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Posted by: William Law ( )
Date: October 01, 2017 03:41PM

Another thread by Tom wondered if the apostles have really met Jesus, as they would like us to believe.

From the recently deceased Elder Hales' bio: "A television reporter asked the then-new apostle if, as a 'special witness for Christ,' he ever had seen the Lord.
'I know him better than if I had seen him,' Hales replied.

End of speculation. No, they have not, they just want you to think they have.


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Posted by: Tom Padley ( )
Date: October 01, 2017 04:27PM

They just know him. Interesting way to evade a question. Just like seeing things with spiritual eyes.

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Posted by: desertman ( )
Date: October 01, 2017 07:23PM

Not so you would notice it.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: October 01, 2017 08:14PM

Funny thing, I know Jesus very well.

Jesus started speaking to me on my Full time LDS mission. When Mission leaders started telling me what the Lord supposedly wanted and it sounded absolutely absurd, Jesus would tell me that He NEVER said anything like that and that He certainly did NOT want what the leaders had said. Then Jesus started following up
by informing me that many of my mission leaders were inveterate assholes in addition to their continual lying about what Jesus wanted. When a GA came to visit the mission, Jesus said that GA was an ass hole and a LIAR. WHen Bruce McConkie came to our Mission, after McConkie spoke, Jesus said the same thing about McConkie. The Jesus that I know does not pull any punches , and He despises organized religion, especially incorporated organized religion that collects money in His name, AS IF Jesus really need money or anything.

When Robert Hales spoke, guess what Jesus told me about Hales.
I mean besides that Hales is a damn LIAR.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: October 01, 2017 10:38PM

I did a shitload of necrobaptisms and never needed any recommend nor did I ever pay one cent in tithing.
That video sounds just like Tom Sawyer conning his friends into painting the fence.

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Posted by: baura ( )
Date: October 02, 2017 03:21AM

Two documents that might be relevant to your question:

Mar 25, 1950 - President George Albert Smith writes, "I have not
seen the Father or the Son, neither have I heard their voices in
an audible way, but I have felt their presence and have enjoyed
the whispering of the Still Small Voice that comes from them,
the result of which has given me a testimony of the truth."

At this point in his life, George Albert Smith had been
president of the Church for five (5) years and before that had
been an apostle for over forty (40) years.

President Heber J. Grant answered a letter of Mrs. Claud Perry,
on 13 April 1926. The letter is found in the First Presidency
Letterpress Copybooks, Vol. 72, CHD, and reads as follows:

"Dear Sister: Answering your letter of the 12th. I know of no
instance where the Lord has appeared to an individual since His
appearance to the Prophet Joseph Smith, Sincerely, your brother,
(signed) Heber J. Grant"

At this point in his life, Heber J. Grant had been president
for over seven (7) years, and before that had been an apostle
for over thirty-six (36) years.

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Posted by: Justin ( )
Date: October 02, 2017 12:50PM

I have been told that on the Sunday after General Conference the new apostles meet in the upper room of the temple to wait for their personal meeting with Jesus Christ. All the meetings with the Savior are exactly the same. After the meeting these new apostles are told this was a very sacred experience, and they are never to divulge the details of what they learned in their special temple meeting. If they do divulge what happened they are in danger of losing all of the blessings they have attained by becoming members of the 12. So that is why we never hear about their private meetings. It is too special for our ears.

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Posted by: Tom Padley ( )
Date: October 02, 2017 01:37PM

Justin Wrote:
> I have been told that on the Sunday after General
> Conference the new apostles meet in the upper room
> of the temple to wait for their personal meeting
> with Jesus Christ. All the meetings with the
> Savior are exactly the same. After the meeting
> these new apostles are told this was a very sacred
> experience, and they are never to divulge the
> details of what they learned in their special
> temple meeting. If they do divulge what happened
> they are in danger of losing all of the blessings
> they have attained by becoming members of the 12.
> So that is why we never hear about their private
> meetings. It is too special for our ears.

You're obviously talking about the second anointing. This is the ritual of guaranteeing your place in the celestial kingdom. It is done to set the hook even deeper into highly places members.

Total, complete and utter nonsense.

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Posted by: Justin ( )
Date: October 02, 2017 02:09PM

Actually, they are in danger of losing their blessings because Jesus never really shows up. This is the emperor has no clothes meeting ...

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Posted by: dogblogger ( )
Date: October 02, 2017 02:06PM

There was a stake conference in my stake about a decade ago where Hales was the visiting dignitary. He said that he and all the apostles new Christ in the same way that Joseph Smith had a confirmation of Christ. That strongly implies the believer that he saw Christ in a physical manifestation or vision.

This verbal sophistry allows him to speak honestly to both the believer and the doubter. To the doubter this indicates this vision is a fabrication so for Hales to say that he saw Jesus the same way Joseph did is to say that they are all lying about it. Corroborating with the comments above, it is clear they do not see Jesus. And they will only speak about it in these metaphoric terms that give them the wiggle room to tell the truth with a lie.

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: October 02, 2017 02:15PM

They meet him with their "spiritual eyes," the Mormon way. I wonder if Jesus has a sheet over himself when he meets them--golden plate style.

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Posted by: Gern Blanston ( )
Date: October 02, 2017 02:39PM

I think its nearly universal throughout the church for members to believe that the 12+ have seen Christ. I know several members who actually believe that President Monson has a PPI (personal priesthood interview) with Jesus Christ each week in the Salt Lake Temple.

Of course, the brethren do nothing to discourage this belief.

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Posted by: cheezus ( )
Date: October 02, 2017 04:08PM

They probably all have the same lawn guy who goes by the name Jesus. They never ask his last name so they can have the special witness of having met with Jesus. And yes, it is still too sacred to talk about.

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