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Posted by: Wicked Witch ( )
Date: October 25, 2010 10:29PM

I was on Facebook today answering email, and somebody posted a beautiful status message about loving and supporting the gay people (I HATE to even label "gays"...their human beings!!). I responded and gave my support, and then refuted some TBM lady's comment where she said, "It is a choice that they are gay, GOD didn't create people that are gay. I don't dislike them - just don't understand why they choose this when they can get counciling." (her spelling, not mine).

[hey, all you gay people: You just got your answer! Now get out there and get some 'counciling' from a good reputable LDS psychiatrist!] ;o)]

So I started defending the people that she hates and told her that being "gay" isn't a choice, etc. etc. She felt she had the right to send me her hate mail directly to my personal email box.

Just as a side note, here's another hilarious response from a mormon regarding gays on the same subject in the post:

"There are "unseen'' beings (without bodies) all around us. And, sometimes they become quite attached to us. When they become "attached" to us, we can "feel" their feelings and "hear" their thoughts, in our mind. I have discovered that, sometimes, homosexuals (at least, with some) have beings of the opposite gender attached to them. They will feel their sexual longings and mistake them as their own. (After all, they can't see these beings, so what else would they think.) I, also, understand that being raped or molested, when young, by someone can cause confusion about sexual orientation. I think that there is a lot about this that we do not YET understand. It's human nature to make judgments. BTW, I know how to release these "attached" beings should their be anyone out there that has a desire for that. I do all kinds of Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Healing and have over 23 different techniques that I use to help people with these issues. Send me a personal message if you are interested. : )" [get out your checkbooks, people]

**Okay all you gays out there, I'll bet you are CLUELESS that you have little "beings" attached to you and you are feeling THEIR sexual desires! hahahaha!!! this seriously for REAL???? ***

And another:

"I have friends who are gay as well and I love them without judgment - that is God's place. [yep, he's a judge(r), alright!] However, He, God, Himself, said it is a choice. We all have temptations and struggles we have to deal with and overcome. .......When God changes his mind, I will too."

and one more [this one directed to me, personally]:

"I respect your opinion [yeah, right], but I stand by my beliefs. I am LDS and believe strongly that choosing to pursue a gay life style in the end is a choice, even if you have the tendency [there's that word again]. You choose the life style and this is not part of God's plan. It may sound harsh but I don't mince words when it comes to what I believe to be the truth but I respect your opinion."

[I, of course, spoke a few choice words, and then told her that I respect her right to her opinion, but don't respect her opinion itself, ending with "and I don't mince words, either."]

Anyway, back to the psycho lady... Okay, so she starts sending me unsolicited hate mail. I tried straightening her out, and she wouldn't let up, and she was arrogant, saying, "I don't have to face what YOU will face when you die, because *I* belong to the ONLY true church on the face of this earth who has the ONLY living prophet to lead and guide us today." (excuse me for a moment while I pin a medal on her nose - if I can reach it). I was waiting for her to say, "Neener neener boo booooo!" [I asked her if her prophet has guided her lately, besides telling her that texting is evil, right along with double piercings and tattoos].

Since she wouldn't listen to reason, I decided I'd bring out the big guns and send her a little bit of info (thanks to this forum) about the "truth" of the gospel. I used only LDS official scripture, words of the "prophets", etc. [just copied and pasted a bit of what I had]. OMG, talk about BLIND. She obviously didn't look at it. She didn't address a *single* thing I brought up. Maybe she had her face in a hat.

She, instead, decided to exercise "charity, with love unfeigned", and said the following things to me:

"you're full of hate!"

"I can't wait until you go to the pearly gates (???) to meet your maker and and he asks you what you did with the truth that you had. I hope you have fun in hell where it's hot (??? I thought there was no 'hot' mormon hell?) and have fun with...[are you ready for this?]..."satin"....haha!! [I didn't know that hell had "pearly gates" - since she said that's where I'm going].

"You're narrow minded!" [huh...wuhhhh? Who researched?]

"Gay people can only get children the immoral way." [I told her, "I suppose, then, that infertile people [including faithful church members] who get inseminated or adopt children get them the "immoral way", too...?]

"I feel sorry for kids of gay parents, because they have to face the kids from 'traditional' families." [I told her I agreed with her...I feel sorry for those kids, too, because the 'traditional' people - like HER - are the ones who tease and pester them and call them evil and make their lives a living hell. I told her that hatred is a learned trait]

"You think you're all knowing".

"You don't have a clue what you're talking about". [I guess the research doesn't count - which said research was done is Mormon 'official' books, and went unread by her]

"You are self-absorbed".

"You are FULL OF CRAP!" [don't you just feel the righteousness oozing out of her every pore?]

