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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 03:32PM

My nevermo husband has a business colleague that was raised Mormon. We'll call him 'Dave'. Dave and I have never really discussed our Mormon upbringings with each other, so I don't know all the details. I do know that he was baptized at age 8. I have a feeling his parents were converts at some point because Dave has said that his bishop at the time baptized him, not his father. What I can assume based on the info that I know is that at some point his whole family went inactive while he was still a kid. He has not formally resigned.

So my husband asked him if he has ever been harassed or stalked by missionaries and other church members since he stopped going to tssc because his wife (me) gets it constantly. He said no, not once ever.

Dave has moved around many times as a young adult before settling down in his current home.

In the last 20 years I have moved probably 8 or 9 times. Each time I moved a new round of harassment started. (I left tssc when I moved out of my parent's home at 18). I have confronted my TBM parents with this MANY times. They always denied that they had anything to do with it and that 'your records follow you'.

So why is it that Mormons find me RIGHT AWAY every time I move, and my friend Dave has never been found, not even once? The answer is clear to me that it IS my fanatical TBM parents and they lie straight to my face about it. So glad that I finally resigned and I hope this stalking ends for good!

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Posted by: dogblogger ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 03:34PM

Do you leave a forwarding address with the post office. That's one of the first things they try.

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Posted by: Jane Cannary ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 03:39PM

Someone is ratting you out. My sibling left a forwarding address, but the senior missionaries called me and some other relatives to find them.

The postal service only gives out new addresses upon request for the first year, I believe. I've never heard of them looking for a lost sheep that soon. I believe my sibling was absent for about 5 years before they called me.

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Posted by: exminion ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 03:56PM

Are you on Fakebook, or another of those social media websites?

The Mormons found my children on Fakebook, from a photograph of them water skiing with an old Mormon friend from high school, on vacation, away from home, clear across the country. The senior missionary who found them used to be in our ward. She contacted the Mormon friend, who ratted them out, and gave the missionary all of their addresses and phone numbers. These senior missionaries call it a "computer mission", and are very vague about what they do.

I know that the Mormon cult uses the same computer software that the FBI and CIA and also collection agencies use.

Some websites and retailers sell personal information. The cult could also be tracking you through your husband's employment.

I wouldn't blame your parents. Do you have other Mormon family members or friends? Don't allow that nasty cult to further alienate you from your parents. The blame lies with the cult.

The main reason my kids and I bothered to resign, was to get rid of the Mormon stalkers and harassers. In our case, it was EXTREME! Especially when my children were away at college, and I was living alone. It was creepy and scary!

Your resigning should stop the stalking! Even if it doesn't stop Mormon family members, Mormon business associates, and senior missionaries from hunting you down and submitting your name--your official resignation WILL stop the onslaught at the next level. Meaning, you will be on the local missionaries' "do not contact" list. Ward bishoprics will stop dropping by. You will not be included in the Mormons' new "minister" program. You won't be invited to ward "neighbor" activities, and you will not get any cookies left on your doorstep. They will not spy on you, and they will not discuss you in their "minister" meetings. If you're lucky, they will all shun you! Yay!

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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 04:03PM

They also use voter records and property tax records.

Your friend may have left mormonism before being ordained to the priesthood. In which case they'd have no interest in finding him.

Their records are not perfect. Several years ago I was bombarded weekly with gifts, cards, letters etc for my wife. She'd been deceased over 10 years at the time.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 05:15PM

TSCC wrote The Stalker's Handbook, and it's a disturbing read.

1. Family
2. Social Media
4. Property records
5. Voter rolls? (OMG)

They probably use something akin to Spokeo/123People, too. (I have no evidence to back up this suspicion.)

"Look, Ma! I've been called to stalk apostates!"

You can leave TSCC...

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: July 03, 2018 05:46PM

Beth Wrote:
> TSCC wrote The Stalker's Handbook, and it's a
> disturbing read.
> 1. Family
> 2. Social Media
> 3. USPS
> 4. Property records
> 5. Voter rolls? (OMG)
> They probably use something akin to
> Spokeo/123People, too. (I have no evidence to back
> up this suspicion.)
> "Look, Ma! I've been called to stalk apostates!"
> You can leave TSCC...

I felt like a stalker and a harrasser as a ward missionary. I just did what they told me to do like their god was going to help me if I did. I don't think a god would support that organization when I can see it from a distance.

