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Posted by: deb ( )
Date: May 30, 2011 09:58PM

Hi all... There were things that which were discussed, while investigating, and I was informed it stayed between myself as well as the guys I'd discussed with.When i postponed the 1st time, i was informed, it's between us. I've since found out (not by them) but that I had been discussed lots behind my back w/in the church. Plus some of the little things said in RS gave it away, as well. And then, the last straw..... the older gentleman coming to my home and asking me to go to the bishop's house that he'd like to see me. Yeah, right. Two weeks or so before the older gentleman came to my home, I'd ran into him in same line, conveniently and he literally walked me to my car. We call it "fishing" when you can obviously tell that someone is "trying" to get info out of you.

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Posted by: SL Cabbie ( )
Date: May 31, 2011 12:34AM

Not much to add, although there are many here who know how you feel and wish you well...

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Posted by: deb ( )
Date: May 31, 2011 01:03AM

i do realize so many of you on this board have been burned, much worse(a trillion times) than the 4 mos. of my investigating. but from such purety,christianity, etc. and feeling as if you are doing the correct thing, last time i checked "lying" was part of the 10 commandments. (moses)when you are as Pure as the driven snow, I wouldn't think it would go in sync. Unless, oops, I didn't know i'd lied or fibbed.

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Posted by: elderborracho ( )
Date: May 31, 2011 01:28AM

We all know that in a good paradox "the ends justify the means!"

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Posted by: Dr. Nick ( )
Date: May 31, 2011 01:41AM

This is one of the many abominable practices that TSCC employs. It is almost unbelievable that they think this is even acceptable. I remember watching the documentary on Mormons a few years ago on KUED and Margaret Toscano's comments interested me. I went to the website and read her whole interview; here is what she related about her own experiences about the church's lying.

And they had resources that I had no idea about. For example, in their stack of evidence against me, they actually have the transcription of a talk that I had given. It had never been published. The only way they could have had this is if somebody were there with a tape recorder and then had transcribed it and sent it to church headquarters, where they had then given it to the stake president. Of course I knew that they had this extensive system that accumulates knowledge. There's a whole committee in the church headquarters where they collect evidence against members that they see as dangerous. But the fact that they have spies that were there at places where I was speaking, that I didn't even know that there was somebody in the audience that's secretly taping me and then sending it up to church headquarters so they can transcribe it, it was a little frightening in a way. ...

Indeed you are not the only one deb, it's just sad that the Kolobian hierarchy has to resort to such deceitful tactics.

For those who want to watch the whole documentary again, I would highly recommend it.
Part I:
Part II:

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Posted by: get her done ( )
Date: May 31, 2011 02:38PM

your a lucky one

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