"I'm tired of gays having their gay pride crap and parades and shoving their lifestyles down our throats! I'm tired of seeing gays kissing in public! That's why we get so annoyed, because they shove their stuff down our throats!" [I told her that I see heterosexuals kissing in public all the time, so why point fingers at gays? I also told her that I walked down a junior high school hallways and watched 13-15 year-olds making out openly, even FEELING EACH OTHER public. They were heterosexual AND gay. I also reminded her that women picketed and marched to get the right to vote. Blacks did the same, to be treated like HUMAN BEINGS. I asked her if it was wrong, too, for people to picket and have parades to get good laws passed. Of course, no comment - no comprehendo]

"You're WRONG about all the people who have left the church!" [ :o) :o) ]

"You're wicked and misguided!"

"You're living in a dream world and a fantasy!"

"You talk about garbage."

[When I told her that I would bet money she won't read a single thing I write to her, she responded:] "You bet your sweet bippy I won't read your crap!" ((bwah hah hahhhh!!))

"You're full of hot air like a big air balloon! Blah blah BLAB, sister!"

"Gays got AIDS as a CURSE and consequence of their lifestyle (chosen). And AIDS is hundreds of years old, too!"
[OMG!! I said the following: "So, firstly, let me tell you that the AIDS virus wasn't discovered hundreds of years ago - do your research before you sound any more like an idiot." Then I said, "Let me remind you that the 2nd Article of Faith says, "We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression." Then I said, "So how come all of us ARE [supposedly] being punished for Adam's transgression?? WE didn't eat the fruit - HE did! So how come ALL of us have suffered with the "fall" because of it? And how come Cain killed his brother and all the BLACKS [supposedly] now suffer with a "flat nose and black skin" [Brigham Young's exact words] as a result of CAIN's nonsense? Why are mormons spewing out these lies and contradicting themselves??

She then says, "You're an IDIOT to believe that AIDS hasn't been here for hundreds of years!"

She said, "You're a horrible person - you're a trash talker who spreads lies."

She again reminded me that she was happy that someday I'd have to meet my maker. I told her that I choose not to believe in her maker, because her god is an asshole. I told her that I believe in a creator who loves unconditionally and doesn't judge and punish it's creations. I told her I wouldn't dream of treating my own children the way her god treats his.

She wrote, "I can't BELIEVE you called our Maker that horrible name!"

I wrote, "I didn't call 'our' maker that name, I called YOUR maker that name. Your maker is hateful and judgmental, and he doesn't exist."

She told me to never write to her again because she won't read it, she'll just delete it. I told her that she can sure dish stuff out on the plate but she sure won't eat it. And sheesh, she wrote me first.

I didn't invite her to write to me - but I guess she can do her "righteous indignation" mumbo-jumbo upon a "poor wicked soul" such as I. I'm sure the Lord will bless her for it, even though she wasn't invited to do so by me.

I must say, I feel so "speshul" and full of the spirit right now. I would feel totally remiss if I didn't sit on my computer chair this day and tell you how much love came from this wonderful sister in the Lord, and I am so overcome with emotion, that I am literally tingling all over. And by the way, I love my mom and dad, and my sister and brother, too.

I felt such a strong urge to bear you this testimony. My heart was beating so fast, so I KNEW that I needed to sit here and tell you about it!

...still shaking my head in disbelief. I'm not trying to be hateful, but omg...I needed to vent.

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Posted by: Raptor Jesus ( )
Date: October 25, 2010 10:43PM

Jesus, and I thought I got into bad facebook fights.

To be fair though, I have heard everything that that woman has said at least once in church.

Thanks for the venting. When it's not you taking their self-righteous shit, it's quite entertaining.

Sometimes I stoop to their level and say things like, "do you know how I know your church isn't true? Because of evil people like you. If your Jesus actually existed, he'd puke from your hatred."

Or sometimes I give them the old, "good. Good! Let the hate flow through you. Soon your journey to the darkside will be complete!"

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Posted by: wine country girl ( )
Date: October 25, 2010 10:53PM

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Posted by: Queen of Denial ( )
Date: October 27, 2010 02:29AM

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Posted by: testiphoney ( )
Date: October 25, 2010 10:56PM

She nails several of the symptoms of Narcissistic Personality, a common side effect of Mormonism. I once received FB hatemail over politics that was so unapologetically mean I was amazed and saddened that some people actually thought that way. If I wasn't the target of his hate I would have only been sympathetic. I chose not to even engage him but you did great. I don't think I would have had the wits to make the points you did. Fortunately I learned from it, both in having thick skin and knowing when to avoid debate. Recognizing the traits of Narcissistic personality is helpful because people with it can't recognize being wrong very well.

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Posted by: Wicked Witch ( )
Date: October 25, 2010 11:09PM

The thing about her, too, I noticed, is that it was like trying to tell somebody that the sky really IS blue, and it is right there in their "space", but they just....won't...look...up.


