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Posted by: Curiouscutie ( )
Date: September 11, 2017 11:26AM

I was speaking with the missionaries in my area last week. Cute guys, maybe 19-20. All I could think was:" These guys really don't touch themselves?" I feel guilty for even having the thought, but it just seems unrealistic. After all, I knew my husband at that age and he seemed to have sex on the brain constantly (haha). I just don't believe that any of these missionaries go two years without some kind of sexual release!

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Posted by: Becca ( )
Date: September 11, 2017 11:31AM

good grief, don't feel guilty for your thoughts!!

They are yours! You can think anything you like! :-)

And yes, most likely : those fellows touch themselves. Ofcourse they do. And they will feel terrible about it, and will deny it with all their might..

Child abuse is you ask me. ..

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Posted by: GQ Cannonball ( )
Date: September 12, 2017 08:16PM

I suffered another type of abuse: I actually made it my entire mission without taking matters into my own hands ever. Not. one. single. time. I'm sure I'm still to this day messed up somehow because of that...I'm just too old to care now haha!

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 11, 2017 11:36AM

Basically, you are correct in your thinking.

But I have no reason to disbelieve the very tiny, tiny percentage of a RMs who declare they went their entire Missions without becoming "romantically involved" with themselves.

I can only say that I once went almost a week workout making sweet, solo love. No, wait! I did make it through the time at the old SLC mission home without that pleasure! But any credit that I might have earned was lost when I flipped off Joseph Fielding Smith on the Thursday of that week.

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Posted by: Curiouscutie ( )
Date: September 11, 2017 01:37PM

You're funny, elder old dog!I figured as much. How about that the release happening in sleep? Nature must take its course, I suppose!

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Posted by: Investigating atheism ( )
Date: September 11, 2017 12:20PM

I didn't masturbate. But release? Yes. I had pretty much nightly wet dreams from about halfway through my mission through about the night before I was married. I was married at age 22.

At one point I felt so guilty about my dreams that I confessed to the MP that I was having such dreams. After all, I must have been to blame; it was sexual release outside of marriage, and I had always been told that god frowned on that.

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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: September 11, 2017 04:22PM

When I see mishies I think they must all be virgins...

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 11, 2017 04:27PM

I don't know if it's still the case, but back in the day, many, many elders went into the field non-virginal, but nary a female was given the opportunity to 'enlist' if she were not pure.

I know they've obviously become more strict, and certainly more rapacious in searching for admissions of masturbation, petting, pornography and sex, but after all is said and done, having gotten the prospective elder to toe the line, off he goes to his mission field.

And it makes sense! Getting the elder used to confessing and seeking forgiveness makes him that much more pliable in the future. They want participation much more than they want perfection.

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Posted by: bezoar ( )
Date: September 11, 2017 05:16PM

I can honestly say I never "pleasured" myself during my entire (18 month) mission. But then 4 years later after I graduated from BYU I was attempting suicide and was hospitalized for severe depression. After several years of therapy I left the cult and finally came out as gay.

So yes, it can be done. I'm not saying that never masturbating led to all my problems. But I was definitely a sexually repressed, in-the-closet gay mormon. It took me years to get over the mind f@ck that is mormonism. Literally, I came very close to not making it out alive.

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Posted by: cheezus ( )
Date: September 11, 2017 07:53PM

If those missionaries are like I was, they would love to tract into you scantily clad and inviting them into your home. Such scenarios were the things that made tracking great. The companion would always be the deterrent to entering into such a trap laid out by Satan, but I enjoyed the temptation. Once a beautiful girl was standing with a towel barely covering her as she shower soaked drip dried in front of us while we had the first discussion on the doorstep. She kept inviting us in, and only because of the companion did I not go in. When we walked away, the companion said how much he wanted to go in, but since we would have to answer to each other and pres, he was able to resist. Not going in is a major regret from the mission.

So, be that eye candy for them that keeps them aware that they are human...only if you want to.

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Posted by: Curiouscutie ( )
Date: September 12, 2017 02:03PM

Haha, oh wow. Well, it's funny you mention this. The entire reason I pondered my question was one of the young men was blushing when he spoke to me, and I also caught him looking at my breasts. I mean, leaders can't expect these guys to completely ignore their humanity. As for eye candy, I look younger, but I'm mid 30s so I almost could be their mother. Which is why it cracked me up.

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Posted by: cheezus ( )
Date: September 12, 2017 03:46PM

The term Milf exists for a reason. I recall other ladies in the mission who were older and absolutely stunning. Age is no automatic reason to not ogle.

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Posted by: badassadam ( )
Date: September 12, 2017 05:47PM

I would bet anything they touch themselves nobody is that disciplined, to go two years without it would drive them crazy. And besides you are the curiouscutie you have to wonder about these type of things.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2017 05:52PM by badassadam.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: September 12, 2017 06:03PM

I absolutely didn't masturbate during my 2-year mission.
I tried that hard to be a good little mormon.

That ended shortly after coming home, of course...:)

I can tell you that I "caught" at least 75% of my companions doing it, though. Some tried really hard to hide that they were doing it, some didn't care and made plenty of noise. One other thing I honestly didn't do during my mission: rat out a companion who was enjoying himself to the leaders. I figured it was their problem (or not), not mine :)

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Posted by: badassadam ( )
Date: September 12, 2017 06:08PM

Hahahaha i am impressed hie that was no easy feet. I remember the good old days when i tried to conceal my masterbaiting when a parent would walk in midway aww good times and Awkward as hell.

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Posted by: Curiouscutie ( )
Date: September 12, 2017 06:44PM

Hahahaha, omg! I can't believe that 2 years...I also can't believe some of your mates were loud. What an entertaining thread this has proven to be!

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: September 12, 2017 07:44PM

It was really hard (especially since I had already discovered self-pleasuring pre-mission!), but I swear, I didn't do it once in two years.

As for companions -- that started early. Second night in the MTC, as a matter of fact. I was in a room with four of us, two bunk-bed setups. I had the top bunk. Was awakened around 3AM by noise from the bunk below, and shaking. Yep, my just-called-by-the-lard companion lasted a whole 1 day in the MTC without rubbing one out. I couldn't help but laugh! :)

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Posted by: badassadam ( )
Date: September 12, 2017 09:25PM

I wouldnt last long either especially at that age because i was convinced it was a naturally thing and if i fought it it would mess with me later in life. Not sure if any of my thoughts on that were true though.

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Posted by: Testimonyman ( )
Date: September 12, 2017 10:54PM

No doubt that after these 2 mashies checked out curiouscutie these boys had an extra long shower with lots of shampoo. Curiouscutie should feel guilty for causing them to fall into temptation

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Posted by: badassadam ( )
Date: September 13, 2017 07:53PM

Even im curious haha jk.

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