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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 01:21AM

How many remember the rumor of a few yrs ago that a (un-named, of course) SP had Banned a certain brand (Docker's?) from meetings because they were "too casual"?

I related that rumor to best TBM friend (temple worker, etc), who told me that the/a SP has the authority to make that call...

Seems totally Bizarre now, 'eh?

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 04:05AM

as a follow up to the LDS Inc decree of no bearded temple workers, the MORmON leadershit in Southern Idaho told the MORmON members that all good members should be clean shaven. my super faithFOOL MORmON uncle even called BS on that one.

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Posted by: slayermegatron ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 05:29AM

They never give any consideration to the poor. Suppose someone within their geographical boundaries does not have no et to purchase a suit, and only has a pair of dockers. Is that person going to be banned? I had this problem on my mission. Some of our investigators were very poor. I couldn't stand it when members would come up to us and tell us that we need to tell them how to dress appropriately for church. They were doing the best they could. One of our converts even got up and rebuked the congregation on fast and testimony meeting. He said that the savior knew him and his situation. He said that if he showed up at his apartment then God would find him cooking beans, and would not be ashamed of him, because that was the best he could do. He stopped going to church.

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 07:28AM

Here's my lesson in obedience, and why we should be careful about doing it blindly:

Another person on the board here who was in my military remembers how we once had a district president who yanked around the members all the time, demanding that the women not breast feed in church, or--better yet--not breast feed at all. The men had to wear white shirts and ties for every event at which a prayer was said. Eventually it morphed into women only wearing ankle-length skirts or dresses, and no males allowed in the church without a white shirt and tie. That meant that we had to have a closet full of clean, pressed white shirts and random ties, and when either a visitor or inactive showed up, we had to corral them, find a white shirt in their size, and take them into the restroom and make them change. You can imagine how popular that became. Then he linked the dresses and white shirts to temple recommends. Then he had men shave all moustaches and sideburns. Then he added questions to the temple recommend interview: "Have you ever had sex with an animal?" "Do you know or have you ever had oral sex with your spouse?", etc., etc. I protested when my branch president asked the questions. "You can't ask that! You're not allowed to change the questions!" It didn't get me far; you either answered them correctly, or did not get a temple recommend. We complained in unison to the mission president, Goro "Caspar Milquetoast" Yamada, but he slinked away and said he could do nothing because, while we were in his mission, the district was a military district.

The DP, a captain and F4 pilot, was very unpopular in his unit, and I believe he failed to progress and did not make major, and had to leave the AF. That news, if it was even true, made my heart feel glad.

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Posted by: slayermegatron ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 08:04AM

I would have been tempted to ask some questions back to the DP. "You mentioned sexual relations with animals, is this something you have been thinking of? Is there something you need to discuss with your priesthood leader?"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2017 08:05AM by slayermegatron.

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Posted by: crathes ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 07:44AM

While a SP may in theory have some power, if push comes to shove (and I have seen it), the SP will be told to back off. I saw this a few years ago with white shirts.

Secondly, the temple workers are told if a person shows up and has a TR, he or she is to be admitted. No questioning of attire.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 09:38AM

When I was a teenage priest, my mormon girlfriend of the time made me a tie from Mickey Mouse print material (yeah, I know, mormons and Disney...sigh). I thought it was kinda funny, and hey, my girlfriend made it for me, so I wore it to sacrament meeting where I was blessing the sacrament.
The bishop pulled me aside afterwards, and told me the tie was "not appropriate," and I shouldn't wear it anymore.
I told him it was a gift from someone, and I didn't see anything wrong with it.
He asked me who gave it to me.
I told him his daughter did.

Never heard another word about it :)

I *didn't* tell him that his daughter and I sometimes snuck into the "cultural hall" and made out behind the curtains. But I think he already knew...

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 10:30AM

God, half of all LDS bishops wear nothing but Disney ties. He needed to get with the act. I had a bishop that ONLY wore cartoon ties.

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 10:31AM

By that, I don't mean that the bishops are naked, wearing only Disney ties. I mean... Nevermind.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 10:37AM

cludgie Wrote:
> By that, I don't mean that the bishops are naked,
> wearing only Disney ties.

Well of course, they wear 'em over their garmies...:)

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Posted by: NormaRae ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 06:29PM

Disney ties? As in ties with Mickey Mouse on them or something? That explains a lot.

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Posted by: valkyriequeen ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 09:56AM

When our daughter was attending BYU, she told us that one of her good friends went to take his final exam, and he was told to go home and shave or he wouldn't be allowed to take the exam! ( he had a mustache)
At home, in our ward's sacrament meetings, our son gave in and helped pass the sacrament even though he really didn't want to. He liked having his sleeves rolled up his arms a few inches so that they would be out of the way, but he was told to roll his sleeves back down or else he would not be allowed to pass the sacrament. The reason? His arms looked nice and they would be a "distraction"!

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Posted by: caedmon ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 09:56PM

Here Utah County, a local leader (SP?) stated that sleep overs for children were inappropriate. So my DDs friends showed their obedience by leaving at 10pm and then returning the next morning for breakfast.

Her parties were always well supervised and there was nothing inappropriate even by Mormon standards.

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Posted by: txrancher ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 11:02PM

Apparently that's why my 13 year old daughter can't sleep over at friends' homes...but she's in Davis County UT with her mother and step-father. Thought it was his own "revelation" but hmmmm, who knows. I guessed it was because he he was accused of something once.

Apparently he's calling the shots. Super creepy dude that my daughter said insisted on driving one of her friends home ALONE without her a few times.

She comes and stays with me--yes, of course, I let her sleep over with her long-time friends.

What a nut job. And my ex can't stand up to him. I've said it before...that now I must look pretty relaxed and kind compared to this asshole, lol. I'm so happy she's stuck with him.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: June 27, 2017 11:55PM

I'd pay Anything I had to see a group of LDS members publically Stand Up to some authoritarian prick "leader" over some petty matter like breast-feeding in SM...

Not gonna happen, you say?
I say it will, Someday

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: June 28, 2017 04:12AM

A bunch of us deacons routinely "failed" the appropriate necktie standard for the administration and passing of the sacrament. The BP kept a collection of his ugly 6 inch wide striped ties for such occasion. The Deacons Quorum advisor would leave just before the closing prayer to gather the ugly ties. After church, he would be running around the foyer trying to recover the BP's coveted ugly ties.

I finally gave in and started wearing hideous and ugly neckties from my father's collection. Dad had become inactive and didn't need them while watching his beloved 49'ers play football.

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Posted by: desertman ( )
Date: June 28, 2017 07:33PM

V E R Y !!!

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Posted by: relievedtolearn ( )
Date: June 28, 2017 10:57PM

Wow. Power corrupts, and petty power corrupts pettily?

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: June 29, 2017 07:37AM

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