Because they "know" you're wrong, and they're right.

So, why bother.

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Posted by: Fetal Deity ( )
Date: October 25, 2010 11:18PM

is that she can't control what she says. From my experience, she is simply expressing what many (probably MOST) TMB's are feeling!

My favorite part of here e-mail: "You're full of hate! ... I hope you have fun in hell ...." Such complete lack of self-awareness boggles the mind!

I'm afraid it's gonna' get much, much worse before it starts to get better ... be prepared. Sigh!

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Posted by: Tiff ( )
Date: October 25, 2010 11:18PM

I've dealt with some crazy anti-gay folks before, but this lady takes the crazy cake.

I will never understand people that insist being gay is a choice. I never chose to be straight. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of research pointing to homosexuality being a non-choice issue. Animals don't choose their sexuality do they?

I am actually far more tolerant of religious people arguing that homosexuals should not act on their homosexuality because it's a sin. (I disagree and debate on that considering that homosexuality is rarely mentioned in the bible anyway.) At least those individuals don't ignorantly ignore science.

I'd say a delete is in order.

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Posted by: archaicoctober ( )
Date: October 25, 2010 11:30PM

Attached spirits? We've heard this exact thing from another lucrative cult.

Interesting. Maybe L Ron's estate owes this lady some royalties.

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Posted by: LehiExMo ( )
Date: October 25, 2010 11:36PM

Perhaps you should send her a link to the Westboro Baptist Church homepage, and let her know that everyone there agrees with her. Perhaps she'd like that church a little better.

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Posted by: Wicked Witch ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 05:10PM

Dogzilla, this person is NOT my friend - I have a semi-public page (have to keep it that way because of my business) and she got on my page, uninvited, and spewed out her nonsense in a private email. She was doing it to someone else I know, too.

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Posted by: dogzilla ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 10:56AM

Forgive me if I'm missing something, but why haven't you defriended this person? Why would you continue to engage with someone who is willfully ignorant and dangerously obtuse? Do you think you can change her mind?

I would have defriended after the first ugly nastygram. I don't have time in my life to bother wrangling with toxic assholes. Maybe you have nothing better to do?

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Posted by: badseed ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 11:06AM

you can't reason with that kind of bat shit crazy. It's a fools errand. I prefer to discuss these issues with sane, reasonable people who actually can have a somewhat productive exchange.

Church members still have to deal with these crazies as part of their religious duty. I've left so I no longer have to put up with this crap.

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Posted by: vhainya ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 11:37AM

and unfortunately, among religious fanatics, it's way too common and there's seemingly no way to get through to them.

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Posted by: GayLayAle ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 11:47AM

I was literally laughing so loud while reading your post, I got some really odd looks from other folks in the office.

Thank you for posting this!!!

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Posted by: Wicked Witch ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 05:11PM

Glad to be a part of brightening your day! :o)

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Posted by: fallenangelblue ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 11:58AM

Wow, were you talking to my mother? She's psycho and also can't spell worth a crap.

Also, she has teh big hate for gay people because my dad turned out gay. I would say she drove him to it but....

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Posted by: voltaire ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 11:58AM

I must say I loved your sparky retorts!


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Posted by: Wicked Witch ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 05:13PM

Ha...that lady learned to NEVER try and deal with a gay loving/supporting exmormon who's period was six days late and has the "big daddy" of all PMS cases in the history of man. ;o)

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Posted by: DNA ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 12:09PM

I'd love to play one of those people like the guy who does this blog plays them.

Look how he ends it when the person says that they won't read his email. I'll bet you could have done the same and had a little fun.

I think perhaps one of those people with no bodies is whispering to me, because while reading your post I couldn't help but wonder what a "Sweet bippy" looks like.

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Posted by: badseed ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 05:20PM

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Posted by: Wicked Witch ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 05:24PM

HA!! That was funny! I liked the part, too, where he said, "I live in Charleston, West Virgina. It's the best COUNTRY in the world!" hahaha!!

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 08:07PM

Thanks for the good laugh, DNA.

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Posted by: ExMorgbot ( )
Date: October 26, 2010 06:09PM

"Ive deleted you from my facebook and reported you. i hope you die of aids fag. Dont bothering emailing me again becasue I wont read it."

"Yes you will."

"No I fucking wont fag"

I admit,....I pee'd a little.

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Posted by: FreeAtLast ( )
Date: October 27, 2010 03:33AM

From last month: "BYU Professor Bill Bradshaw on a Biological Origin of Homosexuality" (ref.

List of 'God-created' animals displaying homosexual behaviour:

'God-created' hemaphrodite (male/female) creatures:

'God-created' hemaphrodite Leopard slugs engaging in 'perverse' sex:

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