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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: January 23, 2018 12:27AM

. . . helped expose this disgusting practice and, at least as far as Jewish Holocaust victims being subjected to this offensive practice were concerned, led to its discontinuance.

Once this prominent American Jewish leader was made aware of damning details involving Mormon Cult necro-baptism of Jews exterminated by the Nazis, he was able to (and did) forcefully demand that the Mormons stop it.

(I'm not bragging about my involvement in this info exchange; it was just a fact. Information is power and, in this case, it empowered the Jewish community to better stand down the Mormon Cult).

RfM poster "crazy horse" has addressed this issue in another thread, asking:

"What are your thoughts on baptism for Holocaust victims or anyone?

"[I'm] just upset that Mormons said, 'Oh, we don't see it [as] offensive to do baptism of the dead for Holocaust victims or anyone else! And said we stopped doing it in 1994, I find the baptism of the dead so stupid! And found out Hitler was baptized! They just baptize whoever they want."

(,2069519,2069519#msg-2069519 )

For the Mormon Cult, when it comes to its historical practice of dead-dunking Jewish Holocaust victims without the knowledge or consent of their families, the times they are a-changin' (or at least let's hope so).

Here's how certain events unfolded when I decided it was time to make contact with a well-placed Jewish friend of mine about this pervasive and pernicious Mormon Cult practice. That friend was then-national director of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith Abraham Foxman, who publicly insisted that LDS dead-dunking must stop--not only of Jews but of other non-Mormons, as well. Not only did he demand that Mormons desist from further necro-dunking of Holocaust Jewish victims, as well as abandon the Mormon doctrine of necro-dunking altogether. Below is a news report of how Foxman laid down the law to the the Mormon Cult hierarchy:

"Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League’s National Director and a Holocaust survivor, explained in a statement why it’s important to stop the practice, USA Today reported. 'Holocaust victims died precisely because they were Jewish,' he said. 'Listing Jews as 'Christian’ on one of the most researched genealogical sites in the world inadvertently aids and abets denial of the Holocaust.'”

(“Mormon Church Leaders Apologize for baptizing Jewish dead,” by Samantha Stainburn, "Public Radio International, 15 February 2012,

The Mormon Cult-owned Deseret News seemed to have gotten the message but, predictably, tried to blame the abusive practice on renegade individual eager-beaver LDS temple workers who simply hadn't gotten the memo. (This is called throwing the members under the bus when the Mormon Cult gets busted):

"'A lot more needs to be done by the LDS Church to educate its membership about its policy prohibiting names of Holocaust victims to be offered for posthumous baptism,' Foxman continued. 'Perhaps the ultimate solution would be for the church to revisit its theological position on posthumously baptizing Jews and believers outside the (LDS) Church, just as other religions have reconsidered centuries-old beliefs.'"

(“Mormon Church Apologizes for Jewish Baptisms for the Dead:
Volunteer's Access to Database Revoked after Holocaust Survivor's Name is Submitted," by Joseph Walker, "Deseret News,"
published 14 February 2012, updated 15 February 2012,
updated: February 2012,

To make matters worse for the Mormon-sanctioned practice of dead-dunking Jewish Holocaust victims, other media had picked up the scent:

"'Holocaust victims’ only crime was that they were Jews. Now [the Mormon Church] is basically killing them again by eliminating their Jewishness,' said Anti-Defamation League director Abraham Foxman, who also was part of an interfaith coalition to address the subject. He likens the situation to earlier quarrels between Jews and the Catholic Church over Jewish legitimacy, and says that, like the Catholics, the Mormons will come around and work to smooth their relationship with Jews.

“'It’s important for them to know that we’re watching,' he said. 'That’s how you keep people honest.'

“ . . . Foxman . . . agree[s] that the Church knows what it is doing, and that any efficacious solution must come from education and messaging within the church.”

(“Mormons Still Baptizing Dead Jews Despite Agreements to End Practice,” by Allison Yarrow, in “Daily Beast,” 15 February 2012, updated 18 February 2012,

Jewish leaders eventually had become aware in horrifying detail about the how Mormon necro work is done on, and at the expense of, Nazi-exterminated Holocaust Jews.

I made contact with Jewish leaders at important local and national levels, who used the information passed on to them to put themselves in an informed posture to act as as they saw fit. I laid out these issues in a returned-call personal phone conversation from Abe, which proceeded along the following lines, as to what I relayed:

*The Mormon Church, through its necro work, not only dead-dunks Jewish Holocaust victims.

The Mormon Church also:

*Confirms dead Jewish Holocaust victims as members of the Mormon church;

*Seals dead Jewish Holocaust victims, in various Mormon temple rituals, to the Mormon Church and to Mormon members themselves through secret oaths of allegiance and handshakes engaged in by proxy temple workers dressed in Masonic costumes;

*Performs proxy necro ceremonies for dead Jewish Holocaust victims, the details of which the Mormon church does not talk about.

