those invisible Celestial brownie points were important.

I say, find a way to TAX these parasite religions and quit granting tax breaks for donating to them! Sheesh. So little of their financial dealings have anything at all to do with charity.

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Posted by: StillAnon ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 02:49PM

My old next door neighbor was a retired builder. He inherited his family's 25 acre farmland in Cedar City. He, and a couple of his son's turned that land into a nice subdivision with equestrian tracts. He donated a corner lot to the church for a wardhouse and asked that his company be contracted to build that wardhouse. The church took his donated land and shut him out of the construction project. He was pissed. Long term member, bishop, stake president & mission Prez in Russia. Did all the right things and they still screwed him over. He was still pissed when he died a few months later. LDS Inc. sucks.

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Posted by: liesarenotuseful ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 11:18AM

the land our neighborhood ward building is on was donated by an elderly member of our ward. They asked her how much she wanted for the land, and she said she couldn't take money from the church. So she gave it to them.

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Posted by: dodo ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 02:10PM

I remember years ago that a prominent man in the ward was on my list of people to home teach. We visited him and his new wife every single month. He told us he worked for the church in their real estate offices and his job was to liquidate properties that the church had acquired through donations. He had an area assigned to him and he would visit these properties to place a value on them so that another person could do the listing and sale. So yes, people do deed their houses & properties over to the church and the church might sit on them for a while or if deemed useless sell them.

I always wondered why people would give their house to the church, but this man made it seem like a good idea. I was also very TBM at the time. Now, I see it as exploitation. I personally knew an old man who donated his house & farm to the church while he was still alive with the stipulation that he be allowed to live there until he died. It was then sold.

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Posted by: Kathleen nli ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 02:56PM

Thank you for that, Left4good!!

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Posted by: left4good ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 05:48PM

Happy to oblige.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 06:40PM

Inheritance? No, not from a Mormon. Everything will go to the church.

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Posted by: HappyEpiscopalian ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 06:50PM

My grandparents deeded their home in South Jordan UT (just behind the Jordan River Temple) decades ago, with the stipulation that my mother, my 2 children, and myself could live there until we didn't need it, and then the church would get it. Sounds great, but grandpa and my mother both died in 2003, I was diagnosed with MS in 2008, and grandma decided that I couldn't afford the upkeep even though there is no mortgage. I went over and over and OVER the monthly bills with her and showed that I would be able to afford it on disability, especially with (adult) children working and/or a room-mate.

So, one day as I struggled with a relapse, confined to the basement as I couldn't climb the stairs, she went to her lawyer (former bishop) and changed the will that GRANDPA had had drawn up. All of a sudden, when she dies (she's 94!), the church gets the house right away.

I was furious, and scared that I would be homeless. In 2010, I met my Sweetheart online (he has MS as well), and moved to Nevada, still with anger in my soul. I have worked on that feeling, and now it no longer festers. My grandmother lives in that house alone now, and according to my elder child, even the church people don't come over. I haven't spoken to her since 2011 because I know she doesn't want me to, and I resigned from her church. I don't miss IT, or her.

~Happy E.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 09:02PM

Way to take your power! I am impressed.

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Posted by: tumwater ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 07:22PM

I just checked the County Assessors online records for the county I live in Washington State, the only property owned by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are the ones where the wards are located.

Could any LDS owned property be listed under a different name or corporation?

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Posted by: left4good ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 09:00PM

tumwater Wrote:
> I just checked the County Assessors online records
> for the county I live in Washington State, the
> only property owned by Church of Jesus Christ of
> Latter Day Saints are the ones where the wards are
> located.
> Could any LDS owned property be listed under a
> different name or corporation?

The LDS church owns any number of businesses under which it can hold property:

More, it might flip them in some areas.

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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 07:40PM

Hey, they're just trying build up the kingdom, right?

And kingdoms need real estate.

My dad thought about deeding his house to UCLA, but I guess we guilted him out of it....

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 07:47PM

especially in view of the fact he has 2 disabled sons, but it just wasn't something my parents would ever have done.

My uncle was a very, very wealthy. His kids are wealthy, too. He was a SP. In the last years of his life, he threatened the kids with leaving it all to the lds church, but he didn't. I loved that he didn't!

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 07:57PM

She signed the paper saying the church would get her full estate including her home upon her death.

My mother told me she didn't want the six kids squabbling over money after her death and she thought this would be the best way to avoid it. I told her it was her home and money and she had a right to do what she thought best.

My TBM older sister talked her out of the deal. She told mom she would see that the money was properly divided and the church was rich enough to get along without her modest contribution. Mom pulled out of the deal. She lived much longer than anyone would have anticipated and need more money than she thought. I'm glad she didn't give it over to a cult.