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Posted by: Badassadam1 ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 05:26PM

May the stalking end for the both us one day.

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Posted by: Now a Gentile ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 05:36PM

Take note of this information on the morg's website:

Very enlightening.

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Posted by: Beth ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 06:55PM

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Posted by: shannon (nlI) ( )
Date: July 04, 2018 05:34AM

HOLY MOLY! That list just set me back 12 years to the epic stalking of my family as we tried to leave the church. I'm nothing but a lurker here these days...but jeez. JEEZ. You guys got my 4th of July popping with a full-blown PTSD panic attack this morning.


Those stalker Mormons are evil.


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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 05:43PM

It could possibly be your family members, but it could also be the "luck" of the draw. Some people are relentlessly stalked, and others are left alone.

If you have a name that is not terribly common, it's easier to find you. It's much easier for a "John Smith" to disappear, IMO.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 05:50PM

Some exmos just get lost in the cracks because of sloppy record keeping of lazy members.

Others are harassed because the particular elderly mishies who chase them down happen to be relentless and focused in their search.

There are families who turn in names and request to have their relatives harassed, but this doesn't explain all harassment or lack of it.

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Posted by: jett ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 07:38PM

Cheryl Wrote:
> Some exmos just get lost in the cracks because of
> sloppy record keeping of lazy members.
> Others are harassed because the particular elderly
> mishies who chase them down happen to be
> relentless and focused in their search.
> There are families who turn in names and request
> to have their relatives harassed, but this doesn't
> explain all harassment or lack of it.
People really rat other members out? Seems very petty and childish. Kind of like the whole structure of the cult.

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 08:11PM

The mormon church has a huge team of elderly missionaries who are trained in tracking down those who don't attend. Part of their job is to phone neighbors and relatives and ask them for contact info on "lost sheep."

I think some of my relatives from Utah actually regularly phone locals where I live and asked them to contact me. It doesn't help to tell them to stop doing this because they lie and say it wasn't them.

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Posted by: Anon42day ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 08:47PM

Cheryl Wrote:
> The mormon church has a huge team of elderly
> missionaries who are trained in tracking down
> those who don't attend. Part of their job is to
> phone neighbors and relatives and ask them for
> contact info on "lost sheep."
> I think some of my relatives from Utah actually
> regularly phone locals where I live and asked them
> to contact me. It doesn't help to tell them to
> stop doing this because they lie and say it wasn't
> them.

I know this is true as they called looking for my daughter’s information. I told them that she asked me to never give out her
Phone number and the missionary lady from Utah spent 40 minutes telling Mel why I should give them her information anyway. I finally just hung up. Talk about the long arm of the Mormon Church.
My head was screaming BOUNDARIES!

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Posted by: Anon42day ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 07:43PM

Cheryl Wrote:
> Some exmos just get lost in the cracks because of
> sloppy record keeping of lazy members.
> Others are harassed because the particular elderly
> mishies who chase them down happen to be
> relentless and focused in their search.
> There are families who turn in names and request
> to have their relatives harassed, but this doesn't
> explain all harassment or lack of it.

Cheryl, i’ve Been harassed in the same way for nine years and every time I move they find me and I have been suspicious that
My sister has been involved. I can fully believe she would call and have me harassed. Is there any way to find out how that is done?

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Posted by: Cheryl ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 10:28PM

No, I think it's just the way they operate, and we're stuck. Sigh.

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Posted by: PHIL ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 07:47PM

You people are way too paranoid. Ive been in numerous branches and wards over the years and the records are a mess everywhere because of moves inactives etc.Every new quorum president promises to clean them up but never do.Maybe its different in ootaw but not here.

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Posted by: anono this week ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 07:52PM

Yes in ootaw it's a big deal to have correct records, they often call grandparents, they always rat out their grandkids.

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Posted by: Anon42day ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 08:24PM

PHIL Wrote:
> You people are way too paranoid. Ive been in
> numerous branches and wards over the years and the
> records are a mess everywhere because of moves
> inactives etc.Every new quorum president promises
> to clean them up but never do.Maybe its different
> in ootaw but not here.

Before you label people whom you know nothing about paranoid
You might want to ask a few questions first.

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Posted by: catnip ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 07:52PM

It has been my experience that once you actually make yourself a non-member, they leave you alone.

