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Posted by: desertman ( )
Date: September 03, 2017 12:34PM

Patterns of behavior in Mormonism are artificially induced responses to psychological based insertion of semantically significant data to the permanent storage area of the brain.
Each step of indoctrination is carefully planned and executed based on the previous step.
The searcher in need becomes the student; upon accepting indoctrination becomes the member.
Upon acquiescing more and more to the ecclesiastical hierarchy the member becomes a de facto slave to their wishes. And then they become a proselyting advocate.
At this point, for the true believer, all behavior and patterns thereof become the property of the cult. With each passing and incident exorcising oneself from this society becomes more difficult until the emotional devastation in doing so makes exit literally impossible.
So let's look at behavior
Behavior is action taken as a result of either consciously directed adjustments to the immediate environment or unconscious adjustments to the immediate environment.
By definition environment is the immediate surroundings either physical or mental in which one finds oneself.
For every behavior there is a behavioral consequence. I mean for every behavior! If you so much as breath the behavioral consequence is air is ingested into the lungs. Oversimplification? Yes. But still a consequence.
So what does this tell us about thinking through our actions? Spontaneous action without consideration of consequence will almost inevitably lead to weak choices and undesirable consequences.
Good or bad behavior is evaluative by perception.
In an organization based on mind control all behavior is directed by someone else.(Other directed)
This is an important step in the application of mind control. No behavioral choice is ever left to the member. All behavior is carefully scripted. The will of the member must be broken to the will of the cult.
In order to control the mind of the member the cult must get the member to voluntarily go along with whatever the cult leaders say.
The behavior of the member must be totally subordinate to the will of the cult. For example one might be heard to question the appropriateness of a song that will be performed at a meeting. The cult will have the final say on the songs that can be sung there. What is O.K. for one is not for another. "I hope that this song is on the approved list." (There is no approved list! However the singer then must seek out someone in "authority" to approve the song.)Eventually you have no control over the events in your life A person is designated to supervise a portion of the cult life. For example the clothing that the members of the cult may wear. In many instances this is rigidly controlled. Shirts must be of certain colors. Dresses may have to be a certain length. Open neck blouses may be not allowed. Underwear may be strictly supervised. Shoes may have to be of a particular style.
In some cults outlandish dancing is required. In others dancing is not allowed at all.
Actually it is not so much what behavior is controlled as it is how much behavior is controlled. The more that behavior is NOT a personal choice, the more the cult should be questioned as to its purpose.

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Posted by: LeftTheMorg ( )
Date: September 03, 2017 01:10PM

Hey desertman,
That's a very good explanation of what cults do, as well as totalitarian regimes.

I'm currently reading the book "The Private Life of Chairman Mao" and the cult of personality surrounding Mao has so many parallels with Mormonism and Joseph Smith.

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Posted by: LeftTheMorg ( )
Date: September 03, 2017 01:50PM

Regimentation also gives some people a "high." TO other people the regimentation looks like "THE ANSWER" to the world's problems - it's an Ideology.

It takes a much more mature person to realize and be at peace with the fact there is no one ideology that is "THE ANSWER" or "THE SOLUTION" to the world's problems.

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Posted by: Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
Date: September 03, 2017 01:56PM

Too many big words.

Not read.

Must follow prophet.

Must read LDS Living--smaller words.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: September 04, 2017 12:24AM

Actually, paragraph breaks would be a big help.

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: September 03, 2017 02:07PM

When the prophet has spoken, the thinking is done.

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Posted by: desertman ( )
Date: September 03, 2017 03:55PM

Actually the original quote is
When the prophet speaks the DEBATE is over

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Posted by: desertman ( )
Date: September 03, 2017 07:01PM

Chicken N. Backpacks ( )
I apologize but those are the words I know

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 03, 2017 09:27PM


An excellent essay, spoken in words most can understand (half clinical, half non-clinical) Congrats!

(unless I missed) your essay was (purposely?) without the words Compliance -Conformance - Obedience...

To me, those are the subscript of MoCulture.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 03, 2017 10:59PM

I Think your essay deserves.... (drum roll, rim shot) A STICKY!

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Posted by: Babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: September 03, 2017 11:19PM

In this case, it's fortunate that TSCC is a corporation. It can be held criminally liable for its so-called beliefs when proof of the detriment of those beliefs became known.

Remember when nobody sued big tobacco? Big religion will have its day.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 04, 2017 12:50AM

The Telling Thing about Mormonism is that they don't bother to Live what they Preach, particularly regarding " Family Values", which they claim are #1 important!

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Posted by: desertman ( )
Date: September 04, 2017 12:19PM

I thank everyone who has commented. Although I am not degreed I have studied brain wave levels and their application to mind control for many years and have drawn, what may be to some, some radical conclusions.I will probably post more on this subject.

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