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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 09:57PM

This morning, I put whole beans in my French press, and decided I need something more idiot proof.

Full Disclosure: I'm not a Cure Egg fan (I don't know how to spell it, and I'm not looking it up).

NB I am so tired that I have insomnia. I thought next week was October. Please don't hold me responsible for anything I write until Halloween or something. I should be a relative level of okay by then. And now I'm rambling, as per. And Amyjo - I owe you a response to something, but the house thing has been pretty much worked out.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2017 09:57PM by Beth.

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Posted by: barnupcrik ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:01PM

A quart mason jar, cold brew.

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Posted by: csuprovograd ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:08PM

I've gone through a lot of coffee makers. Immensely dislike hot plate type coffee makers.

I have settled on an OXO 12 cup unit. It has a glass carafe and a stainless thermal carafe. You fill the glass carafe with water, and since my wife prefers tea, I select 6 cups coffee and six cups hot water. The machine sends six cups of water through the basket for my mud and She gets untainted hot water that is heated in the glass carafe at a preset temp., and I get 6 cups of hot coffee in a thermal pot.

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Posted by: PtLoma ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 02:18AM

My current machine is a Cuisinart DCC-1100. Reasonably good. If it broke, I'd buy the OXO, either the 12 cup model or the smaller (8-9 cup) model. Highly rated.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:10PM

Glad to hear your housing situation is under control.

While I don't have a favorite coffee maker, the one I seem to use the most is the Keurig.

Next to that is a small Farberware percolator. Next to that is an even smaller French press - rarely used.

Son swears by an air press I gave him for Christmas several years back. Some of them sell for hundreds of dollars. His was $30, is very popular because it works so well. He's still using it 4+ years later. It was the very one he wanted/asked for that year. Was hard to find though. Only one store had it in our area.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2017 10:11PM by Amyjo.

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Posted by: ookami ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:13PM

Personally, I like a French Press (if you have a burr grinder for the beans).
Other coffee making options I have are
-a Chemex
-a single cup pour over
-a moka pot (aka "poor person's espresso")
-an espresso machine (bought at clearance sale price)
and I plan to get a vacuum pot in the future.
I may have a caffeine addiction.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:22PM

What is a burr grinder?

And how fine do you grind the beans for your French press?

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Posted by: ookami ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:29PM

A burr grinder uses two abrasive wheels to grind coffee beans into more uniform grounds (as opposed to a blade grinder which chops up coffee beans). Burr grinders are more pricy, but are worth the extra cash.
For a French press- medium-to- large grind (large if you plan to cold brew coffee in the press).

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:38PM


Btw, my son just informed me that your username ookami is Japanese for God. I did not know that.

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Posted by: ookami ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 04:52AM

"Kami" means "God." ("Kami-sama" for the Judeo-Christian god).
"Ookami" means "wolf." (I fit the description of a beast more than of a god).

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 05:19PM

Thanks for clarifying.

Son is nearly fluent in Japanese, but still spends much of his free time learning the nuances. He reads and writes it as well as speaking it.


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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 01:27PM

I just scored a large Krups Burr Grinder at Goodwill Industries for $9.75! I know Krups is not the high-end brand it used to be, but I can't go wrong for that price.

(Helpful hint: When buying used appliances, always look around for an electrical outlet and test it. This grinder works fine!)

Edit: I missed the decimal in the price.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2017 01:28PM by caffiend.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 05:20PM

That is a terrific find! Awesome.

Krups is a good brand. You lucked out.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 05:35PM

What a fun find! I've found some nice things at Goodwill. It's like a treasure hunt there.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 11:10PM

Nonetheless, I might forget the filter bit.

You've hit the snooze thing on your phone three times without remembering doing so. You have one eye open as you trip over the agility course your cats and dog constructed while you slept. Imagine other injuries suffered due to the dental floss trip wire near the toilet.

All you want is some coffee. That's all you want. Then your asshole cats knock the mug off the counter.