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Posted by: Stray Mutt ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 08:15PM

Cheryl Wrote:
> My mother told me she didn't want the six kids
> squabbling over money after her death and she
> thought this would be the best way to avoid it.

Dad survived Mom. A few years later he realized he couldn't take care of himself so he sold the condo and split the money equally between us kids. He would live on his pension. A few years later his health declined beyond what the temple-handy assisted living facility could handle, so he moved in with one of my sisters, who took care of him until he died. The rest of us had agreed to give her power of attorney over his money and that she could personally use whatever of his pension might not be needed for his care and feeding. She deserved it, and more.

I give two thumbs up when I see the bumper stickers that say, "We're blowing our children's inheritance." Absolutely. It's not like kids are entitled to their parents' money. Kids shouldn't be living in anticipation of a windfall. If someone doesn't want their kids fighting over their money, don't leave them anything to fight over.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 11:25AM

Kids don't have a right to expect money from parents.

I also think the mormon church shouldn't try twist arms to get it.

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 01:25PM

There are 6 kids in my family. I have 2 brothers who are disabled. One from birth and one had a stroke at age 42. Both of them function pretty good, but need money to survive financially.

My dad had a farm that was paid off and the other 4 of us assumed all the proceeds would go to our brothers. There was never any arguing over that fact among all of us.

I was shocked to find out after my parents both died that I got 1/12th of whatever money there was. It changed my life.

But my parents did go without to provide for my brothers. Now we are having a war over how that money has been handled by one of our siblings. Found out she has broken many laws, but we didn't know we were supposed to receive an accounting yearly from her. Now we are having to force her to comply. I find it RIDICULOUS. We were all just starting to get along again. I never thought I'd see the day one of my siblings would use their disabled brother's money fraudulently.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2017 01:26PM by cl2.

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Posted by: thinking ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 08:18PM

I remember reading an very old publication by the Jesuits that basically tried to pull off the same thing. Get close to widows, and have them transfer ownership to the church. Funny, if a Mormon read it they would be pissed; then if you pointed out the fact the church does the same thing their heads would explode.

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: March 12, 2017 08:57PM

Wonder what Monson was saying to all of his *widows.*

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 12:45AM

Tumwater, I found these two names ...

*Property Reserves Inc.*
*Suburban Land Reserve Inc.*

... in this article from 2014:

Looks like one arm of the LDS church, sold Arizona property to the other arm of the LDS church.

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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 12:58AM

Ah, a shell game proceeded over by dozens of lawyers....errr....I mean....inspired prophets of GOD!

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Posted by: tumwater ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 01:07AM

Thanks but no hits for either of these names. But then there are many higher value counties in the state they probably prefer.

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Posted by: readwrite ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 09:44AM

TSCC WANTS YOU DEAD - or alive - as long as it can milk (and meat) you.

LDScorp wants you to GIVE IT ALL TO IT (or it'll take it from you - financially, spiritually, socially, mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.) while you are alive - and will what remains, if anything, upon your death - so the family cannot be happy and free forever or have anything left to the estate-heirs.

Mormonism has a sense of entitlement and conducts very dirty rotten affairs.

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Posted by: Anon...:) ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 11:52AM

TSCC doesn't try to hide this. They put ads in the BYU magazine for their attorney that handles wills, etc... They openly ask people to leave everything to BYU/TSCC. My TBM in-laws are doing just that.

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Posted by: Anon...:) ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 11:55AM

I think most TBM's have more sense than to do this. Those that leave everything to TSCC probably think it will give them that last bump up to the top-tier celestial orgy.

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 12:02PM

They don't hide the push for the deed. But the pressure I witnessed is heavy. My parents deeded over my grandmother's house to that church after she died. It was a very nice lot and my parents could have really used the money for a better retirement. I ended up helping them a lot and though I was glad to do it I really resented seeing where my grandmother lived end up as a parking lot for the church since she lived next door.

The parking lot is now usually empty since attendance has dropped off quite a bit. But, whatever.

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 12:11PM

All around town and on the odd TV channel I see ads and billboards to donate your old boat or old vehicle to a charity. My thought when I saw one this morning was, "Man you guys need to up your game and take a page from the Mormon church. This boat and car thing is child's play compared to what the Mormons have going on."

The Mormon slogan really is, "God Big or Go Home!"

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 01:18PM

I wonder how many people are offered that worthless 2nd Anointing for valuable properties.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2017 01:21PM by kathleen.

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: March 13, 2017 01:19PM

I have a TBM friend who would go for exactly that.

"Calling and Election Made Sure" is all she talks about.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2017 01:22PM by kathleen.

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