*Invades the tribes of ancient Israel to which these dead Jewish Holocaust victims belong (through patriarchal blessings pronounced on Mormon church members where Mormons are notified of the ancient tribe of Israel to which they themselves are attached); with this being done by Mormons by "adopting" themselves, through covenant, into the Jewish bloodline; and then

*Extinguishes the very Jewish identity of dead Holocaust Jewish victims by transforming these Nazi-slaughtered Jews, who died for their faith, into Mormons.

Other points that we covered:

*Despite Mormon Church claims that it cannot effectively control local church members who are necro-dunking dead Holocaust Jewish victims), it was definitely able to see and review the extracted names of dead Jewish Holocaust victims whose names have been submitted for--and ultimately processed through--its necro-dunking rituals.

*The Mormon Church had taken action against Church members involved in the dead-dunking of Simon Wiesenthal's parents when the Mormon Church was and publicly embarrassed by the episode (although the Mormon Church had known for years that dead Jewish Holocaust victims had continued to be necro-dunked),

*Public news reports featuring screen prints of Mormon Church computer records showed the names, the dead-dunking dates, the dead-dunked membership confirmations and notices of completion of necro work done on dead Jews who have been processed into Mormon membership ranks via LDS proxy rituals.

*The Mormon Church had serious financial incentive to continue performing its dead-dunking rituals, due to the fact that Mormons who wish to be "families forever" pay a required temple entrance fee of 10% of their income to attend and work in Mormon temples for not only the dead, but for their own personal salvation.

*Mormons fervently had been doing necro-dunking for dead Jewish Holocaust victims because they believe that dead Jewish Holocaust victims are anxiously waiting to have it done for them.

*Mormon necro-work is what keeps Mormon temples operating and, indeed, if it was not for that necro work (which comprises the vast majority of what Mormons busy themselves with doing in their temples), there would be very little for Mormons to do in temples.

*The Mormon Church builds temples in carefully demographically-analyzed areas, where temple construction is based on Mormon population density and projected Mormon population growth so that Mormon church earnings can be maximized through charging for temple entry and participation.

Foxman was appalled. His response to me included the following observations:

*The Mormon Church had got dead Jewish Holocaust victims coming and going.

*The Mormon Church had promised in several meetings with Jewish leaders to stop the necro-dunking of dead Holocaust Jewish victims but had not kept its promises.

*The Mormon Church desires acceptance by larger society but is not willing to pay the price necessary for that acceptance by changing and ceasing its offensive necro-work doctrines or practices.

*The Mormon Church could, if it genuinely wanted to, stop in short order its offensive practice of necro-dunking dead Jewish Holocaust victims.

*Disappointed and frustrated Jewish representatives will be soon meeting. yet again, with Mormon Church leaders to re-convey their objections, grievances and demands.

Summation of Results

The Mormon Cult ostensibly has now discontinued its disgusting practice of necro-baptizing Jewish Holocaust victims because, among other outside pressures, the whistle was blown on this offensive Mormon Cult practice by ex-Mormon efforts involving going straight, and personally, to the top of one of the most prominent and pro-active national Jewish organizations in the country--the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith--where the dastardly details were laid out.

Moral of the story to grave-robbing Mormons and their enabling leaders who haven't gotten the memo or, if they have, still refuse to take it seriously:

You don't mess with the ADL. The Mormon Cult has certainly learned that lesson the hard way. Let's hope it doesn't, yet again, return like a dog to its vomit.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2018 11:06AM by steve benson.

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Posted by: Tevai ( )
Date: January 23, 2018 12:37AM

Thank you, Steve.

What you did was very important...and is very much appreciated.[*]

Thank you so much!!!

[*] I am very sure that, regarding this issue, I can speak on behalf of all Jews, as well as all non-Jews whose Jewish ancestors, and Jewish relatives and other loved ones, were caught up in the Holocaust. Thank you!!!

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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: January 23, 2018 12:47AM

As you know, according to Mormon doctrine, Jewish blood literally turns into Mormon blood when they come to Elohim. It's so obscene it's enough to make you scream:,1505634,1505634#msg-1505634

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2018 11:35AM by steve benson.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: January 23, 2018 01:04AM

Personally, I think mormonism would have been more ill effected had Judaism made fun of the practice of dead dunking. The path taken made it seem that it was felt that los mormones really had the power to turn Jews in Mormons in the great hereafter.

Apparently no one but TBMs and now Judaism think dead dunking has any effect.

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Posted by: steve benson ( )
Date: January 23, 2018 01:11AM

. . . other than, as a bizarre and grossly insensitive practice, it deeply offends them on a very personal level.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2018 03:39AM by steve benson.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: January 23, 2018 07:37AM

Thanks Steve, for posting this. Some posters here think it shouldn't matter to Jewish people because of the silly practice that it is.