You have become a shadow of your former self. Once hale and alert you find yourself bent and broken.

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Posted by: bona dea ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:18PM

An Italian moka pot.

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Posted by: sunbeep ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:20PM

As a novice who had never made coffee before, I bought a small drip coffee maker that brewed 6 cups at a time. Although gas station coffee had been my main supply, this became my mainstay. Since then I have gone through two Mr. Coffee makers, all 12 cup models, and now use a Black and Decker drip maker. I prefer to avoid all of the excess effort of making a fancy cup of coffee and am quite content with a drip maker. Every now and then I will order a coffee somewhere and am amazed at how delicious it is. In answer to your query, I have a $25 drip maker for the time being.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:20PM

"What are those things floating...oh shit - I poured beans into the wrong thing. Can I dry them out? Oh, shit! Boiling water. Note that part."

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 11:31PM

Speaking of sh*tty coffee, the most expensive coffee beans in the world come from Africa, and are picked out of elephant dung, dried, and roasted. Seriously!

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 11:52PM

Wait a second!!!

Woops, turns out you're correct regarding the elephants. But Google says the elephants, along with the civets I already knew about, are in Thailand, not Africa.


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Posted by: Kentish ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:31PM

I think its more the quality of coffee more than the coffee machine. A good machine won,t make bad coffee beans better. Favorite coffees? Moustache coffee club.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:41PM

I love the smell of grinding beans. I love when I can treat myself to Desert Sun coffee.

I'm not a fan of those days when I find the remote in the refrigerator.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2017 10:41PM by Beth.

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Posted by: sd allison ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:53PM

I have an espresso machine :)

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: September 10, 2017 03:24AM

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Posted by: wondering ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 10:55PM

Toshiba My Cafe'. Grinds beans you blend then drips the best coffee ever!

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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 11:33PM

First, a Word of Wisdom--never allow a temple recommend holder to make your coffee!

I generally go to my local supermarket where the coffee is roasted locally or my favorite local roaster. I'm kind of slowing down on the coffee and beer and choosing high quality over daily indulgence.

And, if I bring my own mug to the store, the cost is $1.07!

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 11:36PM

I can just see you, $1.07 in change, rolling your 'mug' in on a dolly; big lovable, goofy grin on your smaller mug, humming the fourth movement of Bruckner's 8th...

Hell, Boner, you had me at 'hello'...

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 11:43PM

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Posted by: BYU Boner ( )
Date: September 08, 2017 11:55PM

I love you both!

Dawg, the 4th of the 8th is a playing...

And my wings are spread, o'er the snowy Alps I'll head.
With joy in my heart, and a rise in my jeans,
Cafe Ibis can roast my arabica beans.
A $1.07 ain't much bread,
But better there than tithing,
My dear Dawg hath said!

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Posted by: caedmon ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 11:02AM

BYU Boner Wrote:
> First, a Word of Wisdom--never allow a temple
> recommend holder to make your coffee!

I worked for a large organization which has it's own dining services division. Every time I organized an event, it was a fight to make them provide tea and coffee service. I won but the coffee was terrible. I found out later that they were just filling the large urns with instant instead of actually brewing it. Lazy TBMs!

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 12:14AM

Wow, that's pricey. I still have one. Sometimes I set the coffee and water, put it in the refrigerator when I go to bed. In the morning, the water is cold, I plug it in, and take my shower. It's all ready to pour when I come out. (As an enlightened ex-Mo, you know a percolator should always start with very cold water.)

This subject sure keeps popping up!

My favorite method is a drip device called "the Clever Coffee Maker." It's a paper-filter funnel, like the Melitta, with a twist: there is a valve at the bottom which prevents the coffee from passing (dripping) through, until you set it on your cup. This way, the beans can seep ("full immersion"), like a French Press, but all sediment is kept inside the filter.

It's foolproof, excellent for beginners, and conno-sewers such as yours truly can also appreciate its noble simplicity.--the caffeinated fiend.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 05:25PM

That does seem pretty steep for the 4-cup coffee maker.

