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Posted by: orphan ( )
Date: May 28, 2011 11:59PM

It was on a saturday about six years ago. We had a priesthood project reroofing a house. We had a good time laughing, joking and working. There was about twelve of us. We had been friends for several years. It took us about four hours to get the job done. After we finished I asked for attention and after everyone quieted down I simply said, "Brethern, I have decided to leave the church. I do not believe it is true and I do not believe J.Smith was a prophet. No one said a word. They just packed up their tools and left. One person was assigned my H/T and I've seen him maybe five times in six years. The rest of my former friends I never see. The church doesn't bother me and I don't bother them. I miss my friends but I realize that if I went to church to see them it wouldn't be long before they would be sending the mishes to see me.
When I told my son I was leaving he smiled and said that he had never belived all the bullshit. I was so proud of him and I am so happy that he has the ability to see things that it took me years to learn.

My son earned his eagle scout from the troop in the church, but he earned it honestly. No short cuts and no mercy. I was a boy scout in the childrens home where I grew up and we had to work for and earn everything we got. I made sure my son was worthy of his rank before he got it.
Today we had an orphan picnic at the childrens home and no one asked if I was going to church or if I was a full tithe payer, if I had a temple recommend or any other question about religion. What a great relief it was to be back home again.

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Posted by: honestone ( )
Date: May 29, 2011 12:29AM

Six yrs. of freedom. And sad that those so called friends can't see beyond obedience to their church to still be your friend. You should be proud of your son. He earned his eagle scout the right way. It is amazing how a young son can speak up once his parent admits he doesn't believe the church. What a relief for him as well. Hope you both have many good days ahead and a few laughs as well about your old association with the LDS.

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Posted by: AIC ( )
Date: May 29, 2011 12:57AM

I am jealous!


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Posted by: think4u ( )
Date: May 29, 2011 01:15AM

I love your story, your simple honesty and integrity, no excuses, just telling your truth. I really loved it.

Maybe even more, because I pretty much did the same thing. It was nearly 4 years ago to this date, either May 27 or 28, 2007. I walked around the neighborhood after telling my bishop I was done with the church and told 5 or 6 of my best lady friends that I would probably not see them any more because I was leaving, not because I was sinning or offended, or possessed, but because I no longer believed the church to be what it claimed, or that JS was even a descent man, much less a prophet.

That is about all I said. No one bore testimony to me. They were all very kind, but it was obvious they wanted to know nothing more. And I never see any of them but one, ever. I have just one friend left from my entire lifetime in the mormon church. And she is a gem.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2011 01:17AM by think4u.

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Posted by: derrida ( )
Date: May 29, 2011 01:51AM

You sound so much more spiritual than most of the mormons I've known and you say your truth about the church as a forthright person speaking candidly to the friends you thought they were.

Pity they could not see the pearl right in front of them. But now we get to read your posts!

I was at my son's eagle court of honor yesterday. What a scene. First time I'd stepped foot into the church in almost two years. I wish I had a couple of smart RFM friends there with me to help me piece together all the ward moves and shenanigans swirling around my family with me as the lone apostate.

The bishop greeted me so briefly he must have thought I had cooties. Five or six of my "friends" seemed happy to see me, but they've not one been to see me in over two years. I guess as long as you are on the mormon's turf he'll acknowledge some relationship to you; otherwise there's just too much psychological difficulty for them to relate to someone who doesn't fit the mold of pray, pay, and obey.

Mostly I was amused. They were either acting all nervous friendly or were too frightened to even talk to me.


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Posted by: msmom ( )
Date: May 30, 2011 09:28PM

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