If they still come to your door, be prepared to show them a copy of the "You're Outta Here" letter.

It has worked for me for over a decade, and I still live at the same address.

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Posted by: bluebutterfly ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 08:22PM

I knew as soon as I moved out that my parents sent people after me. Here's why:

-I moved to a different city and in with my boyfriend (his was the only name on the rental agreement)
-I didn't have any bills in my name that I had to change
-My paychecks were auto-deposited
-Nothing was attached to the new address for a long time; in fact I think he and I moved to another house before I actually had the address associated with my name
-Missionaries and other church people (men in suits) showed up at my door within a week or two of me moving
-Suddenly I had a subscription to the Ensign coming in the mail for me
-women I'd never met from the RS were sending me letters in the mail inviting me to things, leaving their 'message' (lesson), and saying they cared about me (WTF)
-my parents knew the address of the house I moved to and no one else did

So, because it started off that way as soon as I left their house (I left when they weren't home), I always figured it was them. And then each time I moved after that, same thing. People would find me right away. Yes, I always have forwarded my mail. But don't most people?

I HAVE resigned, so I'm hoping all the stalking stops. Another reason I suspect my parents have ALWAYS been up to it is that the same thing happened to my older brother. And now one of my sisters (that I'm trying to encourage to resign) just had surgery and suddenly people in her ward (that she has never been to) are contacting her and bringing her meals. She has only been at her current address for a few months and she still gets mail at our parent's address. She hasn't forwarded her mail, let alone changed her address on anything.

I don't think I'm being paranoid. I think I'm adding up all the evidence. I just can't believe my parents won't admit it! Liars!

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Posted by: catnip ( )
Date: June 11, 2018 12:52AM

If so, I would send copies of your resignation letter, their "You're Outta Here" letter, and let them know that if they bug you again, they will be hearing from your attorney.

Good luck.

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Posted by: Particles of Faith ( )
Date: June 13, 2018 09:28AM

It’s not paranoia. They tracked me, too...until DW and I resigned. One the best decisions ever.

BYU still has me on their list and has followed me through multiple moves mostly to send the magazine and call me for money. Caller ID can be a wonderful thing.

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Posted by: Bruce A Holt ( )
Date: June 10, 2018 08:38PM

My situation, being excommunicated for "apostate behavior", is different than that of some who just disappear or resign. For them, TSCC maintains hope for their return, even searches for them. I, on the other hand, am evil (apostate) and they leave me very much alone.

My wish is that someone would visit and try to redeem me!

I am evil! :-D

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: June 12, 2018 12:31AM

I've been harassed more since I resigned than I ever was before. I've had the missionaries show up 3 times since I resigned. Once in all the years I lived here before that (like 25 years).

I also think it is just the luck of the draw or it could be family, too. My mother wouldn't have done that actually, but then I never moved. I'm sorry to say that I gave my brother's info away when I was still active, but I didn't think much about it. They just said they needed to forward his membership and I bought into it hook, line, and sinker.

As for the parents being converts, my dad was not a convert and he didn't baptize me. He wasn't terribly active, but he did confirm me. The guy who baptized me actually baptized several that day. I remember this happening quite often. It wasn't the big production back in the 1960s like it is these days.

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Posted by: SusieQ#1 ( )
Date: June 12, 2018 11:25PM

The official info on how to find members that they lost track of.'

If someone went "inactive" very early in their lives and they do not have active LDS family, they can go unnoticed .

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Posted by: lazylizard ( )
Date: July 01, 2018 04:28AM

I have moved in the same city over and over again that my old records are who knows where? I had a smooth leave of the church - probably because those that knew me are in old wards. I kwpt to myself at church anyway and didn't make any real friends anyways.

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Posted by: helenm ( )
Date: July 03, 2018 02:50PM

It's because you told your parents every time you moved which was how the missionaries found you. You should have moved and not told your parents. Keeping in touch by phone and email was enough.

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Posted by: moremany-NLI ( )
Date: July 04, 2018 11:54PM

I experienced this too.

MORMONISM is ROTTEN at the core.

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Posted by: auntsukey ( )
Date: July 05, 2018 12:50AM

Maybe Dave never paid much tithing. Not worth it to go after him. Maybe you did pay? Might they want to reactivate your checkbook?

Just a wild guess.

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