I paid around $49.99 for mine at Christmastime one year when it went on sale. And thought that was too much lol.

And no, I did not know that a percolator should start with very cold water. Thanks for the tip.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2017 05:26PM by Amyjo.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 07:08PM

Yes, that word means what I think it does.


Beth, full of useless pop culture references.

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 08:55PM

The reason for cold water in a percolator is that it extends the brewing (perking) time. A heat coil at the bottom of the center spindle brings a bit of water to a boil, and in successive perks pushes the now-hot water up the tube where it splashes over the grounds in the basket.

Eventually, so much hot water has moved up through the spindle (and down through the grounds), the pot is hot, and a thermostat shuts it off--until it cools and reheats the coffee the same way, up and over the grounds. (That would be excessive brewing, don't.)

It takes longer for the percolator to process cold water: thus, more hot water passes over the grounds.

Restaurant customer: "Waiter, this coffee tastes like mud!"
Waiter: "I'm sorry, sir--it was fresh ground this morning."

--The convivial Caffiend

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 09:02PM

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Posted by: scmd ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 01:14AM

My mother-in-law is my favorite coffee maker. She's Cuban, so she makes it strong. I haven't a clue what machine she uses though.

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Posted by: Superlorie ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 03:06AM

I have a Bonavita coffee maker. I went from my French Press to that. There's tons of good reviews on their product on Amazon. I use fresh ground beans, makes flavorful hot coffee. It heats the water to the perfect brewing temp, and it creates that good coffee taste. Read about 'em!

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Posted by: Boballooie0691 ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 06:29AM

All this coffee talk on here, and I realize it's time to get up and make some. I've got a cheap one without a hot plate that makes up to 20 ounces at a time. The filter is removable and washable. I usually put a foam cup under it and drink one of those before work during the week,until I get to work. On weekends I'll drink two or three since I'm usually not in as much of a rush. Easy, convenient, quick and strong, thats how I like my coffee, and thats how my coffee maker makes it. Now where's my sandals?

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 08:52AM

I don't have a favorite anymore. I used to be a huge fan of Krups before the quality became the same as everyone else. I do tend to favor the cone filters over basket filters (which are used in Mr. Coffee makers, etc.) Right now I have a Capresso. It does the job, but there's nothing special about it.

My biggest complaint against my last few coffee makers is that they don't get the water hot enough for my taste.

The last coffee maker I had before the Capresso was a Melitta. It was a big, ugly thing that I bought based on favorable online reviews. It turned out to be the same as all the others. Nothing special. What I would do is to check the online reviews mainly looking for problems. There was one Cuisinart model a while back that had an electrical issue, although I think apart from that, the brand might be a solid pick.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2017 01:25PM by summer.

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Posted by: Jersey Girl ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 09:14AM

My favorite is one that works! We have had too many that died after a while. We are not coffee snobs, buy Chock Full O Nuts by the big can at Costco, and between husband, son and I, drink a pot every morning.

Here is a hint for those who drink instant coffee. Get an electric kettle, it heats the water more and tastes better. Also good for tea. We first noticed this in Ireland and have been using one ever since. Everyone has them in Ireland and the UK, not so much in the US.

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Posted by: kairos ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 09:16AM

Ok- in the Army many decades ago, the large number 10 can was filled with water, the ground coffee spooned in about 20 tablespoonsful, boiled on the pot belly diesel oil burning stove, till hyper- boiling, then poured into aluminum canteen cup that had a cutup t-shirt piece over it as a filter- Ummm Ummm AWFUL !!!
but we drank it to keep going and to keep warm in the cold German forests where we were on military exercises.


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Posted by: StillAnon ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 10:09AM

My favorite coffee maker? My wife.
She's also my favorite sammich maker.

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 10:36AM

Coffee and most teas (especially green and white) should not be brewed with boiling water: it scalds the product. Some people are very strict about the correct temperature for each brew, but a good rule of thumb is to bring water to a rolling boil, then let it sit for a half-minute or so, then pour.