But indubitably it does, and here is proof of that (besides by myself, a former Mormon lifelong Jew.)

My mother was a genealogist from age ten on, doing her families work years before she converted to Mormonism because both her parents were orphans. She'd grown up without having any relatives, so family mattered to her more than most people by virtue of their absence.

After she joined TSCC, she submitted thousands of her ancestors names she'd found through her genealogy to have their temple work done for them. Many generations of those were Jewish. That was during the 1960's/70's those names were submitted to SLC for necro baptizing.

Even though my mom was fully Jewish for her lifetime, she went to her grave without appreciating what that meant. She'd been raised a Methodist in Utah before converting to Mormonism after marrying my dad. She was zealous in her testimony for the church and her having done genealogy since age ten on contributed to her religiosity.

My never Mo grandmother who lived her adult life in Utah was not phased by the LDS practice because she wasn't practicing Jewish either due to her being raised by Protestant aunts after losing her mother at an early age. Grandma was the skeptic of the family however, and the philosophical one. She exemplified what it was to be Jewish because of her inquisitive mind and natural intellect that allowed her to see past the facade of Mormonism more than my mom was able to.

The ritual of posthumous baptism is an abomination on its face. Whether it's of Holocaust victims, Jewish deceased, or anyone else. Why doesn't it stop because of the offensiveness it creates to the memories of the deceased? They deserve to rest in peace, without having their memories besmirched with a religious rite of passage they want nothing to do with - it's a violation of the most fundamental rights we hold sacred as Americans to choose for ourselves what we will believe.

It's one thing for Mormonism to baptize their own, living. Quite another to baptize the deceased when they have no voice to object.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2018 10:23AM by Amyjo.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: January 23, 2018 08:29AM

It's notable that my Jewish ancestors and living relatives are among the best genealogists I have encountered doing my own research.

There is no 'second guessing' in their genealogy. If it isn't proven they won't consider it established until it is. No muddying of the waters that way for claiming an ancestry, without being able to provide the proof.

That presented a problem when I was able to find some cousins on our Jewish family tree whose common ancestor migrated to Spain during the 19th century. I met two of the Spanish cousins via online, and introduced them to my Israeli cousin. But for there was no concrete proof of their ancestor other than his name to go on (that is all they had,) he didn't allow them into the family tree pending further proof.

The one cousin is a professor of history at the Univ of Madrid, and an ambassador to Israel. She and my Israeli cousin met in Jerusalem while she was there on assignment, visiting with her mother. She is the family genealogist for the Spain connection. They were raised Catholic because her Jewish ancestor assimilated into Spanish society by inter-marriage. She has close ties obviously to her Jewish ancestors by virtue of her profession. :)

The other Spanish cousin I met is an international lawyer. We share a close resemblance. Maybe someday we'll get to meet.

Another cousin from Paris met my Israeli cousin through me. They were able to meet in Paris several years back, and he actually had a bust (statue) of the common ancestor linking them as relatives. That ancestor has a street plaza named after him in Frankfurt to this day - a German Jew who lived more than 200 years ago.

Our Jewish book printer ancestors prepared family trees for their posterity - that survived the Holocaust.

When one of my cousins was fleeing Nazi Germany for Palestine during the early beginnings of the Holocaust, his most valuable possession was his family tree, rolled up inside a cardboard tube. The Germans had no idea of its intrinsic value or they would surely have confiscated it at the border. He was the AP director for Israel from 1942-1968.

Family connectedness is what has helped Jews stay connected to their history and each other - helping their survival down through the annals of time. Genealogy means different things to different people. To Judaism, it is our very identity, and cultural roots. connecting our past to the present - and is what helps sustain us in addition to faith.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2018 08:35AM by Amyjo.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: January 23, 2018 11:24AM

Necrodunking is essentially saying that your religion is not good good enough and we are giving you a better one. Totally offensive.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: January 23, 2018 12:49PM

Besides being totally insane and offensive, they take the names of those who resigned or were excommunicated to rebaptize us as well after we die off.

That's like adding insult to injury. It was bad enough to undo what was done. We don't get a second chance to undo the damage another baptism does to our memory after we're gone. We can protest all we want now, and our voices are ignored, forgotten when we're gone. Our family busy bodies and others like them will rush to baptize us even despite knowing it is and was against our wishes. It's harmful to my inner peace now, even if it won't matter when I'm dead and gone. That's why the practice needs to be stopped. It's reprehensible on its face.

In addition totally offensive, disrespectful, and sacrilegious of our beliefs.

Why there hasn't been a class action lawsuit before now on the subject befuddles me. To have a class action there needs to be 'injured parties' to the suit. We ourselves would qualify and constitute the injured class to bring such a lawsuit, as former Mormons.

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Posted by: anybody ( )
Date: January 23, 2018 12:51PM

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