I admire those modest posters who endorse a product or method saying "it does the job." Marketers appeal to our snobbery with special, exotic, and high-priced appliances. At this moment, I'm enjoying my second cup of the morning, made with the $21 "Clever Coffee Maker," which reliably makes a consistently good brew. (See my post above.) Highly recommended: simple & economical.

Fact is, the bean, the roast, and the grind determine taste and quality. --The Fanatic (caf)Fiend

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Posted by: sunbeep ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 10:52AM

I looked up the Clever Coffee Maker and next time Elderolddog makes a run to the market I'll get him to pick one up for me. Thank you for the suggestion, it sounds like a good way to make that bad evil brew that so many of us have learned to love.

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 11:10AM

I don't see it on retail shelves very much; you may have to go on-line.

My novel is a Romance, with religion as the obstacle. I have a lot of fun creating situations where the anti-LDS boy tries to accommodate the TBM girl, and vice-versa (opposites attract trope). For example, at a restaurant he orders iced tea. She changes the order, "He'll have a lemonade, please."

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 12:21PM

Truth: I ordered one late last night via Amazon, along with a box of filters and Peets ground coffee, the Major Dude-something roast. Clever move, ¿que no?

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 01:08PM

Prices for the Clever Coffee Dripper seem to be about the same, $21-23, =/- shipping. I think you'll like it, Dave--you strike me as a very basic sort of guy.

Peet's is good: their schtick is delivery within a short time frame of roasting, sort of like Coor's Beer in the old days before they pasteurized it. Peet's, like Seattle-style coffees, is mostly dark roast (what was once called "French Roast." I prefer light ("American") roast.

Interesting fact: Dark roast coffee does NOT pack more caffeine punch! Heat breaks down the caffeine molecule, so the darker roasts, although tasting stronger,* actually have less "kick." I often buy Eight O'Clock brand, which I consider a very under-appreciated product, an excellent morning get-up-and-go brew. --The Humble BostonBeanFiend.

*Dark roast = "Burnt," for my money.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 01:32PM

I got my Capresso at the discount store, "Tuesday Morning" for about $30, IIRC. I was at the store today and I saw a nice steel Capresso drip coffee maker for $40, and a steel/black Cuisinart for about $70. If you keep your eye on the discount stores and are not too fussy, you can get a good buy.

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Posted by: laperla not logged in ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 12:29PM

electric kettle turns itself off, pour over drip, would never subject myself to the sound of a coffee grinder in the morning.

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Posted by: badassadam ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 01:13PM

I am not a coffee guy but i used to be. So according to the mormons i might be on my way to godhood by accident. Hell yea is what i say lets start making planets woohoo that sounds sooo not fun.

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Posted by: looking in ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 01:37PM

I have a Hamilton Beach BrewStation. It doesn't have a carafe or pot. The tank is at the top of the machine, and you dispense the coffee by putting the cup against a large button under the tank, and the coffee pours out. I like it because I can make as little as one cup or as many as 12, and the pot isn't sitting and "cooking" and getting too strong.

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Posted by: 3X ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 05:36PM

I still use my Bialetti Mukka Express Cappuccino maker. These seem to have been out of production for a while, but Amazon says back in stock Sept 14.

Beth, you sexy vixen ...


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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 07:10PM

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Posted by: 3X ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 09:27PM

You still got it, Baby!

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Posted by: VZ Gardner ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 09:54PM

My Tassimo makes a helluva fine cuppa Joe.

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Posted by: txrancher ( )
Date: September 09, 2017 11:38PM

I'm lazy...Keurig and pop a little tub in, then done in minutes.

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Posted by: Richard Foxe ( )
Date: September 10, 2017 06:21AM

The little woman...and the civet. (just kidding--the only coffee I taste is in ice creamO

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: September 10, 2017 09:25PM

Excel w/pivot table.

Thanks in advance.

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